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Sunday, November 9, 2014

*** 5 Success Tips For Your Small Business (Dan Kennedy) *** {87}

                                                        Success Tips

1.) Leaders innovate, they don't duplicate.  Every successful rep I know builds their business differently from their successful upline mentor AND their downline leaders build their businesses differently from them.  Focus on what works for you.  You want to duplicate a result, not how you get that result.  Use your own natural talents and abilities to your advantage. 

2.) Build up your database.  Keep track of EVERYONE you EVER talk to about your products or business opportunity.  Keep it all in a notebook.  If you talked to just 3 people a day for five years, you would have more than 5,000 names in your database.  If you simply stayed in touch with these folks from time to time, you would never have to prospect again.

3.) If you decide to use the internet to grow your business, like I do, please don't think you can just sit behind your computer and sign people up without doing anything.  Use the internet to meet people, but realize you still must connect with them on a personal level, if you expect them to join your team. My key to success is to meet people online, but take that relationship offline as quickly as possible. Get your prospect on the phone, SKYPE, Facetime, or face to face as quickly as possible. 

4.) Network Marketer Dan Kennedy is a master at direct response marketing. Watch a few of his YouTube videos.  He is the guy who  has taught a lot of people how to be a lead generation machine and top marketer.  If he can help you even 10% as much as he's helped others, then it will be well worth it for you to check him out. πŸ‘‰  http://www.youtube.com  

5.) If you stink at personal recruiting, focus on helping your team members recruit from their warm market.  Drive depth.  Build taproot legs.  Always work with the newest most excited distributor at the deepest level in your organization.  I once heard that a master network marketer could recruit just two people and turn that into a team of millions.  They do this by helping each person on their team sign up one person, and repeating this process over and over in depth until they find a leader. 

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{Admin Update}:  (IGNORE πŸ‘‡)

Checkout our NEW tool!

July 16, 2016

Hi Rick,

I just upload a New Feature to the About Me Setup Page in your Payliners Room!

This New Feature will allow you to place a Personal Message and or YouTube Video on the ``Your Sponsor`` page in the Member Center of your Personal Referrals!

You can use this space to make a more personal connection with your Tour Takers by way of a YouTube Video! Having a video on YouTube could also drive more traffic to your site!

To learn more, go to the About Me Setup Page in your Payliners Room and scroll down to Section 4.

Advertising Tools!

Get your advertising out there; try to post at least 10 ads a day. For the new Payliners; in your Payliners Room click on the tab called Advertising Tools, then look for the yellow sub tab called: Ad-Copy Emails

Scroll to the bottom of the Ad-Copy Emails and you will see some emails and subject lines there for our 230K Splash Page.

Those of you who a new Payliners or are not fully Qualified yet it is so important for you to get your ads out there every day! The faster you get Qualified at both Package Levels, the faster you will start receiving those instant $50 commissions!

DigiSoft User ID: 

😎http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php  (GONE)

Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder

“Leaders Think And Talk About The Solutions. Followers Think And Talk About The Problems.” - unknown

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