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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

*** Tips For Following Up With Your Prospects! *** {39}

😃The fortune is in the follow up. You've probably heard that before. That being said, most people in our industry are horrible at follow-up. Here are just a few tips to help you improve your skills. I have created a list of over 120 million + in all of my years in the Industry, and I follow up daily with the most interested prospects/subscribers...

1) Every prospect, is a prospect for life!

2) Follow up with every prospect at least once every 30 days until they buy, die, or tell you they aren't interested!

3) Most prospects will need a minimum of seven to ten follow-ups before they buy or join!

4) Use a combination of way's to follow up to include text, direct mail, e-mail, Facebook, Phone, Video, or face to face!

5) One of the best way's to follow up is by postcard or hand written note!

6) Always schedule your next follow up with your prospect before you get off the phone with them, that way you don't play phone tag!

7) Keep a list of everyone you have ever talked to about your business, and keep names in a database in one location!

8) Automate the follow up process by using an Autoresponder! (I use Aweber = $19.99 monthly)

9) Every time you follow up, ask the prospect to buy or join!

10) Never use pressure or hype tactics!

11) Treat everyone you talk to as well as you would treat your own family!

12) Realize your best people might tell you NO dozens of times before eventually joining your team!

13) When you follow up, ask some questions, and then listen!

14) Above all else, always be nice! (smile)

15) Try to be a problem solver!

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7 đŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Join today, and you will receive all of my follow up messages and scripts to use as your own...


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

"A man who ____ has not discovered the value of life." Darwin

Darwin said ...

"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."

It naturally follows that something which frees up your time is the most valuable thing of all. To master that greatest thing, login here ...

🙏https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13👈(A call to action) - We have a plethora of video marketing tutorials at your disposal to help with your marketing efforts. All you have to do is join, and it's FREE for the first 7 days!

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (No longer in service)


“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman


*** 6 Ways To Turn Desire Into Gold *** {38}

💥A Very good read. I recommend getting it if you don't already have it. You can take your marketing efforts to another level!. Education is never a bad thing, and we all should learn as much as possible especially when it pertains to our craft...

If you're trying to be a success in life, no matter what you do, then try these 6 techniques....

***1) Fix in your mind exactly how much money you desire... be definite on the amount... (Their is a psychological reason for this)

***2) Determine exactly what you intend to give, In return for the money you desire... (No such reality, "Something for nothing")!

*** 3) Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

*** 4) Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, weather you are ready or not to put this plan to action.

***5) Write out a clear concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, Name the time limit for it's acquisition... State what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.

*** 6) Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. As you read-- See and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money...

"These methods were used by such men as (Henry Ford, & Thomas Edison!)***

"Think & Grow Rich" --- Napolean Hill

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6 đŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - You can't fail unless you QUIT...!

👉 http://herculist.com/members/index.cgi?rick2323 (Over 380,00 members worldwide, and if you join me today, I will make random post on your behalf to the entire database)

{Pre-written AD}:

This pays while you sleep!

There are many shady business opportunities out there, designed to rip you off and steal your hard earned money.

List Infinity is a solid, long term and legitimate opportunity that you can operate from the comforts of your own home.

Not to mention, you can tap into the financial markets for the low stating price of ($7), or go all in for a 1 time fee of ($300)

P.S. Upgrade today, and I will send you a complete list of my best advertising resources! Did I mention that we are FREE for the first 7 days?

💙https://listinfinity.net/rick2323👈(I have many FREEBIES for you)


{Admin Update}:

I just uploaded a New Feature to the About Me Setup Page in your Payliner Room!

This New Feature will allow you to place a Personal Message and or YouTube Video on the ``Your Sponsor`` page in the Member Center of your Personal Referrals!

You can use this space to make a more personal connection with your Tour Takers by way of a YouTube Video! Having a video on YouTube could also drive more traffic to your site!

To learn more, go to the About Me Setup Page in your Payliner Room and scroll down to Section 4.

Advertising Tools!

Get your advertising out there; try to post at least 10 ads a day. For the new Payliner; in your Payliner Room click on the tab called Advertising Tools, then look for the yellow sub tab called: Ad-Copy Emails

Scroll to the bottom of the Ad-Copy Emails and you will see some emails and subject lines there for our 230K Splash Page.

Those of you who a new Payliner or are not fully Qualified yet it is so important for you to get your ads out there every day! The faster you get Qualified at both Package Levels, the faster you will start receiving those instant $50 commissions!

DigiSoft User ID: ???


Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder


“If people did not do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

*** What is Success/Our Mission @ DigiSoft Payline??? *** {37}

💥"Success means doing the best with what we have...Success is the doing, not the getting; In the trying, Not the triumph...Success is a personal standard, Reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be."...

👍https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 👈(A call to action) - Complete training provided. Subscribe today, and you will be added to my massive mailing list of over 120 million people worldwide...

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/santa50.php?rick2323 (No longer in service)


Our mission @ List Infinity

{LI} is on a mission to help people turn their life around and conquer their financial struggles by providing tools, benefits, and education to help start a successful leveraged business.

Leverage is the only way you can create true freedom, if you are only being paid while you are at work, there is no way you will ever have time freedom and if your income depends solely on you, there is very little chance you will achieve financial freedom, so how about us so we can all be successful...

👉https://listinfinty.net/rick2323/5 👈(A call to action) - Join me today and receive 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...
✊Every once in awhile, I receive a message from another Marketer that I like, and will share on some of my posts. This isn't mine, but I wanted to share it with you today...

I have 3 tips for you today...

Today, I want to share 3 very simple tips that you can apply immediately to help you with your online business. Please actually use these tips wisely :)

1. Be responsible for your results. Understand that no one is responsible for your results besides yourself.

2. Take consistent massive action. Don't get distracted and just focus on tasks that matters most.

3. Don't waste your time doing stuff that doesn't work. If you're going to work, you want to work smart.

Hope this helps.

💘http://www.facebook.com/rbrier2323 (Come check me out. If you're into fitness, I post a lot of workout videos on my page as well)


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

Mega Build 2025 <!!> Mega Build 2025

This is without a doubt one of the BEST business model and pay plan that I've seen in the last 15 years!

In my humble opinion; Someone would have to be brain dead to pass on this opportunity!

If you even doubt it for a split second, take the F-R-E-E Tour and see for yourself!

🙏https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 👈(Make $100 as soon as today)


"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi

Image result for downloadable logos that say success

*** How To Know If You're Being SCAMMED !*** {36}

💣With the thousands of internet opportunities out there, It can sometimes be hard to distinguish what's legit, and what's not, so please do your due diligence before starting any Network Marketing business!...

Nobody wants to give away their hard earned money to a program, and get nothing in return... I've put together some tell-tale signs to better educate you in your search for a legitimate online business... It should be noted that their is no such thing as the perfect business...

They all have downfalls, and it's your job to do the research....

{Tell-Tale signs}:

💙1) If a business tells you to send cash or money orders by mail, Then it's probably not legit. Most online opportunities allow payments to be made by credit card, or Paypal...

Paypal is the same as having a second online bank account, and it's 100% FREE to use... (Just create an account)  http://www.paypal.com đŸ‘ˆ

2) Another sign is if the website has a lot of glitches, and Mis-spellings, and doesn't generally start out with (http://)... Also if the website has a lot of capital letters, this is a pretty good sign that you might want to steer clear of these programs.

3) Avoid FREE offers from the company, because that usually means that you will have to pay for it later... One of the complaints that I've dealt with over my years of work at home opportunities, is that most businesses only tell you the cost to get started... They almost never let you know what costs you will occur along the way... (With my opportunities, I send a complete price breakdown to all of my prospects... I hide nothing, and have done most of the work for people who join my team.

4) Here are some key words/phrases to look for... "NOW or NEVER" "GET RICH QUICK" "GET SOMETHING FOR NOTHING" "QUICK" "EASY" "NO WORK REQUIRED" "NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY" "BIG MONEY FAST" "MAKE MONEY WHILE YOU SLEEP" "MAKE MONEY IN YOUR P.J'S"   If it sounds to good to be true, then more than likely you'll want to stay away from these opportunities!!! ... Before joining any opportunity, I urge you to do your due Dilligence and find out the facts first... Here are just a few things you can do...

1) You can" Google" any business, and you will see plenty of pages full of links, good and bad... Even some good opportunities have a few negative responses, so make sure to check it out thoroughly.

 2) You can go to ➤(www.scam.com) and see what people have posted... If you're looking at a particular opportunity, and don't see anything bad posted, then there's a pretty good chance that it might be legit.

3)You can also call the website owner and ask some tough questions, making him/her tell you everything that you're wanting to know... Admin also has contact info on the web page... Send questions to them as well... If it is legit, they will have no problem answering your questions... *These are just a few ways to better educate you on making a potential life changing decision about your financial future... Unfortunately, because of the saturation online, {98.2%} of all internet marketers are failing to make any money at all... With List Infinity, members are taught the correct ways to market both online, and offline... 

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 (New Sign Up Link) - Join FREE today, and I will be giving you my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months, and 200 FREE Leads with an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...

{Pre-written AD}:

Be your own boss...You call the shots!

Retired? Unemployed? Laid-Off, or Insufficient Income?

Start your own Internet business from home. Build residual and leveraged income to create real wealth.

World Wide Income System that REALLY WORKS! All it needs is you.

FREE Training and support, websites and products all provided!


👊https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3👈(Go here now) - 7 day FREE Trial Offer, and then you can join for $22-$27 depending on what Autoresponder you choose. I use Aweber because they pay me when I bring others into the program...

{Admin Update}:

The power of the drip!

June 17, 2016

Hi Rick,

I am pleased to see that more and more people are starting to use the DSP Team Mailer in the Payliners Room to encourage their Tour Takers to upgrade to a Payliner!

For all the new Payliners who joined us over the last few days, the DSP Team Mailer is the most powerful tool you have in your Payliners Room!

The people who use the DSP Team Mailer are making more sales, and that`s how you grow your business faster, and make more M0NEY!!!

I call it; ``The Power Of The Drip!``

If you have not used the DSP Team Mailer yet, here`s a short email you Can send to your Tour Takers right now!

Start Tour Taker Email

DigiSoft is one of the best income opportunities online, and you are missing out on all the fun because you have not upgraded to a Payliner yet! You can get started at Package Level #1 for just $22, or you purchase both Product Packages from the start like most people do for only $57.

The 230K Splash Page makes it so easy to get sign ups, and Admin closes your sales for you!

If you join my Team at both Package Levels I will send you a list of my BEST Advertising Resources to help you get off to a fast start!

End Tour Taker Email

DigiSoft User ID: 


Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder

 http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323  (We Close Your Sales!)

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”– Alexander Graham Bell

Image result for scammed  logos

*** E-wallet Answers *** {35}

💚This post is all about E-wallet, and how it works!. I'm with List Infinty now, and don't use it anymore, but you're welcome to use it if you like...

💰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 đŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) All members receive 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up, and my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months...

1) What is E-Wallet?

💥E-Wallet is a feature exclusively for customers who have registered and established a (My Account Profile). E-Wallet allows you to store multiple credit card numbers in a secure environment, and eliminate the need to enter in account information when making your payment. Once you have registered and created E-Wallet profiles, you can make payments faster and with less typing.

2) How does E-Wallet work?

💥E-Wallet provides the ability to store multiple credit cards, and debit cards for making faster payments. You can create up to ten profiles for both credit and debit cards. You can edit and delete these profiles as needed. When making a payment after logging in to (My Account), you will save time by having your credit information filled in automatically.

3) Who can sign up for E-Wallet?

💥Anyone can setup an E-Wallet. Top create an E-Wallet profile, simply click "E-Wallet" from (My Account Dashboard Tab.) Then follow the simple process to enter credit card information to complete the set-up.

4) Why would I use E-Wallet?

💥E-Wallet saves you time because you don't have to look for your credit card information evert time you make a payment. The payment information from your Primary account is conveniently pre-filled during the payment process, and you can quickly select another payment account if you have more than one setup.

5) How do I set-up an E-Wallet profile?

💥You can set-up an E-Wallet profile by clicking the E-Wallet tab in the (My Account Dashboard. Then click the button to "Add Card" for a credit or debit card. Next, a simple screen will appear to create any "nickname" you wish, e.g. "My Visa Card", enter the details of the card, then click "Add". Your profile will be saved in a secure environment and available when you make your next payment.

6) Is the information shown in E-Wallet Secure?

💥Yes, E-Wallet can only be accessed with your (My Account) login and password. Credit card, debit card information will be masked when displayed. No one will ever see full account numbers. Official Payments do not share confidential information with anyone other than the card or bank processors. In no event is your credit or debit card information ever shared with anyone including the entity receiving your payment. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.

7) Can I set up a default card?

💥With E-Wallet you designate one card to be the default, or "primary" that will be pre-filled in the payment information section when making a payment. Although the primary card will display first, you can change by selecting any other E-Wallet card profiles during the payment process.

8) Can I change my card information?

💥Yes, E-Wallet provides the ability to change your card information, such as your card number, expiration date, etc. Simply click on the "Edit" link in the row on the card you wish to change and you will be presented with the ability to modify the profile. When done click "Confirm" button, check your information and click "Finish". Your E-Wallet profile for that card will be saved.

9) Can I delete a card?

💥Yes E-Wallet provides the ability to change your card profile. Click on the "Delete" link in the row of the card you wish to remove and you will be presented with a warning that you are about to delete the profile. Click the "Delete" button then "Finish" button. Your E-Wallet profile for the card will be deleted.

10) What information is stored in E-Wallet?

💥E-Wallet stores all of the basic information for credit card and debit card processing. For credit and debit cards, this includes the card type, account number and expiration date.

11) Am I required to use E-Wallet to make a payment?

💥E-Wallet is an optional service provided be Official Payments within (My Account). You do not need to create an E-Wallet profile to make payments.

12) Can I store more than one credit or debit card with E-Wallet?

💥Yes, you can store up to 10 credit/debit card profiles in E-Wallet.

👉http://www.pinterest.com/rick2323 đŸ‘ˆ(My personal Website)

💜https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3 (New Sign Up Link) - 7 day FREE Trial Period...

{Pre-written AD}:

How long is your commute?

There is no reason for people to waste their time sitting in their car for hours a day.

Most people are only 12 seconds from their bedroom to their home computer and if you have a home computer, (who doesn't?)

I can show you how to put it to work making you money, and all this plus more for a 1 time fee of $27...

* ALL the tools you MUST have to make money online!
* Take a FREE TOUR!
* Built in Autoresponder! (4 to choose from)
* Inexpensive start up cost! (FREE for 7 days)
* Tracking system (complete)!
* I can help close your sales!
* 18 different capture pages!
* Complete training site! (Video Marketing Tutorials)
* "Starter Course Training" from me over the next couple of months!
* Downloadable E-books! (From me)
* Access to my blog/advertising resources!
* I help advertise for you!
* 100% Commissions!
* Member to Member payouts!
* 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you follow up!
* I will be a GREAT sponsor to YOU!
* And much, much more!

👉Watch the 3 minute video by posting your Email address in the box, and then I will send you an Email with more information, including how to get started for FREE

🙏https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6 👈(A call to action)


"The road to success is always under construction. " - Lily Tomlin
Image result for ewallet  logos

*** Twitter Tips...How To Get More Visibility For Your Tweets? *** {34}

How to get visibility for your tweets??? Here is a quick and easy list of tactics you can employ to get the most out of your tweets...Use hash tags wisely...That's the "#" symbol...Put a hash tag on a word or two in your tweet that is topically relevant to the tweet...Don't over do it or people won't want to read your tweets at all...This allows your tweet to appear in the feeds of people following that hash tag topic...

💪https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8 👈(Go here now) - All members who join me, will receive my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months, and much, much, more...

Use Keywords...

Instead of tweeting "Check out this video", tweet "Check out Zuckerberg announcing the new # Facebook features at #f8."...Anyone searching for or following Zuckerberg and/or Facebook and/or f8 will be able to potentially see your tweet...Tweet about hot topics...When topics are hot, like earthquakes, company shake ups, and new product releases, people will search for these topics...

Tweet about what's hot (and of course relevant to you and your audiences) and you may get in front of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people searching...Study your data...Take note of your tweets that get the most clicks and/or retweets...What language did you use?...What topics are popular?...What time of day do people retweet you the most?...Use tools like (Twoolr) for when you are retweeted the most, and (Topsy) for tweets that got the most retweets...Link to your site from your tweets. Again, don't over do this one (You don't want to come off as self-centered), but do link to your site when promoting content on your site...

Use a URL Shortener like Bit.ly.com to allow for more text space in your tweet and to be able to track your link data...Link to twitter from your site...This seems like a no-brainer, but too many people forget this part...Make sure to promote your Twitter account on your website...

A Razor fish brand study showed that 23.5% of people follow a brand on Twitter because they are a current customer...Don't pass up simple opportunity to engage them...Link to your Twitter from Facebook...If people like you on Facebook they might also want to follow you on Twitter...

Let them know you're there with a link to your Twitter feed from your Facebook page...Also link your website from both your Facebook page and Twitter profile...All that said, what's most important is how you act on Twitter...

Don't be a dictator...Don't just talk about yourself all the time...Don't use Twitter as a one-way marketing bullhorn...It's like walking into a crowded room with your fingers in your ears, yelling at everyone and leaving. Be interesting, useful, resourceful, funny and engaging...

If you don't show respect to your audiences and engage them, all the hash tags, keywords, and short URLs in the world might be for naught...

👉http://www.twitter.com/rick2323  (Follow me)


{Prewritten AD}:

Unlimited Passive Income
How to create an unlimited passive Income stream in just  minutes

Do You Want A FULLY AUTOMATED System that takes Just  Minutes to Set Up and Continues Pumping Money into Your Pocket For The Rest of Your Life?

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2 (New Sign Up Link) - FREE for 7 days!


"Before anything else, preparation is key to success. " - Alexander Graham Bell