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Thursday, August 29, 2024

*** Why You Should Have A Mentor/Do's & Dont's *** {574}

πŸ’― In todays post I would like to tell you briefly why you should have a mentor's expertise pertaining to your online business success. You want to find someone that's been there, done that. They are where you're trying to get, and are willing to teach you some of their secrets.

When searching for a good mentor, you will want to be able to listen, stay humble, and lose any attitude you may have.

It's not a problem if you have more than one mentor because you can utilize each of them in many areas of your business. For instance, you may need someone to help with leadership advise, or maybe you need another one to help with closing your sales, and you may also need someone to help with your midset. 

There are many different areas that you're needing some help with, and maybe one person can't help you in all areas, so that's why I say it's ok to have more than one mentor.

I've had several mentors over my years in the industry, and most of them don't know me, and I don't know them personally. If you're lucky, you may find a mentor within your own business, maybe several levels within your upline. They will at least have some knowledge about your current business, and can possibly help you.

I always tell my members that they need to devote about 20-30 minutes daiy on personal development, and that could entail Videos, Audios, or Books. 

Part of my personal development is watching a YouTube video daily, and you can do the same. There is almost nothing you can't find by using YouTube, or even Google. Take full advantage of the internet because that's what it's there for. 

If there's something I don't know, I always use Google for everything, so you can't say that you don't know how to do something because you have all the tools at your disposal in order to be successful in this industry!

If you're looking for a really good side hustle, just click the link below and watch the 3 minute video, and take the FREE tour, and while you're doing that, I will send you a personalized Email with more info, so you can see if we are a good fit for you...

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ (Go Here NOW!) - You should take 20-30 minutes daily for personal development... (Learning!) Reading/Youtube/Google...

One of the many methods I use and teach is Facebook/Messenger. I already have a gameplan, and utilize it daily, and it works for me. One size does not fit all, so you will have different results than I do because I've been doing this for many years, and have already created my own content to send to opportunity seekers, and I allow my members to use the same content. 

{My Results}:

At the time of writing this post, I'm one year in with List Infinty, and have just under 500 subscibers into my business, and have hundreds more on messenger that I are wanting to join me as well.  

Of those subscribers, I have around 30 that have upgraded and paid me to join my business. I try to get 1-2 upgrades per month, which is pretty normal.My conversion rate is real close to 20%, which is way above the norm. 

Affiliate Marketing is a great industry to get into, and a good conversion rate is only between 1%-5% which sounds bad, but when you get into an online business venture, it is a numbers game despite what others may tell you. For every NO you are that much closer to a YES!

πŸ™{Keep It Simple Stupid} - KISS (No not Gene, Paul, Peter, and Ace. πŸ˜†)

πŸ’₯This doesn't have to be difficult, and I'm going to lay it out for you...

1) Promote, Promote, Promote! (Free/Paid/Offline methods!)

2) Gain some subscribers!

3) Get a few to upgrade into your business each month!

4) Train them to get their first sign up or two!

5) Rinse, and Repeat! (It really doesn't have to be difficult!)

πŸ’https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10 πŸ‘ˆ (Go Here NOW) - You cvan use whatever Payment Processor/s you like. I use Paypal/Venmo/Payoneer/Western Union/& Money Gram...


When you start an online venture there are a few things that you should know so you can limit your mistakes which will ultimately delay your success. We've all made our fair share of mistakes, so don't beat yourself up when you make a few, just learn from them, and move on... 

{Do's & Dont's}:

Do: Find a program and stay with it for a few years!

Don't: Jump from progtram to program, and stay away from multiple programs!

Do: Treat it like a business, and not a hobby!

Don't: Promote your link on Sociasl Media sites EVER!

Do: Always ask for the sale in a polite non aggressive way!

Don't: Talk bad about another company!

Do: Treat everyone with respect!

Don't: Stop learning!

Do: Lean on your upline for help when necessary!


Do: What works for you!

Don't: Base Marketing efforts on untested assumptions!

Do: Always have a gameplan!

Don't: Become Irrelevant!

Do: Define your target market!

Don't: Stop Marketing!

Do: Stay up to date with new Marketing trends!

Don't: Not having a clear vision!

Do: Use Social Media to help with your target Market!

Don't: Create worthless content for your readers!

Do: Your research pertaining to your niche!

Don't: Plagerize, steal or use other peoples content!

πŸ’₯These are just a few things I came up with. I'm sure you can come up with even more...

πŸ‘https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917  (ADMIN @ Affiliate Marketers Hub)


{Pre-Written AD}:

This business is simple as 1-2-3!

Our step-by-step online training system will get you going very quickly. Once setup you can start advertising! You'll be making money from sales all over the world from our video marketing tutorials!

NO Selling!
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==> https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1 πŸ‘ˆ(Take the FREE tour)

πŸ‘‰Visit our website to find out how you can join us on the road to wealth!

(Your contact info)

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” —Steve Jobs