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Friday, December 11, 2020

*** Reaching Out To Others *** {476}

πŸ’˜If you're not getting the results from your (ROI), Return On Investment within your Network Marketing company, then you need to be reaching out to others if you aren't doing so, and if you are, and still not getting the results you'd like, then you must reach out to more people...PERIOD!...

Return On Investment:

In the history of Network Marketing, if everyone that didn't hit their target GOALS were to quit, then there would be Zip, Nada, Zilch, Million Dollar earners!

When Marketers are asked, "how many people did you prospect last week?" They respond with I...

⧪Watched a YouTube video!

⧪Ordered some Business Cards!

⧪Purchased a Network Marketing training course!

This is their version of talking about (ROI). And wonder why they aren't hitting those numbers, or not getting any return at all, and can't understand why...I'm not saying this everyone, but it is a large percentage. The individuals that are complaining, are making exactly what they should be... NOTHING!...

The Hard Truth:

I've said this a Cazillion times, but I must keep repeating myself because I still get Marketers contacting me, asking why they aren't making any money, and when asked what they are doing in order to be successful, I get exactly what you seen above. This is busy work, and yes those things are important, but you must spend the bulk of your time, on money producing activities! So I tell them, that they are exactly where they should be...@ the bottom of the ranks!

Million Dollar Earner:

Interesting but true story. There is a Marketer right now who is making over a million dollars a year with his current company, and has Lambroginis, a nice house, a pool, ect... You can find him on Instagram. Sounds like a pretty successful guy and living the dream, correct? 

Well it wasn't always that way, because the first 450 people this guy prospected said "NO" to his opportunity. This wasn't people on his friends list, these were complete strangers, and when he contacted these individuals to see if they were open to his products, services, or opportunity, they all said "NO!"

Think about that for a minute. it took 450 people to basically tell this guy to kick rocks when he approached them about his offer, before someone finally said "YES" 

Now be honest with yourself. how many of you would've quit after hearing "NO" 450 times? I'm guessing most of you!!! 

And if this guy would've thrown in the towel, where do you suppose he would be today? We don't know, but one thing is for certain, and that is, he wouldn't be a million dollar earner!!!

Think about this for a minute. This guy heard "NO" 450 times before he finally got a "YES." This was his first sale. Think about how many more "NO's he heard on the way to becoming a million dollar earner? We can only imagine...

The moral of this story, is you must be persistent in this industry, or you will never make it. If you're not willing to go through what this guy did, then I suggest working in Corporate America, and hoping your company doesn't go under!

Network Marketing:

Network Marketing has the lowest risk, and the lowest overhead for the average person to build a recession proof/financial freedom business. Marketing is not easy, and does take some time to master, but if you're truly serious about it, and put in the time and effort, then there are no limits to what you can achieve. It is more of a blessing, than a curse.

Anyone who joins me @ DigiSoft Payline, will receive a 27% discount. That's a 1 time fee of $22! And this won't interfere with what you're already doing in your everyday life! I provide complete training, and will also help you post some "ADS!"

πŸ‘Œhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5  (New Sign Up Link)



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Rick Brier


“You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.”– Wayne Gretzky