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100% Daily Member to Member Payouts

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

***Top 100 Places To Advertise*** {182}

💥Copy and paste into your browser

1 oodle.com/post

2 mlive.com/classifieds/free/

3 ebayclassifieds.com/

4 freeclassifieds.com/

5 tempabay.com/postad/

6 salespider.com/online-classifieds-free-advertising

7 post.vivastreet.co.in/

8 dir.yahoo.com/business_and_economy/classifieds/

9 locanto.com/

10 pennysaverusa.com/

11 myadmonster.com/

12 nj.com/classifieds/free/

13 upostfreeads.com/

14 postfreeads.org/

15 usatodayclassifieds.com/

16 us.classifieds.sulekha.com/

17 geo.craigslist.org/iso/us

18 ringerslist.com/

19 adsnity.com

20 al.com/classifieds/free/

21 classified.washpost.com/

22 oregonlive.com/placead/

23 shopusaclassifieds.com/

24 adsector.us/

25 us.yakaz.com/


26 usagym.org/classifieds/

27 freeclassifieds.com/

28 usatodayclassifieds.com/

29 adclip.com/

30 adone.com/

31 nwsource.com/classifieds/postlisting.html

32 classtize.com/?action=post-ad-free

33 helptobuynsell.in/item/new

34 onlinepostingads.com/

35 tradewale.com/post.php

36 adsfreedable.com/

37 upfeet.com/

38 nearpage.in/

39 freeadsinfo.com/

40 freeads.6te.net/

41 cleveland.com/classifieds/free/

42 http://dmsgroup.adpost.com/

43 kijiji.com

44 http://adadoo.com/

45 http://www.beatyourprice.com/

46 http://www.epage.com/

47 http://adpost.com/

48 http://yelp.com/

49 altnation.com

50 usnetads.com/


51 momslikeme.com

52 indusladies.com

53 thefreeadforum.com

54 freeclassifiedsforum.com

55 topix.com

56 slickdeals.net

57 chooseyouritem.com

58 ClassifiedAds.com

59 classifieds.myspace.com

60 ClassifiedsForFree.com

61 domesticsale.com

62 ezilon.com

63 FreeAdvertisingForum.com

64 freeadvertisingzone.com

65 google.com/base

66 inetgiant.com

67 isell.com

68 itsmymarket.com

69 loot.com

70 oodle.com

71 thefreeadforum.com

72 vflyer.com

73 livesimon.com

74 ad4free.net

75 beatyourprice.com


76 agriculture.com

77 porkypost.com

78 elclasificado.com

79 Daype.com

80 geebo.com

81 ocala4sale.com

82 qwikad.com/

83 epage.com/js/csp/45935.html

84 ad-line.com/

85 bestmall.com/class/

86 amcho.com/add_ad_0.htm

87 mcsmarketing.westhost.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi

88 buy-and-sell.com/

89 buysellcommunity.com/

90 cashscripts.com/cgi-bin/classifieds.cgi

91 classifieds.click4choice.com/

92 dynamic2.iserver.net/cgi-bin/classifieds/classified.pl/

93 preferredpromoz.com/cgi-bin/c/classifieds.cgi

94 freebizadsweb.com/

95 ocala4sale.com

96 upbidz.com/

97 worldfreeads.com/

98 city-data.com

99 freeadscity.com/

100. http://www.yolist.com



"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."-- Colin Powell

***How To Set up a Payspree Account (Video) *** {181}

💜https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12  (New Sign Up Link)

{Admin Update}:

If you have been following our Admin Updates you will know that South Africa is on FIRE,  the U.S. is  coming on STRONG, and it looks like the U.K. and Germany could be our next 2 Hot Spots!

DigiSoft is HOT, and there has never been a better time to join!

If promoting is no issue, after you upgrade you will have access to our Payliners Room, and in there we have a page called: Marketing Tips. On that page we teach you how to find free places to promote online.

I'm sure if you asked your sponsor to share some places that he promotes his website, he would be willing to do that.

Have you checked out our 2 Santa Splash Pages yet? They are really pulling, and you get both pages with your Payliner upgrade. You can check them out in your Member Center, just look for Santa on the Status Page!




👉http://lifetimeprosperity.com/safelists.html (Free Safelists you can join!)


“Network marketing is a real-world business school for people who want to learn the real-world skills of an entrepreneur, rather than the skills of an employee”  The Business of the 21st Century" - Robert Koyosaki

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***How to use Excel 2010/2013 - Basic Excel Tutorial Part 1 (Video) *** {180}

https://lstinfinity.net/rick2323/12  (New Sign Up Link)

{Payliner & Tour Taker Update}

DigiSoft Is Really Kicking Into Gear!!!

Now that the holidays are over we are starting to see a real upswing in the number of Payliner Upgrades!

What we are starting to see is new people registering for the Tour, watching the How It Work Move, and then upgrading to a Payliner the very same day!

DigiSoft Payline is the perfect solution for anyone looking for a low cost opportunity that can generate instant c-a-s-h in a relatively short amount of time!

Everyone loves the fact that all commissions are paid instantly member to member! People are tired of getting ripped of by failed businesses, and Admin`s running off with the mon-ey!

DigiSoft is 6+ years strong and getting stronger by the day thanks to our wonderful Payliners!

So Payliners let`s get new advertising out there EVERY DAY! We have what people are looking for; you just have to let them know where we are! Your next Tour Taker could be you next sale!

Tour Takers It Is Time To Get Started!

To the Tour Takers reading this, every day you do not upgrade to a Payliner is a day lost! Real people are making real mon-ey with DigiSoft, and you should be one of them!

It`s time to get off the sidelines, and get with the program!

You can get started at Package #1 for just $22 ($7 Payliner Fee + $15 Package #1). At Package #1 you start receiving INSTANT $15 Commissions with your second sale!

Or you can go all in at both Package Levels like most people do So you can start receiving those $35 payments infinity deep at Package Level #2.

DigiSoft User ID: ????


TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline




“…network marketing is a dynamic, exciting, and rapidly expanding profession worldwide. It’s also a legitimate profession (though some will try to convince you otherwise) that generates wealth for millions of individuals and contributes positively to our global society.” ~ Zig Ziglar & John Hayes, Network Marketing for Dummies" 

***What is A Home Based Business All About?*** {179}

💛Home business is about relationships with the people you are in business with.

When you join with someone in business, You want to know upfront your sponsor will be there for you.

Nothing is more important to me!

How many times have you tried to reach your sponsor for some help, Only to find they make you feel like you're bothering them?

It's the worst feeling. You're stuck and you just need a little help, Or to get a question answered.

I have no respect for someone that goes MIA after you join them.

In fact, the thing I enjoy most, is helping people. It's much more satisfying when someone says thanks, than when they pay me!

So how about taking a serious look at DigiSoft Payline And lets get you on your way to financial freedom!!!

💖https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11  (New Sign Up Link)


Hope To Hear From You!


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

Checkout my online guide to earning.


Let me guide you to an extra income I have found a way to make earning online a reality not just a shot in the dark.

Earning requires advertising and low entry fees and I have found both that when put together can be very lucrative.
Stop dreaming about tens of thousands monthly and start earning hundreds realistically.

Strive for the hundreds and the thousands will come.

Click the Link Below to Earn

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:


Your Login User ID: 

Rick Brier


Quote of the Day
Don't ever let anyone steal your dreams.
Dexter Yager, Amway Legend