πFor a better, and more successful business in 2021 try some of the things I've listed below on a daily basis. We are creatures of habit, and by implementing these key strategies, You will see better results with your home based business, I promise!
π₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 π(Go here now) - Step-by-step training shows you how to get free traffic from Facebook and profit from solo ADS...
⧭It's all about habits...(Have an easy to follow game plan):
Be Passionate
Be Focused
Be Consistent
Be Committed
Be Cordial
⧭Stay away from multi-tasking:
You must concentrate, and focus on one thing at a time, because you can't afford distractions, otherwise your business will suffer. Unfortunately sometimes we are our own worst enemies by getting in the way of ourselves.
⧭Choose your friends wisely:
I'm always telling my son to keep his circle small because it's really sad to say, but the human race can't be trusted. Stay away from negative nellies, and surround yourself with positive successful people. You want the least amount of stress in life as possible. Find a mentor, and become a mentor.
⧭Listen to others:
When prospecting it's all about them, and not you. let them dominate the conversation and you just answer questions. Make sure to keep your answers brief otherwise you will confuse them, and they won't join your team because they now have self doubt. Listening is a skill.
⧭Relax, and take time to...
➤Smell the roses, watch the birds and squirrels. Pay more attention to the little things in life.
➤Strive to grow and be a better version of yourself daily.
➤Life is short, so spend time with family and friends, and even your pets.
➤Make GOD a part of your life.
⧭Create a morning routine:
Set an alarm and get up the same time everyday and before long your body will adapt. Work your business for an hour or two daily. Whether you have to go for a walk or a jog after breakfast, do that. Whatever it takes to get you motivated. Only you know when you are at your most creative.
⧭What does the 80/20 rule mean?:
This simply means that 20% of your daily activities will account for 80% of your results. Target those 20% activities first, and then teach your team to do the same.
The person you become tomorrow, starts with what you do today!
{Bonus Tip}:
I won't join your company unless you pay my way in... (What do you do?)
If you're already involved in MLM then I'm sure this has already happened to you, because it happens to me all the time.
I do a lot of prospecting as you already know, and I use Facebook Messenger most of the time.
Because my company (List Infinity) is worldwide I talk to a lot of people from such places as Africa, Germany, The Philippines, and Pakistan just to name a few.
After talking to a lot of these individuals, and trying to build a rapport, they usually know who I am, or at least have heard of me, because as I stated I do this all the time, and have for many years.
Unfortunately our industry has taken a major hit over the years because there are a lot of scammers out there, and many of these people have been taken for large sums of money, and they now have trust issues, and I can't really blame them for that.
I just had a gentleman from Pakistan ask me for more info about List Infinity, so I gave him the link to my Q&A blog post, #376, because it explains everything more in detail.
So he checks out my site, and contacts me with, "How do I know this isn't a scam?" Pay my start up fee, and I will pay you $100 and bring in all of my friends, once I make a sale" (Not Happening!)
If you're wanting to start a business, or you just haven't experienced this yet, There are some ways to combat this, but you have to choose what works for you, and this will happen if you're involved in the industry long enough. Obviously no one in their right mind is going to pay someone to join their MLM company, unless perhaps, it's a close friend, and know they will pay you back, but otherwise NO!
1) When they ask, I always tell them, that I would be happy to get them as much info as possible, and answer any and all questions, always being cordial, again trying to build a rapport.
2) I thank them for their time, and wish them the best in all of their endeavors. Believe it or not, I have actually got a few sign ups this way, because they are thinking that I'm going to argue with them, ultimately giving in to their demands, but I'm not desperate, and will just move on. With that being said, about 99.9% of them will just say thank you and move on as well, and that's perfectly fine, because you don't want to waste a lot of time on people like this.
3) I don't really recommend doing this, but I have, because it doesn't bother me at all, and that is to show them some income proof. First off it isn't anyone's business how much money you've made, but again, I understand the mindset. They want to see if you've made money because if you haven't, why would they join you? You could be brand new to the business, so that really isn't a fair assessment on their part.
→If they do ask for income proof, you can simply say, that you aren't really sure how much you've made to this point, because you're still earning, and that will usually detour them from asking again. If they are persistent, then you simply tell them that you don't feel like they would be a good fit into your business and move on. After all, it's your business to run as you see fit.
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9 π(Go here now) - Simple copy and paste advertising. Work 1-2 hours per day over the next few years and you might be surprised what you can accomplish...
πhttp://DigiSoftPayline.com/santa50.php?rick2323 (GONE)
Don`t forget to set aside some time to post some ads today. Everyone should be posting a minimum of 10 ads a day every day! It does not take that long to post 10 ads! Plan your work, and work your plan!
New Tour Taker Email!
And don`t forget to email your Tour Takers today too!
Yesterday I uploaded a new Tour Taker Email to your DSP Team Mailer. As always you can edit the email if you want before you send it, but please login and send it!
Not emailing your Tour Takers is like refusing to talk to your customers if you had a traditional retail store.
There is also a growing list of pre-composed emails that you can send to your Tour Takers in your Payliners Room. Click on the tab called: DSP Mailbox
You should be emailing your Tour Takers every 2-3 days at the minimum, and if you want to do it every day, that`s ok too!
If you are not emailing your Tour Takers about DigiSoft, I can GUARANTEE someone else is emailing them about another program! So keep dripping on your Tour Takers with the DSP Team Mailer!
Downline Tour Taker Email!
If you have Inactive Payliners directly under you and they have Tour Takers, You can email those Tour Takers too. We call those Downline Tour Takers, and when you have them, a second Team Mailer shows up below your first Team Mailer with a pre-composed email in it. Just add your subject line and
click to send!
Inactive Payliners
Some of you have Inactive Payliners, and you should also be using the DSP Team Mailer to encourage them to reactivate their account.
If they reactivate their account for just $7 they…
- will not have to purchase any Package that they already paid for
- will not have re-qualify at any Package Level that are already Qualified at
- if they had any Tour Takers, they will still be there when they reactivate
DigiSoft User ID:
πhttp://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)
TeamWork Works!
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline