πIn this post I'm going to talk about in my experience about what holds people back from wanting to join an MLM company...
➤Can't find a good mentor/sponsor:
Every successful marketer has had someone teach them. This is important because a good Mentor can also help you master the necessary skill set needed for your success!
When joining any company find someone in your upline, let go of your ego and follow their lead. You can achieve success a little quicker by doing so!
➤No objective:
Most people have no idea what they would like to accomplish in life, because they don't take the time to write them down!
Write down your personal and written goals, and be specific. Make sure they are attainable, and refer to them when needed. hang them on your refrigerator, so you will see them on a daily basis!
➤Strong Mindedness:
The best of the best have mastered managing their time and emotions. being able to do things needed when they really don't feel like it. Self control has never held anyone back, but the lack of sure has!
People are afraid of many things within our industry such as failure, success, what others think, and/or rejection.
They always say that when afraid of something you have to tackle your fears. (Just do it!) In most cases you will fail before you succeed. Learn from it, and move forward!
From personal experiences, most new reps will join a company thinking that they will be making big money within the first 30-90 days, and when they don't, they usually end up quitting, or jumping into another company, and that's a recipe for disaster.
Realistically you may go the first year without making any money @ all. The important thing is, that you can't quit! If you never quit, you can't fail!
Work with your sponsor, and work the numbers. You will hear more "NO's" than "YES's. Fact is that you only need a few leaders within your organization to help build your business, and this is due to leverage! (Good companies have that implemented within the structure of their compensation plan)
As you develop your skill set, you will gain confidence, and you're giving yourself time to succeed. Give it 2-5 years before deciding what you want to do moving forward!
A lack of confidence in yourself will also make success impossible. If you want to be successful you must believe in yourself, your company, & your products!
Educate yourself about the industry, by reading, or researching, or even youtube videos. This falls under personal development. which you should be doing about 30 minutes daily, or for however the time you have allotted yourself. Use your products, so you pass along the info to others who may be interested in purchasing from you!
➤Lack of Investment:
Most reps don't take their business seriously because they have very little money vested. When the going gets tough, it's real easy to throw in the towel because you have such a minimal amount of money vested, so it's not a big deal to them.
Your traditional brick and mortar business owner has vested at least 6 figures to start a business has much more to lose, and go all in, in order to do whatever's necessary to achieve success. Most MLMer's don't seem to have the same mindset.
The best way to succeed as a network marketer, is to think like you have vested millions into your business, and only have a limited amount of time to earn it back!
➤Lack of a good system:
If you're not comfortable with the system that was implemented than failure is a certainty.
You must find a system you're comfortable with and develop a plan that works for you, and once you master it, teach it to others, and repeat!
➤Time management issues:
It is said that you only have to spend a few hours a week in between your busy schedule to build your network marketing business. For best results, more time will create better results. If you can't work it a few hours a week with any results, then you certainly won't be able to work it full time.
You must create a plan and stick with it. Plan your work, and work the plan, until you get the results you're looking for!
What is your why? If you're not sure, then you better do some sole searching otherwise you won't stick around long. You will begin to make excuses, and ultimately will let life get in the way.
When you know your why, make sure to write it down, and refer to it often. Only you know the answer!
➤Over optimism:
I see this all the time. Someone will join a company, do very little work, and expect miracles. And will ask why they haven't made any money. Instead of complaining how about putting your nose to the grindstone, and actually put some effort into your business. Take some pride in what you do.
I know you don't want to hear this, but when starting a new business venture. You will go through a learning curve with the development of your skills, and will probably have to work at least a year or so before making a profit. Plan on working the business at least 2 years before making a decision either way, if it's something you want to pursue!
➤Lack of self guided improvement:
Your business will only grow as much as you do. You can be the smartest person on the planet, but if you don't consistently work on your skill set, your business will never grow. This industry has a lot do to with your mind because you have to develop a specific knowledge. You must become the person you want others to follow!
The biggest reason why people fail in our industry is because they aren't approaching enough people. You should be trying to contact at least 5 people daily, otherwise it's nothing more than just a hobby for you.
Being Idle will lead to frustration, and self doubt. Take massive actions, and your confidence will grow along with your business. My favorite method of contact is Facebook Messenger. You decide what works for you!
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→Luring someone into business is the promise of a lucrative income with less investment or no investment at all. Dreams are being sold here but your hard work and hustle is sold separately. It seems to have let loose the entrepreneur in these people with the dream that one day, they will also become millionaires like those who have been successful in this industry. (98.2% of all marketers are failing, for many of the reasons listed above)
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*Rick Brier
You’re only as strong as your weakest link.”– Phil Jackson