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Friday, February 12, 2021

*** Marketing Tips Using FaceBook *** {506}

πŸ’ As you already know, Facebook is the biggest social media platform on the entire internet. (1.69 billion people) at the time of this post so you won't have any problems finding your Rock Stars. Be smart!

{Marketing Tip:}

The goal is to approach people to make friends, and build rapport, not to sign them up as a rep in your company...At least right away! By taking your time, and not rushing it, you will be surprised at the results you will get.

{Why am I being messaged?}

Example: Hey John, I noticed in your news feed that you have a Rottweiler, and I have one also (dog). I liked the post you made about it, and had to comment. Get personal, and always call them by name in your message.

{In order to keep the conversation going, end with a question?}

Look at their news feed, and use common sense. Don't ask them what they do for a living if it's already on their profile. By asking questions you're keeping the conversation going, and build a rapport.

{Don't make these mistakes:}

Share positive things that your potential new rep will find valuable such as images, inspirational or business quotes, Success stories, etc. Never over promote your company, or link all over your profile because this is an immediate turn off for your prospect because they can smell the shark in the water, and that you're not interested in them, but only interested in building your business. I almost never advertise my business/products on Facebook. I like to post from blog, leading with value.

{Closing Tip:}

Never just take a message and copy and paste to a bunch of people, because it's not personal enough. 

{My Advise:}

Enjoy the process, but make sure to go all in, you won't regret it.

{Bonus Tips}:

  • Target a Specific Audience. (Stay @ home moms/Dads, retired individuals, college students, etc...)
  • Run a Simple Contest to Up Engagement. (Of your choosing)
  • Create Short, Enticing Video Posts. (2-4 minutes if possible)
  • Use Eye Contact in Your Images to Direct Attention. 
  • Post Funny Images/memes of Dogs Acting Like Humans or Babies Acting Like Adults. People like humor and like to laugh.

πŸ’›https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3  (New Sign Up Link)



{E-mail for your tour takers}

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"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't." — Jerry Rice