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Sunday, August 23, 2020

*** Why People Are Unsuccessful In Network Marketing? *** {429}

πŸ’£ I've been in this industry since 2006, and have done pretty well for myself, and that's not to say that there weren't a few bumps in the roads along the way. Because you usually have to fail before you succeed at anything that life throws at you. I listed my (3) biggest pitfalls below. Again these are in my opinion, and maybe you've tried and failed yourself. And maybe you have different reasons why you failed, but the important thing is that you don't give up, and address the reasons for your failures, and continue moving forward. => "YOU CAN'T FAIL...IF YOU DON'T QUIT!

1) Work Ethic:

Network Marketing today has in the fact that companies have simplified things to the point that an 8 year old child could learn and earn. With that being said, you still have to put in the work, and treat your opportunity like a business and not a hobby. I've come across individuals that say to me..."Well I work a lot of hours, plus have to take care of my family." And although that is absolutely true, you still need to figure out should you decide to start an online opportunity, how you can devote the necessary time needed for your success. You don't need to to devote 8 hours per day, 7 days a week to your business, but you also can't say... "Well, I think I will work my business for an hour today, and then maybe hit it again one day next week for a bit..." You need to find a happy medium, and what works for you and your family. If you're able to devote an hour or two a day being productive with your business, you will find out over time, how much you can build a recession proof business, and the "HARD" work done now, will pay off in the long run. We are "ALL" here for only a short time, so make the best of it, and set your family up, long after you're gone! I can't do this for you, but you have to know your "WHY!"

2) Opportunity Hoppers:

This is very common with Network Marketers. We've all done it at one time or another, including me. The Unrealistic expectation when anyone joins an online opportunity, is that they think they will make enough money to be debt "FREE" by next week. People hate to hear this, but when I'm prospecting individuals into my business (DigiSoft Payline), That you can absolutely make money from day 1, because it does happen. (It took me 2 days...LOL!), However, If you're totally honest with yourself, you have to understand that on "AVERAGE" it will take anywhere from 2-5 years, and sometimes even longer, depending your work ethic and desire to change your current situation before you are able to "FIRE YOUR BOSS!" and live comfortably. This will obviously vary from person to person. The problem with jumping from program to program is that each time you do this, you are starting all over. 

Let's say for example that you just started your first online business, and have been an active member of that company for 6 months, but you're not really happy with your results, and decide to "QUIT" because you found another "SHINY OBJECT" on the other side of the fence, and decided to join. Now all of the momentum that you built up with your last business is lost, and for the millions of individuals out there who are also looking for a great opportunity to join,, and have been following your "CONTENT", now see that you're with someone else, they start to think...(Either you have no idea what you're doing, or you weren't getting the results you wanted, and now questions if you're really someone that they want to join in their business venture!). I can guarantee you with 100% certainty, that by program hopping, that you will "NEVER" find success! 

With all of this being said, I'm not saying that there won't be times that you make the mistake of joining the wrong business, or maybe it's not really what you're looking for, and "QUIT!" In that case, you have no choice but to start over. Yes you're back to square 1, but you probably saved yourself a lot of extra time and money. My advice for you, is before deciding to join anyone, regardless of how attractive they make their offer sound, "GOOGLE" them, or even contact "ADMIN." If they are who they say they, then they won't mind you contacting them with the tough questions! Always do your due diligence and investigate, or you can contact me, and I will check them out for you because I don't want to see anyone taken advantage of! (Been there myself!) 

CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh, and myself, stand in front of DigiSoft Payline, and will answer any questions about our program, and won't sugar coat anything! Ron actually created a "6 MINUTE HOW IT WORKS MOVIE" where he shows you how our 1 of a kind propriority reverse 1 and 2 up compensation works, and how you are paid 100% commissions "DAILY" directly into your paypal account! The short movie actually "CLOSES" your sales, so you don't have to, because we understand that most individuals aren't "SALES PEOPLE" (Simple copy & paste advertising!) "CONCEPT" invite others to the movie, and get paid when they upgrade to a payliner under your affiliate link..."WORLDWIDE!"

πŸ’›https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8  (New Sign Up Link) 

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323  (6 minute movie)

3) Quitters:

I think this is self explanatory. If you think that "J.O.B" is going to change your future, you are sadly mistaken. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a job while you build your business, because I've done it, like probably everyone at some point. I'm sure you've all heard the saying "ROME WASN'T BUILT IN A DAY!" Well that's 1000% true. If you've followed my posts over the years, You've heard me say it takes time to build any business and I don't care who you are. By the numbers, 98.2% of all Network Markets fail, but it doesn't have to be that way. When I prospect individuals, I hear quite frequently...

          1) Network Marketing is a pyramid scheme! (Not true!)

          2) I joined a company and didn't make any money, and they are all SCAMS! (False!)

Addressing the (2) responses above. The first one isn't true because If a business has legitimate products, that consumers purchase, then it can't be a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme is nothing more than a company with "NO PRODUCTS/SERVICES" that are only moving money around from person to person. And yes, before you attack me for my comment, I'm not saying that there aren't companies out there that aren't pyramid schemes, because there sure are. As a matter of fact, most of them are complete "GARBAGE" but there are a few good ones, so don't have a bad opinion of them all. As for my second comment, (see above:). Also take a step back and ask yourself, "HAVE I DONE EVERYTHING HUMANLY POSSIBLE TO ENSURE MY SUCCESS?" I'm not saying it is always your fault, but there's always something that can be done differently or better! (access the problem, and continue moving forward!) 

Keep it simple stupid! No i'm not calling anyone stupid, so please don't take offense. It's an expression, and right on the money. You don't need to over complicate things in order to be successful, You want to make it so simple a child could do it, because you will limit the individuals who "QUIT!" Just because maybe you've had a bad experience, Don't just by pass them all. There are actually some very good opportunities out there such as (DigiSoft Payline), but you will have to find those yourself. Think about all those 6-7 figure earners that also had struggles, and where they would be today, had they decided to "QUIT" when the going got tough? If you're coachable, and persistent with your business, then you have the necessary skill set in order to be successful! You don't have to be a Genius, or a computer techy in order to achieve success! Don't be intimidated to join. Everyone has a learning curve to get through...(Baby Steps!)


=> https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2020/04/digisoft-payline-q-376.html  (DigiSoft Q&A Post)


Mark Twain was 40 when he wrote "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", and 49 years old when he wrote "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"