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100% Daily Member to Member Payouts

Thursday, October 30, 2014

***What To Say To Prospects On The Phone*** (Pre-Written Phone Script) {52}


 Hello _____________ this is (your name), I just wanted to call and see if you could do me a favor, can you help me out?


John, and I have just started a new business that we are really excited about and we are looking for a couple of people with leadership and management abilities and we naturally thought of you. I have no idea if you would personally be interested in joining us, but I know you know the right kind of people, I need you to watch a short DVD for me and tell me who you know that I should talk to, can you do that?

 80% will say Yes, the other 20% might ask something like, what is it, or is this network marketing. 

IF THEY ASK ANY QUESTIONS…… All of that is covered on the short DVD, when do you want me to drop it off?

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 (New Sign Up Link)


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

"The power of the drip"

DigiSoft is one of the best income opportunities online, and you are missing out on all the fun because you have not upgraded to a Payliner yet! You can get started at Package Level #1 for just $22, or you purchase both Product Packages from the start like most people do for only $57.

The 230K Splash Page makes it so easy to get sign ups, and Admin closes your sales for you!

If you join my Team at both Package Levels I will send you a list of my BEST Advertising Resources to help you get off to a fast start, and I will even advertise for you


{Admin Update}

October 15, 2020

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator

Hi Rick,

Happy Anniversary To DigiSoft Payline!

Today October 15, DigiSoft Payline celebrates our 6th year in business!

I would like to thank everyone who has helped DigiSoft to be so successful

Most new programs online do not last more than 3 - 6 months, and here we are celebrating 6 successful years in business!

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be successful online when the business you join goes out on business!

When they fail, you fail by default!

DigiSoft is here today and we are here to stay!

Let`s go make some mo-n-e-y together!

Tour Takers, you can get started today at Package #1 for just $22, or you can go all in at both Product Packages like most people do for only $57.

We pay instantly Member-To-Member! For more details login And watch the How It Works Movie!

DigiSoft User ID: 

 πŸ‘‰ http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php

TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today." - Will Rogers

Image result for phone scripts  images  mlm

***Ad Bodies For Your Online Business*** {51}

Welcome To Your DSP Mailbox!

On this page you will find pre-written emails that you can use to send to your Tour Takers using the DSP Team Mailer. If you want to add anything to these emails or edit them in any way, you certainly can. As time goes on we will be adding more emiails to this page, so keep checking back!

Email #1

You took the first step when you registered for the free Tour at DigiSoft, but you have to take the most important step if you want to start making M0NEY, and that is to upgrade to a DigiSoft Payliner!

As a DigiSoft Tour Taker you do not get to see what I see in the Payliner`s Room, and I can tell you that DigiSoft is one the best programs online today!

With a start up cost as little $22 we are affordable to the masses, and because of this DigiSoft is EXPLODING all over the world! This is not hype - this is FACT!

Do yourself a favor, login and have another look at the How It Works Movie. You should also read the text version on the How It Works Page (red tab in the Member Center) where you can study the 1UP and 2 UP Flow Charts to see how ALL the M0NEY flows directly to YOU after you have Qualified at each Package Level!

I have been networking for quite a while now and I have never seen a Pay Plan that is so affordable and so powerful at the same time! DigiSoft is the Real Deal! So happy I upgraded, one of the best business decisions I have ever made for sure!

If you join my Team by upgrading to a Payliner I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!

Email #2

I am going to keep this short so that you read it!

In all my years online I have never seen a program like this! DigiSoft is as the say; ``The cream of the crop!``

You need to take a serious look at DigiSoft if you are SERIOUS about making M0NEY online!

We have an honest Admin here in Ron Walsh, and we both know that is hard to find these days! Ron engineered this pay plan to pay instantly member to member so that the company never touches YOUR M0NEY! Think about that for a minute!

I do not care if you only start at Package #1 to give it a test run, but you owe it to yourself to do just that! Give DigiSoft a $22 test run!

At Package #1 you will start receiving instant $15 commissions with your second sale, and Ron Walsh is going to help you close those sales!

Email #3

Once again Ron Walsh has challenged all DigiSoft Payliners to make one new sale over the weekend, and I am inviting you to be my ``One New Sale!``

If you have studied the Accelerated Business Plan on the Status Page in your Member Center you will know that if everyone made just one new sale a week at Package #2 we would be looking at pocketing $230,000 in 16 weeks! WOW!

Even if it took you 60 weeks to make half that ($115,000) I think you would still be very happy! I know I would!

DigiSoft pays instantly member to member so you can start making M0NEY with your second sale a Package #1, and Ron Walsh helps us to close our sales!

Bottom line is, DigiSoft has one of the best pay plans online today, and it`s not going to cost you a fortune to get started! So what do you say; you ready to come make some M0NEY with me?

If you become my ``One New Sale`` this weekend, I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!

Email #4

Do you know the #1 way to distinguish a legitimate program from a potential rip off program?

If you don't, let me tell you how I do it!

It all comes down to the owner, and the Pay Plan. Allow me to explain. If the pay plan requires everyone to send their mon-ey into the company first, and the owner does not reveal his or her true identity on the company website, then there is a very good chance (99%) that you are going to get ripped off if you join that program!

Every day we see new programs popping up online and they tell everyone that you do not have to sponsor anyone to make mo-ney. They also promise tons of spillover. This is how they suck innocent people in! People like you!

The owners of these programs never reveal their true identity because they know the program is only going to last a few short months, and when they shut it down they know they are going to run off with everyone`s mon-ey.

Think about it, why do bank robbers hide their face? I will tell you why, because they do not want to get caught! Just like these dishonest program owners!

Now let`s take a closer look at DigiSoft Payline!

The owner, Ron Walsh does not hide his true identity! Ron is one of the few owners who will actually stand out front on the website in a video for the world to see.

Why does he do this? I will tell you why, because he is not here to rip people off, so there is no need for him to hide!

Then there is the DigiSoft Pay Plan! Ron personally engineered this proprietary one-of-a-kind pay plan to pay instantly member to member.

Think about that for a minute! The owner designed the pay plan so that the company can NEVER touch anyone`s mon-ey! As Ron says; ``It is honest by design!``

We have one of the best owners, and pay plans in the industry, and if you cannot see that then I feel so bad for you because you are a victim in waiting for someone to rip you off!

DigiSoft has been in business for over 6 years, and real people are making real mon-ey!

You can get started at Package #1 for as little $22, and you will start earning instant $15 commissions with your second sale! Ron will also help you to close your sales! He has already close thousands of sales for my upline!

If you upgrade to a Payliner today and purchase Package #1, I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!

Email #5

There are so few legitimate opportunities online today where someone can started for an affordable price, and start making mon-ey fast!

99% of all NEW Start Up Programs fail within their first 3-6 months, and if you join one of those NEW Start Ups you stand a 90% chance of failing because when they fail, ``You Fail By default!`` STOP FAILING BY DEFAULT!

As an upgraded Payliner I can tell you DigiSoft is the ``Real Deal!`` We have been in business for over 2 years, and you can get started at Package #1 for as little as $22, and commissions are paid instantly member to member!

If that is not enough, Ron Walsh (the owner) helps to close our sales!

If you are serious about making mon-ey, then it is time you got off the fence, and upgrade to a DigiSoft Payliner.

Let`s do this! Upgrade today, and I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite (New Sign Up Link)


"The Pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill


***Marketing Tips/Mistakes To Avoid*** {50}

 πŸ’₯Mistake to Avoid:

One great mistake to avoid is to place expectations on people you sponsor.  Yes, you can HOPE that everyone you sponsor will make it to the top of the pay plan.  That's great.  But EXPECT that everyone will do nothing and quit. The only way to be disappointed is when you have expectations of someone else.

Try to emotionally detach yourself from everyone you sponsor.  It will make handling your emotions a lot easier. 

Two Things You Can Control:

There are really only TWO things you can control in your business: the number of exposures you make and the amount of people and times you do your follow up.

You can't control who gets in.  You can't control who does anything.  You can't control who quits. Focus on what you can control and you will be fine. 

Be patient, I'm going to continue to advertise for you!

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 (New Sign Up Link)


{Admin Update/Tour Taker E-mail}:

I am pleased to see that more and more people are starting to use the DSP Team Mailer in the Payliners Room to encourage their Tour Takers to upgrade to a Payliner!

For all the new Payliners who joined us over the last few days, the DSP Team Mailer is the most powerful tool you have in your Payliners Room!

The people who use the DSP Team Mailer are making more sales, and that`s how you grow your business faster, and make more M0NEY!!!

I call it; ``The Power Of The Drip!``

If you have not used the DSP Team Mailer yet, here`s a short email you Can send to your Tour Takers right now!

Start Tour Taker Email:

DigiSoft is one of the best income opportunities online, and you are missing out on all the fun because you have not upgraded to a Payliner yet! You can get started at Package Level #1 for just $22, or you purchase both Product Packages from the start like most people do for only $57.

The 230K Splash Page makes it so easy to get sign ups, and Admin closes your sales for you!

If you join my Team at both Package Levels I will send you a list of my BEST Advertising Resources to help you get off to a fast start!

End Tour Taker Email

DigiSoft User ID: ???


Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder

πŸ’› http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323


"If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people" -  Chinese Proverb

                              Image result for marketing tips and a couple of mistakes to avoid images

***Marketers Checklist (End Of Year) **** {49}

Back up your computer:

If you aren't already doing this on a regular basis, you should be. I have heard countless horror stories of people losing ALL of their important documents because their computer crashed. It even happened to me once. Don't let it happen to you. There are plenty of services online that will back up your computer every single day for you automatically. Worst case scenario, get a USB Flash Drive or external hard drive and back up your computer once a week.

Evaluate, Organize, & Clean Your Work Space:

I'm assuming you have some type of home office, Even if it's just a small space in a spare bedroom. Now would be a great time to clean it and organize it. I believing having a good work flow is very important, especially if you work from home. Go through your files, clean off your desk, dust off your shelves, and tidy up your work space so it gives you a good vibe. Add some artwork, motivational posters, a good air freshener, and some new relaxing audio CDs.

Order New Business Cards & Stationary:

Now is a great time to order some new business cards with a new updated photo of yourself. If you have a bunch of business cards left from last year, by all means use them up first. You can go to (www.vistaprint.com) and order some new business cards at a very low price. There are also options on their website to also order customized thank you notes.

Contact everyone on your Team:

Contact every active and inactive person you have personally sponsored in the business: EVER. Just check in to say hello, and see if you can reactivate them in the business. Let everyone know that you are glad to have them on your team and that you appreciate them. Depending on the size of your team, send a personal message, note, email, or phone call to EVERYONE on your team, and see if you can identify a few serious people and reactivate some former customers and distributors.

Review Your Daily Routine:

Be honest with yourself. Take some time and evaluate your daily routine for the past year. How much time each day did you commit to your business? How many new people did you contact per day? What percentage of your time was spent on the money producing activities? What could you do more effectively and more efficiently in your daily routine this year, to get better results than you did last year? Do yourself a favor and write down your morning routine. I highly suggest you order a copy of Miracle Morning for Network Marketers and the Miracle Morning for Network Marketers Journal. Those two resources will help you develop a winning routine.

Update and Review Your Profit & Loss Statement:

I'm assuming you do a monthly profit and loss statement for your network marketing business every month, just like I do. If you aren't doing that, you need to. Add up your income and expenses for the year and see where your business stands financially. Evaluate each expense and look for ways to reduce or eliminate the expense. For example, review your cell phone plan and provider. how much you pay for business cards, where you advertise, etc. And see if there are alternative things you can do to save you money.

➤Make Income Projections for the Upcoming Year:

Once you've updated your profit and loss statement for the current year, make some financial projections for the next year. How much money would you like to make next year? What type of gross income and net income do you want to have? Fill out a spreadsheet and make a best guess estimate. Once you figure out what type of income you want to make, look at your company's compensation plan and determine how much volume you need, what rank you need to achieve, and about how big of a team you need to hit those goals.

Review Your Business & Marketing Plan:

You need a business plan and marketing plan for your network marketing business. It doesn't have to be complicated. It shouldn't be complicated. Instead, it should be a one or two-page document that has your goals, mission statement, vision statement, marketing plan, and daily routine. This is a living, breathing document that should get updated regularly and referred daily. If you need an example business plan and marketing plan, check out this resource.

Review Your Personal Development Plan:

Your business will only grow as much as you do. What is your personal development plan for next year? What percentage of your income will you reinvest in your personal development? What books will you read next year? What events will you attend? What will be your daily game-plan to work on your personal development everyday? Ask these questions for yourself and write down your answers. Personal Development is vital to your long-term success in the industry (and in life)

Update Your Website Or Blog:

If you have a website or blog, you need to review it each year. Add some new content, change some graphics, review all of your information and make sure you back it up! Consider uploading a new theme to make it look fresh.

Review Your Business Tools & Marketing Tools:

Review all of your online and offline business tools to determine which ones work the best, and which ones need to be updated, eliminated, or replaced. This could include your auto-responder, marketing materials, flyers, business cards, postcards, etc.

Identify Area You Can Outsource:

No one is good at everything. Identify areas in your business you aren't good at and see if you can outsource some of those tasks to virtual assistant on Fiverr or Upwork. It will be time and money well spent. I outsource as much as possible, and it makes a big difference.

Find a Mentor

If you already have a supportive, successful, upline who is helping you, you are on the right track. If you're trying to build your business alone, you are really missing out. This business is a team sport. Look for someone in your upline who is already successful, accessible, and willing to help you with the business. Stay accountable to them and follow their lead. If that isn't possible, find a mentor on YouTube, or someone you respect and trust in a different company. Having a mentor is vital to your long-term success in the business. (You have me)

Update Your Will, Living Will & POA:

These three documents are very important when it comes to estate planning. At some point, we are all going to die. You want to have your affairs in place, especially when you have a big business, so that everything is in order in case something unexpected happens to you. Get with your local lawyer or CPA to help you draft up the documents. (www.LegalZoom.com)

Update Your Spouse, Partner, or Significant Other:

Once you do all of these things, update your spouse. Schedule a board meeting at your house and share this information with them. Include them in part of your business planning. Not only will it make them feel important, but it's also good for them to know where your business stands, and where you see it headed in the near future.

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite (New Sign Up Link)


"Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in." - Napoleon Bonaparte

***The Five Pillars For Business Success*** {48}

😎Company Management Experience with Integrity...As a Network Marketer you want to align yourself with a company whose leadership are experienced in Network Marketing...You want leadership at the helm who have built down lines...They've been through the struggles and wars of building a business, and know what it takes for you and I to be successful...

The people who are a the top need to have enough integrity that they won't write 'GOTCHA'S in their Policies and Procedures that are guaranteed to steal away your paycheck...Timing in the Company, Timing in the Industry...You don't want to be joining a Start-Up company or one that is in a Pre launch phase...

95% of Company's fail in the first 2 years...Do you want to lose all your hard earned success if the company should fail in the time frame?...Timing is also a factor in the company's product or service...Your company might sell best Buggy Whips in the universe...But nobody uses buggy whips anymore...

The company needs to have remarkable product that needs to be sold Retail at a value price. Every Network Marketing Company has remarkable products...They've got to stay in business...

If that product is value priced and can be retailed then the possibility exists that you can make a ton of money...If a company pays 50% out to the field for retail volume; that is certainly much better than 10% per distributor in your organization who is purchasing at a wholesale price...And if the product is value priced, it won't be hard at all to sell it Retail. A good company has a compensation plan that pays the part-time people...

97% of the people in any organization that you build will be part time...Don't tell how many Millionaires that compensation plan is doing for the people at the bottom of the plan...

Finally the good Company must have a Simple System of Duplication that ordinary people can plug into and have success...There must be a training system, mentoring, and team work to help all team members reach their DREAM.

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/15 (New Sign Up Link)


{E-mail for your tour takers}

Hi Rick,

Armstrong's Secret (Hint: it's not steroids)

Lance Armstrong said ...

"Anything is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chance or a 50-percent chance or a 1-percent chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight."

To master the single most powerful weapon in that fight, login here ..

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:


Your Login User ID: 

*Rick Brier



"The best revenge is massive success. " - Frank Sinatra

***How To Attract FREE Traffic To Your Site In 4 Simple Steps*** {47}

πŸ’₯If you are like me and you've built websites for yourself or customers, it would be nice to see that you get actual visitors to that site!...Or else it would be a waste if time...To help you get traffic to your site I recommend following the next few steps...

If you don't want to spend a lot of money (e.g. AdWords) on your site promotion, there Isn't really a fast way to get big amounts of traffic to your site...Getting traffic is a process, not an event, so don't expect results overnight...

I know the Internet is full of offers teaching you to generate 'instant' BIG traffic, but that's "too good to be true"...Like all offers in life, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is too good to be true!...Now on with the show...

Here are (4) way's to get organic (free) traffic to your site...

1) Get high-ranking in Google so that you appear on the first page for your keywords...This requires keyword search; narrow down your target market. It's easier to reach number 1 in Google search results if you target a special niche. This requires some basic SEO knowledge but anyone can do it!

2) Use Twitter for your site promotion, it really works...I always thought Twitter was for people who share useless information like letting everyone know they're sitting on the toilet...Search for people who are in your target business and follow them. If they follow you back that's ok. If they don't after several day's, remove them and add others. This way you build Twitter list of potential customers. If you place a tweet (several times a day with a link to your site). You will see instant traffic because people visit your site...There are Twitter automation tools for the process. manually would take too much time.

3) Facebook Fan Page, this is a bit like Word of Mouth...If you have a Facebook fan page for your business, and if you use it correctly, this will also generate traffic...People who 'Like' your site will generate free traffic, because their friends will also take a look...Recently I listened to a podcast of a popular site, and they analyzed their traffic and it showed that of all kinds of traffic, Facebooker's spent the most time on their site...Looks like there's a difference in the type of visitors depending on the source of traffic.

4) Create a YouTube channel for your business...YouTube is the number 2 search engine in the world...If you create content on YouTube and people start using it, your ranking in step 1 will increase, because of the back linking process...Back linking means that other sites and blogs, link to your site...The more back links you have, the higher you rank in Google.

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/14 (New Sign Up Link)


{Admin Update}

Check out what's happening with Felix

July 6, 2016

Hi Rick,

I want to share a portion of an email that one of our Payliners sent to his Tour Takes today.

I got another $50 sale two days ago and that brings it to 8 sales in just a few weeks.

Ron Walsh was right post your 10 ads per day be patient and watch the sales roll in.

My sponsor has gotten 17 sales in four weeks!

The DigiSoft System works especially now with the 230k Splash Page and IntelliProTrac Follow Up.

If you have been thinking about joining don't wait DSP works if YOU WORK IT.

Felix P.
MD United States

I want to personally and publicly congratulate Felix on doing a great job! It just goes to show that good things happen when you when you post 10 or more ads a day!

Lots of exciting things are happening, and I absolutely love it when I see people making M0NEY!

DSP Team Mailer

I see more and more people using the DSP Team Mailer on a regular basis and that is great to see! Tour Takers need to hear from their Sponsor, and the people using the Team Mailer are making more sales! The DSP Team Mailer is the most powerful tool in the Payliners Room!

Send The Email Below To Your Tour Takers

Here`s An Email You Can Send To Your Tour Takers.



I received an email from Ron Walsh today about Felix P. in MD USAand I wanted to share it with you. This is a portion of an email that Felix sent to his Tour Takers today.

I got another $50 sale two days ago and that brings it to 8 sales in just a few weeks.

Ron Walsh was right post your 10 ads per day be patient and watch the sales roll in.

My sponsor has gotten 17 sales in four weeks!

The DigiSoft System works especially now with the 230k Splash Page and IntelliProTrac Follow Up.

If you have been thinking about joining don't wait DSP works if YOU WORK IT.

Felix P.
MD United States


Please take another look at the How It Works Movie, then check out the ``Accelerated 230K Business Plan`` on the Status Page in your Member Center, and just below that you will see a link to our 230K Splash Page! The 230K Splash Page makes it so easy to get signups for this program!

If you join my Team at both Package Levels I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help your get off to a fast start!

End Tour Taker Email

Advertising Tools!

Get your advertising out there; try to post at least 10 ads a day. For the new Payliners; in your Payliners Room click on the tab called Advertising Tools, then look for the yellow sub tab called: Ad-Copy Emails

Scroll to the bottom of the Ad-Copy Emails and you will see some emails and subject lines there for our 230K Splash Page.

Those of you who a new Payliners or are not fully Qualified yet it is so important for you to get your ads out there every day! The faster you get Qualified at both Package Levels, the faster you will start receiving those instant $50 commissions!

DigiSoft User ID: 


Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder


"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. " - Michael Jordan (GOAT)

Image result for downloadable traffic to your website logos