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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

*** List Building Tips (MLM) *** {431}

πŸ˜€List building is all about collecting your prospects name and email address so you can connect with them on a regular basis. How do I know this works well? Because typically when reading messages like this one, the only way you can receive it is by subscribing through a company squeeze page. (Opting In)

Here's some things you need to keep in mind when you come to build your first squeeze page. You only have about 3-7 seconds to grab the attention of your prospect and get them to want to read more.

You have to grab readers attention, convert them into prospects, and maintain their attention all in a matter of a few seconds. If you do not achieve this quickly, efficiently and effectively, people will simply click away without giving it much thought.

There are 5 elements that every profitable squeeze page has in common.

1.) A strong headline
2.) A simple, clear design
3.) List of benefits
4.) A clear opt-in form.
5.) A strong call to action

=> Let's start with the Headline:

The headline is probably the most important aspect of a squeeze page. It needs to be compelling & benefit-laden. It needs to create a burning curiosity for your prospect to want to read more.

A headline has two purposes only

1.) Grab attention and 2) Compel further reading.

* Develop your headline by using the most important benefits of the offer.

* At its essence, a compelling headline must promise some kind of benefit for the reader in trade for the valuable time it takes to read more.

* It must grab the reader’s attention.

The true purpose of a headline is not to summarize or advertise the website. It’s simply to get people to read further.

If a headline does not achieve this quickly, efficiently and effectively, people will simply click away without giving it
much thought.

=> The Amazing Hook:

The hook must be amazing. Formulate a hook by researching exactly what your customer would want if you delivered the perfect product/service.

Your hook needs to arouse your audience’s burning curiosity and FORCE them to listen.

It is your spin, your uniqueness, which no-one else has. Without the hook there will be no catch.

A hook is a uniqueness of your offer. What makes your product or service so unique that they just have to buy from you over the top of anyone else?

πŸ™https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11  (New Sign Up Link)


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

"Income For Life"

Success is the natural consequence of consistency applying basic fundamentals:-)


P.S. Contact me for further questions, TAKE THE F-R-E-E TOUR:-)


The Wright brothers, Orville (32) and Wilbur (36) invented and built the world's first successful airplane and making the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight.

*** There Are Many Different Ways To Build Your MLM Business *** {430}

 πŸ’₯Let me count the ways. I'm sure you've heard that expression before. When building a successful Network Marketing Business, this definitely applies. If you study any of the top earners, you will see that they all build their business a different way, using different strategies, and that's OK. When you're a complete "NEWBIE," you shouldn't try to reinvent the wheel, and stick to the game plan that your sponsor gives to you. For the first couple of years, you are basically in learning mode, and won't make a lot of money during this time period. I'm not saying that you won't make any, just not a lot! 

If you have a good sponsor, they will help guide you through this process. You should try to develop some basic skills of your own along the way, so you can utilize them once you get through the learning curve. I know you've heard this a lot, but it's going to take quite awhile to build your business, just stay the course, and work on list building activities. Even if you don't have any sales, marketing, or MLM experience, company systems keep people on track, and helps them succeed.

If at all possible, you should at some point try to prospect (1 on 1). This is quite honestly the best way to add members to your "TEAM" because you are building a rapport, which in turn will give you far greater success in getting your prospects to join your "TEAM". Each individual is wired differently. Some are outgoing, and some aren't. You have to get it into your mind that if you want maximum results, you will have to come out from under your rock, and talk to people at some point. 

You will make mistakes along the way, and that's OK, because we've all been there. You learn from your mistakes and move on. You will figure out what works and what doesn't. Make sure to leverage your talents and abilities to build your business in a way that works for you. 

For example, I have a couple of daily strategies that I use that works for me. Blogging is one way because I enjoy writing, and I also use Facebook Messenger to contact my prospects. I have a very unique strategy that I use, and it just works for me. I teach many different methods, So if you ever join me, you will need to pick 2-3 different strategies that you like, and do them. Document and test your results, so if you have to change something, you will have a better understanding of what needs changed, and why. This doesn't need to be complicated, so keep it simple stupid! (K.I.S.S). 

I have a tendency to repeat myself sometimes on my posts, but that's because I'm trying to drive home my points. I continue to see others making the same mistakes over and over, and I'm just trying to prevent that because I'm on your side, and want nothing but the best for everyone!

Anyone who joins me @ DigiSoft Payline, will get 100% effort fro me, if you can reciprocate the same to me. I'm not going to lie and say that it will always be smooth sailing, but we all get stronger when we deal with adversity. All you have to do is click the link you see below, and create your FREE tour takers account, and then watch our "HOW IT WORKS MOVIE". Total process will take you less than 10 minutes. If you like what you see/hear, get with me, and I will send you a link to a post I created called Q&A. It will answer any and all questions you may have about our program! I also have a "SPECIAL DISCOUNT OFFER" for anyone who creates an account, and watches the video. It will save you 27%, making it almost FREE to join! 

We are all here to make money and secure our futures, but I'm in it more to help others, and that's exactly what I do. It's a great feeling for one of my "TEAM MEMBERS" to thank me for what I've done for them. This is one of the things that drives me to be successful! How about contacting me, so I can answer your questions...I never "SUGAR COAT" anything, and am brutally honest!

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10  (New Sign Up Link)

=> E-mail Addresspowerprofitcenter@gmail.com

=> Phone: Call/Text812.264.3754

=> DigiSoft Payline Websitehttp://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323


Neil Armstrong was 38 when he became the first man to set foot on the moon.