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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

*** 4 Simple Marketing Tips *** {128}

πŸ’₯Despite your size, industry, or number of years in business, your company’s viability rests upon your ability to keep your brand top of mind with existing customers while drawing in new ones...

Here are four simple marketing tactics you’re not using — but should be...

1.) Give your customers a reason to spread the word. Leveraging satisfied customers’ favorable opinions of your business can be one of the most impactful and cost-effective marketing tools at your disposal. According to Extole’s Ultimate Guide to Referral Marketing Programs [PDF], 92 percent of customers trust the recommendations of their friends when making purchase decisions, and 80 percent of all purchases (both consumer and B2B) involve word-of-mouth recommendations in some way. Offer customers an incentive to sing your praises, such as a referral program that gives them a discount or a free item for sending business your way. Remind them of this opportunity via social media, through email marketing, and at the point of sale.

2.) Build relationships with email campaigns. Some 88 percent of smartphone users check their email via a mobile device each day, according to a study by eConsultancy.com. This makes email a low-cost way for small businesses to target customers with timely offers — and glean insight into which messages get opened and read. If you don’t have a robust email database, it’s easy to build one into the customer experience by offering discounts or “premium” content like e-books in exchange for a customer email address (or by simply asking for contact information during the checkout process).

3.) Submit your business to online maps. Submit your street address to Google Places for Business, Yahoo Local Listings, Yelp, and any other directories that customers may consult when looking for the types of products or services you sell. These listings not only provide a place for customers to share their experiences with your business, but also can help to boost your company’s page rank in online search engines. According to Yelp, small-business owners who claimed their free listings saw an $8,000 boost in annual revenue; those who advertised boosted annual sales by $23,000.

4.) Be habitual about posting content. Content marketing with blog posts, videos, and social media interactions can boost your online relevance, start a conversation with customers and prospects, and position you as an industry authority. However, you must commit to a strategy in order to see real results. If you haven’t developed a publishing schedule around what you’ll say, to whom you’ll say it, and why — that should be the first step in your plan. Once you’ve published a few posts, use Google Analytics to see what content is most popular, which referring pages send people to your website, and which posts cause them to leave it. Use Google’s keyword tool to see the search terms and phrases people use to find sites like yours and integrate them into your posts. This will increase your odds of attracting more visitors and, ideally, turning them into paying customers.

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The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same."

*** A Brief Description Of Pay Per Click Advertising *** {127}

πŸ’›What is Pay Per Click Advertising?

A brief Pay Per Click definition is: PPC is a type of sponsored online advertising that is used on a wide range of websites, including search engines, where the advertiser only pays if a web user clicks on their ad. Hence the title, ‘pay per click.’

When our clients ask us to define Pay Per Click, we tell them that PPC is a very cost-effective means to get their site noticed by their target audience while our other Internet marketing strategies are gradually helping their site achieve their natural ranking potential.

In a way, PPC advertising works like a silent auction. Advertisers place bids on keywords or phrases that they think their target audience would type in a search field when they are looking for specific goods or services. When a web user types a search query into the field of a search engine that matches the advertiser’s keyword list or visits a web page with content that correlates to the keywords or phrases chosen by the advertiser, the PPC ad may be displayed on the page. In search engines, a PPC ad is generally just above or to the right of the search results where they can be easily seen. On other kinds of websites, the ad will be placed in the location that the site designer has determined will be the most advantageous to his site and the advertiser.

To differentiate PPC ads from the natural search results displayed on a page, search engines will often place PPC ads under “Sponsored Ads” or “Sponsored Links” which also makes them easier to notice on a page that is crowded with text and other items competing for a web user’s attention.

Overall, PPC ads are beneficial to advertisers and web users alike. Advertisers get noticed by their target audience and are charged only for the times that their ads are clicked on and web users get to select from sites that may be relevant to the page they are viewing without having to deal with obnoxious banner or pop-up ads that flash and distract.

There are countless pay per click management services out there competing with each other but, without question, the heavyweights in PPC advertising are, in order:

1.) Google Adwords
2.) Microsoft adCenter

The rates that these outfits charge for a PPC ad vary significantly depending on the popularity of the keyword or phrase. For example, if an advertiser wants a PPC ad targeted for the phrase ‘cottage cheese’, they can get prominent placement for their PPC ad with a very low bid and a low per-click charge. However, for a phrase such as ‘computer’, an advertiser can expect heavy competition for prominent placement and expect to pay premium per-click rates. It all comes down to supply and demand for the keywords and phrases that the advertiser wishes to target.

Pay per click ads also level the playing field like no other form of advertising. A small, web-savvy company can, with a limited budget, outbid much larger companies with enormous advertising budgets and gain the edge they need to get noticed in their market.

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