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Thursday, December 31, 2020

*** (10) MLM Golden Nuggets/Happy New Year 2021 *** {483}

πŸ’₯Here are just a few random MLM golden nuggets... 

Just because someone tells you "NO" today, that doesn't mean it's forever. Follow up until they buy or die. You never know when their situation might change for the better.

Find one good company, and stick with it for better or worse. Just know that it's going to take time to build any network marketing company you join. 

Prove the haters and naysayers wrong by having ultra success.

This industry is a numbers game, and the people who makes the most exposures of their products/services are the most successful. 

The reason why most people don't get involved in the MLM industry is because they don't truly understand it. Otherwise they would all be doing it.

You have no leverage when you have a job. (just over broke) The day you are no longer working, is the day you have no money coming in. MLM can certainly change that.

Successful people stick with one company and keep their nose to the grindstone, and unsuccessful people are looking to get rich quick. (doesn't exist)

You must have balance in your life. You can work your butt off, but always make sure to enjoy family time as well. If you aren't successful at home, the odds are that you won't be successful with your business. Just enjoy your journey.

You should always to strive to be the best you can be. Never settle. Come out of your comfort zone, because it's the only way you can be great.

Most companies within our industry are built around leverage, and it only takes just a few good leaders to help you build a business. No one person can build an empire by him/her self. Also no one builds their business the same way, and that's the beauty of our industry.

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Can I afford to start a home-based business?

Most Americans would agree that our economy has seen better days, but that doesn't mean your finances need to feel the slump, too. Home-based businesses are an inexpensive way to begin a profitable, reliable, venture. So if you want to change your financial future then click the link below and let's get you started on your way to financial Independence!!

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{E-mail for your tour takers} (IGNORE πŸ‘‡)

Who wants to be a millionaire? 

Yes, it's very possible, and you don't need a lottery ticket. 

All you NEED is:

1) A winning business plan –created by experts.

2) A small investment –($22/$57 Investment 1 time)

3) Some effort on your part-Work it like a business, and not a hobby!

4) Time and patience – yes, this is not get-rich-for-one-night-scheme. Interested? Take the first step now.

5) Join (DigiSoft Payline: http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323) Watch the 6 minute how it works movie (GONE)

6) Checkout the FAQs page. (Should answer your questions, but if not...)

7) Then PLEASE contact me for any questions. (http://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323)

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Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there. - Bo Jackson