π₯{Starting and Stopping}:
One of the biggest mistakes I see people make within this industry, and even in my business, is when other business owners start an opportunity, and shortly after, decide to stop. Typically everyone who joins an online opportunity is full of piss and vinegar (excuse the language), when starting, but that wears off generally within the first few weeks, maybe a month, because they understand just how difficult it is to generate an income quickly.. (It takes time and effort on your part to earn money online.
With any good business opportunity, you can make money quickly, but any significant amount will be made over a period of time, and that depends on you. I've seen some of the biggest names in this industry take over a decade to make it big, but they didn't quit, and put in the time and effort to get where they are today.
You must be consistent, and persistent in order to accomplish your goals, and unfortunately too many individuals let life get in the way of that, and now all of a sudden the business is turned into a hobby because they aren't doing the daily tasks necessary in order to be successful. Once you start treating it like a hobby, you might as well quit completely, and save yourself some money and heartache, because you have "ZIP, NADA, ZILCH" chance of being successful!
I have sponsored some incredibly great individuals in my businesses over the years, and many of them make this very mistake. They will join me and within the first 30-90 days in the business, they get frustrated instead of working the numbers and following the process, and end up either quitting the industry completely, or they jump into another opportunity because they think the grass is always greener on the other side. No matter what business opportunity you join, you're still going to put in the work, and now you're starting all over, so you just made your journey to the top, that much more difficult.
Could you imagine if you started a workout program expecting to lose weight, and you kept starting and stopping every few day? It wouldn't work, and you would continue to wear the weight you gained, and probably pack on more.
If you want to achieve the ultimate success in this industry you must set aside at least an hour per day, if not two, at least five to six days a week, and create a game plan that works around your daily schedule. Make your business a priority, and stick with it for a minimum of 2 years to see if it's what you're looking for.
{How Many People Will You Need To Sponsor To Make It Big?}:
Everyone has a number and that will vary from person to person. The average number will be around 100 people, and the reason for this should be obvious if you read my above post. About 80-85% of your team will QUIT! and you will need to continue sponsoring until you find the right ones.
If you think more short term, such as trying to sponsor anywhere from 2-5 people every month, and you could potentially hit your number within 2-4 years if you're lucky.
Your success will depend on 2 factors. First you will need to find the same type of people such as yourself. Sponsor up, and look for people who are already successful, with the same motivation as yourself, and higher.
Second, you need to have a training system in place for your "TEAM" that they can follow so they can start duplicating themselves. The more duplication you can achieve within your group, the less amount of people you will need to sponsor. Just make sure to keep everything simple, because everyone's learning curve will differ.
This industry is about a lot of people doing a little bit of work. The great Zig Ziglar once said. "I would rather have 100 people doing 1% of the work, before I would do 100% of the work myself!"
{E-mail for your tour takers}:
Do you really love your job?
Come on, be honest with yourself. Do you really love what you do? Or do you spend endless hours in a job that drains you and leaves you with no time or energy to enjoy life? Do you ever wonder if you're seeking success the long way around? Albert Schweitzer says that success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you're doing you will be successful.
A lot of people just like you are spending too much time downtown in gray partitioned cubicles when they could be making better money by working at home. No, you don't have to be a novelist, an artist or wealthy investor to work at home!
The power of the Internet now makes it possible for you to earn a very good income without ever leaving your house.
Whether you already have a business or a product of your own or even if you don't have the first idea how to begin an online business you can succeed with a few simple tools and a little persistence and determination. I can tell you personally that it's well worth the time.
Check out my Web site and try it out yourself. It is easy to start a web-based business! Just select the Web site below and make today your first day on your road to success.
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323 (New Sign Up Link)
Mozart was already competent on keyboard and violin; he composed from the age of 5.