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Thursday, April 23, 2020

*** FaceBook Marketing Tips *** {381}


When you first make contact with someone, you're not trying to sign them up right away. You should try to make friends first, and build a rapport. You will be amazed at that they will be more apt to join you in your endeavor, or purchase one of your products.


You always want to use the persons first name because you make your contact on a more personal level. Look on their page and find things that you may have in common. Examples: I seen that you posted about ??? on your news feed. I noticed that you have a Ferret, I also have a ferret, and I really liked the comment you posted on your feed. 


You can start out by asking what they do for a living. just make sure that it doesn't already say on their profile page. Ask about hobby's if you want. and Don't get to personal because they will think you're being creepy or a stocker. Use common sense. You're objective is to get to know that person, again by building a rapport...I'm trying to drive that point home!


Never just promote your affiliate link all over your profile page because they will lose interest, knowing that you're only trying to prospect them. (A huge turn off!) Never post pictures of your commission checks because people will view that as arrogance, and won't waste time getting to know you. Post positive things that you can share on your page such as Business quotes, Inspirational quote images, and things that a business partner mind find of value..


There are somewhere over a billion people on Facebook, and in most businesses online today, you only need a handful of like minded people to help build your business. Take your time, and be smart, and work the numbers. There are way more than enough people that are looking for exactly what you're offering. Here are just a few tips for you try, always try thinking outside the box! Success is just around the corner, but you have to be patient, and work for it!

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*Rick Brier


“The level of success you achieve will be in direct proportion to the depth of your commitment.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart