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Sunday, November 9, 2014

*** E-mail Ad #11 for your prospects *** {99}

πŸ’Try this "AD" when advertising your Biz Op, or feel free to change anyway you like to fit your narrative.

https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3  πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up. 100% commissions on every sale...


{firstname}, Let's Be Friends...- Title

Home business is about relationships with the people you are in business with.

When you join with someone in business, You want to know upfront your sponsor will be there for you.

Nothing is more important to me!

How many times have you tried to reach your sponsor for some help, Only to find they make  you feel like you're bothering them?

It's the worst feeling. You're stuck and you just need a little help, Or to get a question answered.

I have no respect for someone that goes MIA after you join them.

In fact, the thing I enjoy most, is helping people. It's much more satisfying when someone says thanks, than when they pay me!

So how about taking a serious look at [company], And lets get you on your way to financial freedom!!!

=>[http://www.your info here]


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*{Bonus AD}

Achieve your DREAMS....Today!...

With respect to having our own online business, we all have different motivational factors that keep us inspired. It is essential to create a list of the reasons why you want to succeed online, and read this list every morning & evening. Today I will discuss what you should put on your dream list and how you can achieve these dreams with a successful Internet home business.

1.) One dream that you could create is to be able to work at home full time and quit your day job. This is a dream that many online marketers have (and achieve) and it is a strong motivational factor. Once you are earning enough income from your home based business, working full time at home is a real possibility.

2.) Another dream would be to get to a point financially where it would be easy to pay off your monthly bills. There are many people who do not make enough money to cover their monthly expenses. With an internet home business bringing in extra money, you will be in a much better position to deal with any financial challenges.

3.) Yet another dream would be to buy or pay off a house. You could buy a primary residence for you and your family, for instance. If you already own, then why not buy a vacation home? Alternatively, you could buy a home to rent out and earn an additional residual income.

4.) A fourth dream could entail providing something nice for your children. Suddenly, that expensive competitive soccer league or that special music program is affordable. Also, you may want to put some money aside for their college education from your Internet home business earnings.

5.) A trip to the Caribbean or some other exotic part of the world would be a great idea. Let's say that you put away $1,000 per month from your Internet home business earnings. In under a year, you could pay upfront for your vacation and not have to go into debt.

6.) Donating money regularly to charities is a dream that many people have. There are definitely many charities to choose from and your home business could certainly help to pay for this.

7.) One final dream that I would like to present is to invest your Internet earnings and retire while you are still young. You require seed capitol to invest in the stock and real estate markets. It can be difficult to come up with this extra capitol from a regular job. Your Internet home business profits could fill this void quite nicely.

These are 7 dream list suggestions, however, feel free to add your own dreams. The main point that I am getting at is that you really need to create a dream list and then read it every morning and evening.

The subconscious mind works in an amazing way. Picture it like a group of military personnel. They only do what they're told to do.

Reading through your list of dreams in the morning and evening is at a time with your subconscious mind is at it's peak ability to absorb material. You are literally programming it on what you want it to achieve. As you do so... your dreams can quickly be intended into reality.

P.S. - I would love to serve you and help you create success online.

We have a GREAT team atmosphere with teamwork. The ultimate mix of serving others, having fun every second along the way, and systematically creating unlimited income and shattering all records.

πŸ’ͺhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - 18 High-Converting Lead Capture Pages at your dispoal to use as you wish...

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Rick Brier


"If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you're not sure you can do it, say yes - then learn how to do it later." - Richard Branson

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