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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

*** 10 Ways To Stay Motivated When Negativity Is All Around You *** {45}

😍In life, there may be times when negativity seems to surround you, suffocating your dreams, and destroying your hope. When that happens, they may go through their day being saturated with negativity and accepting it as a way of life. While you can't always control what happens to you, you can control how you respond to it. Seek to create a positive environment for yourself and you'll begin to become more motivated to achieve your dreams and goals.

πŸ‘‰Here are 10 ways to stay motivated through hard times:

Have an attitude of expectancy. You will get what you expect. Expect something great to happen to you everyday, and it will. Say aloud each morning to yourself in the mirror, "I expect something good to happen today!"

Take control over what you can, and stop worrying about what you can't. Some things are within your control, while other things are not. Learn to recognize the difference. Refuse to worry about circumstances beyond your control. Don't allow yourself to become so emotionally entangled that it paralyzes your progress. Things may not always work out perfectly, but the sooner you get over them, and the quicker you can move on to your next victory. Only you can control your own actions and reactions.

Read and listen to positive information. If you fill your mind with uplifting and inspiring information., it will keep you motivated. Go to the bookstore, or library today and find at least one book on a positive topic that will give you a boost. You need constant reminders telling you that you are capable of achievement.

Be with positive people as often as possible. Negative people and conversations will have you focused on all the wrong things, and may take your focus off of your goals. Seek out positive people and don't engage in negative conversations. Instead, choose to remain neutral, or just don't participate at all. If you find yourself caught in the middle of a conversation that is going in the wrong direction, change the subject to something productive. Try saying something like, "I am focused on finishing this new project. I'm really excited about it." If you are stuck on the phone with a negative person, you could cut it short by telling them, "I have an important appointment/meeting/conference call in 5 minutes, and I need to finish preparing for it now."

Speak positive affirmations. Words have a creative force. Regardless of what is going on around you , speak out loud what you want to happen. Write out an affirmation that you can say daily and put it up somewhere that you are sure to see it everyday, like your bathroom mirror, or refrigerator.

Learn from your mistakes, instead of repeating them. We all make mistakes; the key is to learn from them and keep on moving. Conduct regular self-evaluations and examine how you handled situations, and what you could do differently next time. Write down possible solutions and outcomes, so when you are faced with a problem, you can properly think through the best way to handle it.

Make a plan. There is a very popular saying: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." When you take time to plan, you allow yourself to think through the entire process from the beginning to end. This can spark ideas, improve productivity, and ensure a great outcome. Once you have a written agenda, you are immediately going to be motivated to accomplish it. Without one, you have nothing to run with, and end up feeling stuck. Write out your to-do list the night before. Identify the three most important things that you must accomplish the next day, and start with those first.

Celebrate accomplishments, whether big or small. Always take time out to celebrate. Rewards play a huge part in staying motivated. Reward yourself each and every time you reach a goal. It could be anything from throwing a party, to taking a weekend away, or treating yourself to a movie night. Just don't overlook it. Think about something you have recently accomplished, and plan a way to celebrate it within the next 10 days. It can be as simple as going out for ice cream. Reward yourself--You are worth it!

Build a support team. Having the right team in place to help you is crucial to your success. You will be amazed at what you and your team can accomplish when you are all motivated and working toward the same goal. It is worth the effort to put the right support system in place. Make a list of some winning people in your circle that you can partner with, exchange ideas with, and who can help you get things done.

→Rehearse your victories. Oftentimes we forget how far we've come, and the successes we've already accomplished. Designate a token of achievement that you can carry with you to remind yourself that you are a winner. It doesn't matter if it's big or small. Go back and look at your trophies, certificates, a special note of congratulations, or anything that will keep you motivated when you are facing tough life moments.

πŸ‘‰An infectious, positive attitude can shift your entire life. Infusing your mind with positive thoughts will cause you to produce more positive results in your life. Right now you're getting as many opportunities as you think you can have. You're making just the amount of money you really believe you can. To break into making what you've only dreamed of and wished for, you must start thinking, believing, and speaking like you're already worth that number! Purposefully infusing your life with a positive perspective, will keep you motivated, and eliminate all negative sources.

πŸ’° https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 (A call to action) - I will post random ADS on your behalf, and one of my sites is Herculist.com. They currently have over 380,000 + worldwide members and growing by the day. I'm allowed to post to the entire data base every 24 hours, and when I post for you, I also send you an Email with what I post, and to how many... 

{Pre-written AD}:

Don't wait another minute...

Unlike anything you have ever seen!

List Infinity Is Like No Other You have Seen!

Don't make a mistake and think this is like all the other programs,

you have seen in the past. (It's Not)

Imagine a real system generating Real Income to every single

member no matter what!

Take the FREE TOUR today. And Join FREE for the next 7 days...

πŸ˜‡https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 ✊(A call to action) - The longer you wait to join, the longer it will take to change your financial future...


"For most of life, nothing wonderful happens. If you don't enjoy getting up and working, and finishing your work, and sitting down to a meal with your family, or friends, then the chances are you're not going to be very happy. If someone basis his/her happiness on major events like a great job, huge amounts of money, a flawless happy marriage or a trip to Paris, that person isn't going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink, or a nap, then we are more than likely to live with quite a bit of happiness." - Andy Rooney

REI In Your Car 139: 10 Ways to Stay Motivated Part 2

*** Scam X Poser Complete Business Directory Breakdown *** {44}

πŸ’œA review of good and bad programs. Click the link below to find out more. http://scamxposer.com/business-directory.html

πŸ‘€Always make sure to do your research before you join any program. You have Google at your disposal, and have no excuses to get scammed. You can also contact ADMIN with the tough questions, and if it's a legit program, he/she will have no problem answerting you. I want people to contact me about List Infinity, because I sugar coat NOTHING!

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17  πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - When you join, I will provide you with my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months, and much, much, more...


Advise from an Amway Legend!!!

Here is a quote I found from  Amway Legend Bill Britt.

This is what he credits to his success...

"There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people. 900 said 'NO' and only 300 signed up. Of those 300 only 85 did anything at all. Out of those 85, only 35 were serious, and out of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire."

This statement validates the power of working the numbers until you find your key players. This is a numbers game, no matter what anyone else tells you.

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11 (Go here now) - Can you work from home 1-2 hours per day, over an extended period of time, if it meant you could change your future, and ultimately QUIT your dead end job? I challenge you to contact me for full details...

{Pre-written AD}


My name is Rick Brier, and I am your List Infinity Sponsor.

Thank you for registering for the Tour! List Infinity is moving very fast, and we are getting paid just as fast because List Infinity pays 100% commissions instantly member to member!

Please click the link below and watch the 3 minute minute Movie as soon as you can, and make sure you check out the rest of the website before making a decision either way...

The mon-ey you can make here from such a small one-time purchase is Truly AMAZING!

If you join my Team at any Level, I will send you a list of my Best Advertising Resources to help you get off to a FAST START!

Please send me a quick email to let me know where you saw my AD so I know what advertising resources are working the best. Thanks :)

Team Work Works & I look Forward To Working With You!

πŸ’œ ♥️ πŸ’ͺ πŸ«Άhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - Get started FREE for the first 7 days...


{Admin Update}:

I Just uploaded a New Feature to the About Me Setup Page in your Payliners Room!

This New Feature will allow you to place a Personal Message and or YouTube Video on the "Your Sponsor" page in the Member Center of your Personal Referrals!

You can use this space to make a more personal connection with your Tour Takers by way of a YouTube Video! Having a video on YouTube could also drive more traffic to your site!

To learn more, go to the About Me Set Up Page in your Payliners Room and scroll down to Section 4.

Advertising Tools!

Get your advertising out there; try to post at least 10 "ADS" a day. For the new Payliners; in your Payliners Room click on the tab called Advertising Tools, then look for the yellow sub tab called: Ad-Copy Emails.

Scroll to the bottom of the AD-Copy Emails and you will see some emails and subject lines there for our 230k Splash Page.

Those of you who are new Payliners or are not fully Qualified yet, it is important for you  to get your "ADS" out there every day! The faster you get Qualified at both Package Levels, the faster you will start receiving those instant $50 commissions!

DigiSoft User ID: 

Let's Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder


"Whenever you see a successful person, you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them." - Vaibhav Shay

***3 Advertising Tips Using BackPage/List Infinity Sign Up Link*** {43} - SHUTDOWN!

πŸ’€Backpage has been a means of serious revenue for savvy marketers that have taken advantage of this valuable resource...Follow these three simple tips to make it work for you:

😲Keep the headline and body of your "AD" vague...The best "ADS" do not sell...You are making a huge mistake if you try to promote a product or service in your "AD" headline or body...A good "AD' will grab someone's attention and create a tremendous amount of curiosity that will drive them to your capture page. If you try to sell your product or service in the "AD" headline or body, the prospect will have enough information to make a decision and that decision will usually be to move on to something else...The goal of your "AD" when using Backpage should be to have them follow your link back to your capture page.

😲Include an image in your "AD"...Studies have shown that "ADS" with images have a higher click rate...It is also helpful to hyperlink the image so that when a prospect clicks on the image in your "AD" they will be directed to your capture page...

😲Brand yourself. Placing effective "ADS" on Backpage can result in massive traffic to your capture page...But if your capture page is generic, company self-replicated website, your income results might be average at best...After all, why should a prospect buy from you if they can find thousands of sites exactly like yours? Your capture page should be more about who you are, and what you can do for them...You will increase your sales by branding yourself as an expert in your field...Sell yourself. Show people how they can succeed by working with you...You are unique and have special qualities that nobody else does.

πŸ’šhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10 (New Sign Up Link)

πŸ‘‰http://www.backpage.com (SHUT DOWN BY THE GOVERNMENT)   

*** What Is Personal Branding? And It's Importance! *** {42}

πŸ’›...Personal Branding is the art of attracting and keeping more clients by actively shaping public perception...You can control the way you're received by the community you serve...Oprah, Tiger, and Madonna - They realized early that the talent alone would not take them to the top of their fields...So they created and promoted unique personal brands...And now, you can too...

πŸ’—Personal Branding works for business professionals and entrepreneurs alike. You don't have to be a celebrity to reap the rewards of personal branding. Whether you are a professional ready to catapult to the next level in your career or an entrepreneur embarking on your first business venture...We will be working together to bring your goals into focus...We'll begin by analyzing your unique strengths and differentiation...Your competitive landscape and your target audience...Then we will reach a game plan to reach your objectives...

The key to personal branding success, define yourself instead of letting others define you...You can shape your clients perception of you by defining your strengths, values, goals, and personality, and presenting yourself in a compelling, persuasive manner...Express yourself and what you stand for to everyone you meet. Clients, colleagues, friends, neighbors, and strangers...Do this constantly and consistently...And you will create an effective-and lucrative personal brand...

πŸ˜€- The (8) laws of personal branding:

The Law Of Specialization: A great personal brand must be precise, concentrated on a single core strength, talent, or achievement. You can specialize in 1 of many ways: Ability, Behavior, Lifestyle, Mission, Product, Profession, or Service.

The Law Of Leadership: Endowing a personal brand with authority and credibility demands that the source be perceived as a leader by the people in his/her domain, or sphere of influence...Leadership stems from excellence, position, or recognition.

The Law Of Personality: A great personal brand must be built on foundation of the sources true personality. Flaws and all. It is a law that removes some of the pressure laid on by the law of leadership. You've got to be good, but you don't have to be perfect.

The Law Of Distinctiveness: ...An effective personal brand needs to be expressed in a way that is different from the competition...Many marketers construct middle-of-the-road brands so as not to offend anyone...This is a route to failure because their brands will remain anonymous among the multitudes.

The Law Of Visibility: ...To be successful, a personal brand must be seen over and over again, until it imprints itself on it's consciousness of it's domain or sphere of influence...Visibility creates the presumption of quality...People assume because they see a person all the time...He/She must be superior to others offering the same product or service.

The Law Of Unity: The private person behind a personal brand must adhere to the moral and behavioral code set down  by that brand. Private conduct must mirror the public brand.

The Law Of Persistence: Any personal brand takes time to grow, and why you can accelerate the process. You can't replace it with advertising or public relations. Stick with your personal brand without changing it. Be unwavering, and be patient.

The Law Of Goodwill: A personal brand will produce better results and endure longer if the person behind it is perceived in a positive way... He/She must be associated with a value or idea that is recognized universally as positive and worth while.

πŸ‘‰Here are the benefits of personal branding: - Increase your income up to 100% or more. Increase your visibility.

πŸ‘‰- Differentiate yourself from your competition.

πŸ‘‰- Attract and maintain High-Quality Clients.

πŸ‘‰- Expand into new business areas.

πŸ‘‰- Choose the assignments and clients that you want

πŸ‘‰- Achieve your personal and professional goals.

πŸ‘‰- Increase your confidence.

πŸ‘‰- Charge a premium for your product or service.

πŸ‘‰- Extend your line of credit with ease.

πŸ‘‰- Thrive during Economy down turns.

πŸ‘‰- Attract and retain quality employees and partners.


πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9 (Go here now) - You can make as much as $300 today... All you have to is join. Did I mention that you can get started FREE for 7 days!

{Pre-Written AD}:

Let's do this...

Join my Team today, and I will provide you with a  list of my Best Advertising Resources to ensure you get off to a FAST start! This is FREE for 7 days!

The reason why most people fail online is because they do not know where to promote. With my list of Advertising Resources you will never have that problem again! These are the EXACT same places I use to make mon-ey with List Infinity, and if I can do it, you can do it too!

πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - After the 7 day FREE Trial offer expires, you can join for $22-$27 depending on what Autoresponder you choose. I use Aweber because they pay me when I bring others into the program...

"Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you have haven't planted. " - David Bly
Image result for downloadable logos that say personal branding

*** Marketing Tips *** {41}

😎Always work with the newest reps at the bottom point in the organization. Be there for anyone on your team when needed, but try to get the newest reps a sign up or two as soon as possible, because by doing so, you're more likely to keep them around due to the confidence boost from that initial sale... 

The key to long-term success in the business is working in depth. When you work at the bottom most level of a leg, you light a fire in the basement and automatically excite everyone above them. Working in depth also anchors in the people above them, (fear of loss).

You only need four leaders. four best friends to make it big in Network Marketing. 

To make a lot of money in Network Marketing, you only need a few serious people. Four good people can make you a fortune. If you are doing the business the correct way, you will build a good relationship with these leaders, and become best friends in the process. (This is according to the most compensation plans!)

Always think long term.

Most Network Marketers are extremely short sighted; looking for a quick dollar. Whenever you make a decision about your business, always ask yourself how it will affect you in the long term. Make sure ALL of your decisions are focused on the long-term. For instance, it's smart to work beyond your pay level. It's smart to help someone who is at a higher rank than you (in your downline). Don't be shortsighted and just focus on the quick dollar.

Any fool can complicate something, but it takes a genius to keep it simple.

You need to keep the business so simple that even an eight year old could do it. Don't complicate anything. Don't reinvent the wheel. Keep things caveman simple! (You probably won't make much if any money your first couple years, but you can't quit!)

The X factor is personal growth.

One of the most important keys to success in Network Marketing is your personal growth. This is definitely the best personal development industry I know of. For things to get better you have to get better (thanks Jim Rohn). You need to work your people skills, your attitude, your confidence, your posture, and your knowledge. This takes time. Strive to get a little bit better every single day! Focus on incremental growth. (Set a goal and try to achieve it, but be realistic!)

You need two things to build the business: Coachability and work ethic.

To succeed in Network Marketing, you must be willing to humble yourself enough to listen to your successful mentor, and follow their lead. In addition, you must be willing to outwork everyone else. You have to roll up your sleeves and do the work that most people are not willing to do. (If it was easy, everyone would be successful!)

If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.

This business should be fun! Most people already have a full time job in their life, and they don't need another full time job or boss. You need to have fun. Celebrate your success. Laugh. Don't take yourself too seriously. Have events and parties for your team. Recognize people when they do a good job. (This is absolutely true, but everyday won't always be a good one!)

Bonus: People are either leaders or doorways.

People are either leaders themselves or they will lead you to someone who is. Even if your newest rep is lazy, and isn't willing to do anything, there is a good chance that they know a leader! Your goal is to get your new people (all of them) to lead you to leaders.

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - You can use any payment processors that you want, and are supported in your country... I use PayPal, Venmo, Payoneer, Western Union, and Money Gram, and I recommend using multiple processors...

πŸ’₯http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (No longer in Service)

{Pre-written AD}:

It's time to make a decision!

You've come to a fork in the road - you can keep banging your head against the wall...

Or you can make things easy on yourself and glide effortlessly into the life of your dreams...

With List Infinity, there's minimal set-up involved... in just a few minutes from now you can be online and seeing passive income start rolling in...

And your income keeps growing, due to the 5th sale pass up from everyone you bring in...

We have a plethora of video marketing tutorials at your disposal, to help with your advertising efforts. You will also receive my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months, and 200 FREE Leads with an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up, and much, much, more...

Whether you're a complete newbie to online marketing, a grizzled old veteran, or anything in between, really doesn't matter, because as long as you don't quit, you can't fail...!

List Infinity is just the turn-key system you need to explode your online profits abnd take your business to a higher level than you've dared to dream up to now...

P.S. This is Fun, Inexpensive, and easy to do, and did I mention that you can join FREE for the first 7 days...

So it's really a no-brainer, if you're at all serious about living the good life.

πŸ˜‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - You can make $100 as soon as today...!


"Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the 'someday I'll' philosophy. " - Denis Waitley


*** Marketing Tips Through Social Network Sites *** {40}

πŸ˜€As a category, social networking sites are probably the most widely used sites on the internet after search engines... Sites like Facebook and Twitter are mentioned as the power houses of the internet, along with Google... So if you're trying to market a business online, you can't overlook their potential as a small business marketing tool... Almost everyone that is online now has a Facebook profile or a Twitter account, and each of these people can be considered a potential customer... By trying to find ways to promote your products on those sites, you are going to be reaching many more customers than you would if you just stuck to other methods of online marketing, like SEO...

This isn't a recommendation that those methods be abandoned, but rather a suggestion that you can create an even more successful business by augmenting your existing internet marketing campaign so that it includes these more social advertising opportunities... There are two ways to boost your sales through social networking sites... The first is to use the sites as a marketing tool and create profiles for your business on these sites... This is a great way to interact with your customers, grow trust in your brand, and to start and open an engaging dialogue about your services and niche with the public... If you choose to do this on Facebook, you will set up a business page, rather than a normal profile...

There is no such distinction on Twitter... Then on Facebook, rather than having people become friends with your business like they would with your personal profile, they will 'like' your business page instead... This is a great way to build a following. On Twitter, you would set up and run a business profile similar to how you would a personal... There are also paid advertising options that you can explore in the realm of social networking... Because social networking is still relatively new in terms of the life of the internet, there is still likely going to be more growth and development in how these advertising models work. As it is, though, there are ways that you can pay to advertise your products through social networks; most notably and powerfully, through Facebook... Facebook has a powerful system for buying advertising...

This works on a system like that used by the major search engines; a pay per click system... This means that you will bid a certain amount that you want to pay each time a person clicks on your ad... You will then only pay when someone actually clicks through to your ad, not just when your ad is displayed. This is a great model for at least ensuring that your message is being seen... The great aspect of these ads is like everything else on social networking sites, they're social... If someone likes an ad that you've posted, they can actually 'like' it.

This will get it to show up their news feed, and the news feeds of their friends, who will then hopefully click on the link, 'like' it, and repeat the process. This social aspect of advertising is what makes the process of advertising with Facebook so appealing... People are also much more likely to trust a product or company when it comes recommended by a friend than if it was simply a random ad appearing on a web page...

With Facebook, there is also a strong market for advertising within applications, as well as on the primary pages. So, if you have an ad that is successful or an ad that is in a successful application, then the social sharing aspect of the site should make your message spread like wildfire...

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7 πŸ‘ˆ (A call to action) - You have 18 Lead Capture Pages at your disposal with List Infinity, and a stat page in your back office area showing you which ones are converting the best...

{Popular Sites}:.. πŸ‘‡


{Pre-written AD}:

Are you ready to be successful and succeed?

Are you serious about wanting your own business?

Are you willing to put forth the effort it takes to succeed?

Are you aware that there are NO Get Rich Overnight Businesses out there?

If you are ready to start your own business, then consider List Infinity. LI has been in business for awhile now, and is still going strong today and continuing to grow more each day.

List Infinity offers free training, support of other members, multiple streams of income, and very inexpensive to join!

What are you waiting for.... join and start building your own business. It's FREE for the first 7 days!

I will see you on the inside and I will be ready to help you succeed in building a successful business and generating an income.

πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/18 πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - Join Now, and you could make as much as $300 TODAY...! 100% Commissions on ALL SALES!!!

{Admin Update} (IGNORE THIS SECTION) πŸ‘‡

URGENT!=> Read me NOW!

Hi Rick,

The Accelerated 230K Business Plan in your Member Center shows your income potential for the first 16 weeks if everyone made just one sale a week at Package #2.

As you all should know the M0NEY does not stop at Week 16, it keeps coming in week after week! I just added 3 more weeks to the chart, and you have to go check it out right now to see what the total income potential is at Week 19It will blow you away!

I have also added2 new paragraphs just under the Week 19 Total, and you should read that as well!

DSP Team Mailer:

Yesterday I told you about the importance of using the DSP Team Mailer in your Payliner`s Room to keep in touch with your Tour Takers, and this is ``The PERFECT Time`` to contact your Tour Takers to let them know what the total income potential is after Week 19.

You can compose your own email or you can use the email below, BUT please note that I have left out the total Income at Week 19, because I want Tour Takers to login to get the total!

Start Tour Taker Email

You have to check this out right now!

If you have seen The Accelerated 230K Business Plan on the Status Page in your Member Center you know that your total income potential at Week16 is over $237,000.

BUT the M0NEY does not stop at Week 16! It keeps paying week after week after week! Ron Walsh just added 3 more Weeks to the 230K Plan and the total potential income after 19 Weeks will BLOW YOU AWAY!

DigiSoft has the best Pay Plan online today!

Login to your Member Center right now to see how much you could earn at Week 19! I promise, you will not sleep tonight!

It`s time to get on board with DigiSoft, and upgrade to a Payliner today!

End Tour Taker Email

DigiSoft User ID: 


Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder


I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”– Thomas Jefferson

              Image result for downloadable social network sites logos