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Thursday, April 18, 2019

*** How To Answer The Question: How Much Do You Make With Your Business? *** {317}

πŸ’₯I get asked this questions sometimes, when I'm  trying to recruit people into my business, and if you haven't yet...You will!  (Question & Answer below)

Question: ===> :  How much money do you make with your business?

Answer: ===>  I don't know yet, I'm still earning the money from the efforts that I did from the beginning. Some of the people that I've talked to in the past may still get involved, and I could make Thousands, to Millions, So I really don't know yet...We earn a residual income, and it always changes!  (feel free to change this to fit your narrative)

The reasons why you should never tell someone how much you earn with your business is number 1, it's none of their business, and number 2, if you're a NEWBIE and tell a prospect that you haven't earned anything yet, you will scare them away because they will have no faith in you. So when answering, just try to sound confident and try to be a problem solver then move on...

Also let them do most of the talking because it's all about them. Just try to be helpful with your answers. The bottom line is that your prospect is only concerned about what you can do for them, and how they can earn...

I myself, absolutely love speaking with others, but if that's not your strong suit then try another approach...E-mail, Texting, Or even using Facebook Messenger... I personally do very well with them all, but really like Messenger....I also have scripts that I use and give to my Team because they just work!

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*Rick Brier


“We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated.” – Maya Angelou