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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

*** 5 Things You Should Know Before Starting An Online Business *** {141}

💞Own your name. Make sure the company name you choose is one with an available trademark and Internet domain name. To see if a trademark is available, you can do a trademark search online through the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s website. Failure to properly obtain a trademark could put your fledgling business at risk — not to mention that the time and money you have invested in establishing your business name could go to waste if someone else owns the trademark.

Don’t assume your new business name is not trademarked because you were unsuccessful finding such name on the Internet, either. Someone could have used the name for a business that closed, or filed a trademark and never used it.

Get in with the law. Understand what regulations, licenses and taxes you will need to follow, obtain and pay for your new business. After doing some initial research on your own, consult with a lawyer and accountant to confirm your understanding and to help structure your business to be in compliance with the law. Generally speaking, you will need to need to (i) ensure you are charging the correct amount of tax your service or product that your business is promoting, if applicable and (ii) obtain all of the proper licenses needed to run your new business, at a minimum. Establishing a successful business is hard enough. The last thing you need is some technical legality or administrative detail to stand in the way of your success.

How much do you need to live? When working on your business plan, do not forget about the most important factor: YOU. You need to take into account your living costs. Rent, mortgages, and health insurance — these are all things that don’t pay for themselves. You will most likely need to cut out all the unnecessary extras you can live without. Make sure you account for unforeseen or unexpected expenses by factoring a little flexibility into your budget for those “just-in-case” moments. You might even consider taking a part-time job until things pick up with your new venture and speak to a financial planner to help you budget yourself properly.

Where are you in your life? Starting a new business takes brains, bravery, and what will seem to be endless hours of hard work. When you own your own company, there is always something that has to get done. You will most likely find yourself working at least 60-80 hours a week for the first two years. With that said, I’ll ask you one very important question: Are you ready to give up your personal life for the next three years? Don’t over — or under — spend. Starting a business can be incredibly financially taxing on you and your family. You will need to learn where and when to spend. It’s important not to waste those precious seed dollars but it’s equally important to spend where necessary. In any business, you often have to spend money to make money. Don’t skimp out on things your company needs. For example, it may be worth it to put $1500 in an online vendor listing, but it may not be necessary to give every new customer a $15 mug. Be sure to keep up with technology too — there are many time-saving programs and apps (including free or inexpensive ones) that can help you keep track of it all, and as we all know, “time is money

👌https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 👈(Go here now) - FREE for the first 7 days, and then you can join for $22-$27 depending on what Autoresponder you choose. I use Aweber because they pay me when I bring others into the program...

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/santa50.php?rick2323 (GONE)

{Pre-written AD}:

Achieve financial freedom faster than you ever thought possible...

Discover how to achieve financial freedom faster than you ever thought possible....

Just click the link below and take positive action...

How To Achieve Financial Freedom Fast:

Experience the joy of living a life where no one has a claim on You or Your ASSETS.

Don't just envy the wealthy... build your very own Wealth Generating Business that will allow you the ability to live from the income of your Personal Resources...

👀https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10 👈(Go here now) - 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...


{Admin Update}:  (IGNORE 👇)

Let's make some DigiSoft noise this weekend => New tour take email!

Feb 24, 2017

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator

Hi Rick,

It`s The Weekend! Let`s Make Some DigiSoft Noise Online!

Get some advertising out there, and get some NEW Tour Takers in the system! Your next Tour Taker could be your NEXT SALE!

And don`t forget to keep DRIPPING on your Tour Takers who are already in the System! The DSP Team Mailer is the most powerful tool in your Member Center, And you need to be using it on a regular basis to encourage your Tour Takers to join the business!

If they are not hear from you about DigiSoft, I can GUARANTEE that they ARE hearing from someone else about another program! You have to keep DigiSoft front and center in their mind, and the DSP Team Mailer is the fastest and easiest way to do that!

I have just uploaded a New Tour Taker Email into the DSP Team Mailer! If you want add anything or make any changes to it, you certainly can.

The Key To Success!

One of the keys to being a successful Network Marketer is ``Self Discipline!`` You have to be your own Best Employee! You have to show up for work every day, and post a minimum of 10 ads a day!

Network Marketing is a numbers game, and it has always been that way! The more people you expose your business to, the more success you will have. It is that simple!

DigiSoft User ID: 

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php  (GONE)

TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


“The two most important requirements for major success are: first, being in the right place at the right time, and second, doing something about it” - Ray Croc

Image result for starting an online business images

*** 25 Inexpensive or F-R-E-E Ways To Advertise Your Small Business *** {140}

💓1.) Get promotional business cards made by a discount printing service. Leave them everywhere, hand them out to everyone. The business cards should offer a specific discount or coupon code to be used on your website or in your store. (Track how many are used.)

2.) Collect e-mail addresses and send out e-mail newsletters, promotions, or updates (depending on your customers and what they'll like). The only cost initially is your time; once you get past a certain number of subscribers, you'll need to pay for a service. Still, not costly.

3.) Donate some of your products or services to a charitable event.

4.) Get a magnetic sign made for your company car. For the one-time cost of the sign, your business name will be on display everywhere you drive. (Don't cut people off.)

5.) Hire a teenager to stand by the road and hold up your sign. You'll invest in the cost of the sign plus minimum wage for a couple of hours a day, during the busiest traffic time. See if you can't get one new client for each day of sign-holding.

6.) Buy someone's dinner (or soda, if you can't afford more than $1). Then give them a business card. Then walk away (no sales pitch!).

7.) Offer a free class or seminar, print up a flyer and put that flyer up at every community bulletin board you can find in the area. These bulletin boards often won't allow businesses to put up advertisements, but will promote free educational seminars and classes.

8.) Go to any community event and give away balloons. Have them printed with your business name, if you like. 250 custom printed balloons will run you around $100. Helium tank rental will cost $45 to $60. Happy kids with a free balloon equals happy parents. Happy parents can become happy customers. That's less than $1/each per new potential happy customer.

9.) Donate magazines and books to any business with a waiting area (doctor, dentist, government offices, so on). Make sure your business address label is on the front, or stamp the inside cover with your business name and information.

10.) Contribute expert articles to local publications. Contact the editor to get started; write an article so they can see your writing style and that you know what you're talking about, and share your credentials so they know you're qualified.

11.) Create tip sheets on your area of expertise; this could be a one or two-sided piece of paper filled with helpful tips from you, the expert. Put your logo and business information somewhere on there, of course. People like reading tips, and they like getting free stuff. Hand them out, pass them out, mail them out.

12.) Do a demo. If you don't have retail or office space to hold a public demonstration yourself, get in touch with a related business that could benefit from some publicity. Host or co-host a public demonstration of your service or product. Let local newspapers know and be sure it's on all the community calendars.

13.) Create a referral program for your existing customers; they get a free product or coupon or reward of some kind for every new customer they send your way.

14.) Send hand-written thank you notes. Include a $X dollars off your next purchase coupon.

15.) Send hand-written "We Miss You" notes. Review your “best customer” list and contact the ones you haven't seen or heard from in a while.

16.) Hold a contest; it doesn't have to directly relate to your business. It could be something seasonal, like a "Karaoke Christmas Carol Contest."

17.) Participate in local contests by donating your product or service as a prize.

18.) If you've got great office, warehouse or retail space, allow community organizations and non-profits to use it for events.

19.) Participate in online forums related to your business. Offer helpful advice, solutions and insight. Don't spam. Don't pitch. Just be helpful.

20.) Hang out where "your people" hang out. Know your target market? Know where they hang out? You should be there. Meet people. Talk. Be a cool person.

21.) Write good reviews for local businesses. Local businesses love positive reviews, and the more they have on the Internet, the better. So help out your local businesses by being a good customer, then getting online and writing about your experiences. You'll gain favor from your fellow business owners and potential customers who are researching local businesses will keep seeing your name pop up.

22.) Go over-the-top with your holiday decor. It doesn't have to be tacky, just big and bright, and bold enough to be noticed.

23.) Hire the local high school cheerleaders to cheer in front of your business for a few hours on the weekend.

24.) Offer free hot cocoa, coffee and cider on cold days. Make a big sign and put it in the front window. Be clear that the free beverages are for everyone, not just paying customers (that's how you get new customers).

25.) This one's a bit costlier, but can make a big impact if you're in a B2B business. Purchase a good, top-selling business book in bulk. Inscribe each one with a personal message (e.g., "Dear Bob, I found this book insightful and thought you might like it. Please let me know if I can help you with XYZ Service. Sincerely, Me"). Send the books to business owners and managers.

💥https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11 👈(Go here now) - When starting out, I recommend posting a few FREE clasified ADS daily while you're learning, because that will get you out there for others to see, and it's simple copy and paste advertising...

👉http://www.linkedin.com/rick2323 (My personal Website)

{Pre-written AD}:

This is for the ones who’ve lost everything...

You know what it’s like. Losing what little you have and not
knowing how to get it back.

I’ve seen this happen over and over again and I'm here to tell you that you don't need to worry.

I want to share with you my personal system to generating cash on demand. Take a look at how you can get back everything you’ve lost and make a profit.

Take action today!

😍https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8 👈(Go here now) - I give you everything you need to succeed, and the only way you can fail is if you QUIT!!!


"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." -- Thomas Jefferson


*** How to use paypal to send or receive money (Video) *** {139}

{What is PayPal?}

PayPal is a secure online payment system that lets you send and receive money, and buy things from participating stores. You can link your bank account, debit card, or credit card to your PayPal account. 

👊https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10 👈(A call to action) - I'm available 24/7 if/when you need guidance...

💥There are 2 types of PayPal accounts: Personal and Business.

Here’s how to sign up for a PayPal account:

  1. Go to the PayPal website and click Sign Up at the top of the page.
  2. Select the type of account you would like to open, "Personal" or "Business" and click Next.
  3. Provide your email address, create a password and click Next.
  4. Fill out your personal information and click Agree and Create Account.
You can start to use your new PayPal account right away.
(Create a "PERSONAL" account)

Here's how to cancel an unclaimed payment:
  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Activity near the top of the page.
  3. Click on the transaction you'd like to cancel.
  4. Click Cancel in the "Order status/Actions" column of the transaction in question.
  5. Click Cancel Payment.

👉http://www.paypal.me/rickbrier  (My personal account)


{Email for your tour takers}:

Why working for yourself is the only way to go.

Have you ever pictured the opportunity to shape your destiny? A life where you call the shots and live on your own terms? Are you tired of renting your life out to others? Does your boring job drain the life out of you? Well, you are not alone. Many people have the same dream, but just don't have the courage to go out and grab life by the reins. Sure, entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It requires discipline, motivation and investment.

There will be stressors and setbacks. Yet, the sense of accomplishment you receive is more than worth all of the effort you put into it. Stop working on someone else's dream, and pursue your own. Here are a few more reasons why you should consider being your own boss.


There are days when you just don't feel like working in the same, cramped cubicle passing by similar faces you see everyday. Why not work from anywhere? As an entrepreneur, you get to decide if you want to work at your local coffee shop with any pastry you prefer--so much better than the company cafeteria or vending machine. The next week, you might be sitting on a beach in Costa Rica with your laptop or skiing and working out of Whistler, B.C. You can essentially work from any location with Internet access. Isn't that a much more exciting prospect?


The only limit to your success are the ones you put on yourself. At a 9-to-5 job, your employer decides how much you make and whether or not you get a raise. You might go five years or more without getting any wage increases. Sure, you might make a comfortable living on a predictable salary--but, in today's world, you never know if your company may go under or you get laid off. You might work over 80 hours a week and save every penny. Yet, you might also be divorced with kids and a mortgage. As an entrepreneur, you can set your salary. You might decide, "I need $4,000 a month to be happy," or you can say "$5,000,000 is all I need to retire." Don't let other people decide your numbers.


You know what it's like going to the office day in and day out. You must get your hair cut a certain way, you must have a specific look, you need to purchase work clothes, you have to look happy even when you're not, you need to speak a certain way. It's enough to make you mad. When you work for yourself, you can have a mohawk and no one would care. The most beautiful part of it all is you can be yourself. You no longer have to wear slacks or khakis everyday, in fact, you can work in your skivvies surrounded by your cats if you like. If you enjoy exercise, you can do so when you feel like it. Try asking your boss for an hour off at 11 a.m. to work out and see how well that boils over.


You don't have the restraints of standard work hours. If you want to work at night and play during the day, you can! You don't have to worry about your reputation at the office. Want to attend pool parties all summer? Do it! Want to visit Trekkie conventions throughout the nation? Nothing is stopping you. No need to worry about asking for time off. You set your hours and your schedule. Are you convinced that you should set your own hours and salary doing what you love? Are you ready to break off that employer ball and chain?

💘https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3 👈(Go here now) - Admin Derrick VanDyke has been in the industry for more than 25 years...

👉 http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323  (27% Discount if I'm contacted 1st) (GONE)


“Many people work the business wrong, then claim the business is wrong when it doesn’t work.”  -  Len Clements