{Step 1}:
π Facebook sends you people that they think would be a friend, usually based on similar location. Before sending a friend request, you can check out their profile page, in order to find out more about the person, and if you have anything in common. Another thing you can do, is in search bar at the top of the page, you can type in such things as (mlm, work from home, biz opps, etc..) This will show you thousands of like minded individuals. By looking at their profile page, you can pick and choose who you would like to contact. For example, if you see someone with a psychotic look from their profile pic, that's probably someone you would like to stay clear of. You don't have to to take a lot of time doing this, because this is only one method. You should actually find 2-3 things that you like, and focus on those. When I do this, I usually send out anywhere from 10-20 friend requests, and do it a few times a week, but you choose what works best for you.
{Step 2}:
π If they accept your friend request, send them a message. I always send them something like, Hey John, Thank you so much for accepting my request. Make sure you use the persons first name with your initial response, because it's a good ice breaker, and more personal. The next thing you want to do, is to ask a question. Earlier I told you to gather some info from their profile page. Feel free to write a few things down so you're prepared when you make your initial contact. Let's say they have pictures of dogs on their page, you can start off by sending a compliment about the dog/s, and ask them something about the dog/s. This will get the conversation off on the right foot, and go from there. The objective by doing this, Is that you're building rapport with that person. You're more apt to get your prospects to buy from you, when they like and trust you.
{Step 3}:
π Remember, this is your "cold market" and will take a bit longer, because you're building a rapport with your new prospect. Everyone you talk to is obviously unique, and will respond differently, So take it slow, and don't ask for the sale right off the bat or you will likely scare them off. I really can't explain it, but you will know when the right time ask is, because it's all about feeling. You will understand what I mean if you decide to try this method. Let's say you're pressed for time, which most people are. Search, and send out just 5 requests per day. That's 35 weekly, 140 monthly, and 1,645 yearly, and that's contacting just 5 people daily. You should know by now, that this is a numbers game, and about 90% of your new friends won't be interested, and that's perfectly ok.
If they tell you that they aren't interested, let them know that you're always available if they change their mind, and also make sure to ask them if they know anyone that may be interested, in making a little extra money from home, to please have them contact you. In most cases, they won't, but you just never know if one person comes through for you, and that one person turns out to the next leader within your company, that's a big deal. These steps I've just laid out for you, are things that I do, and have worked for me. Give it a try, and see what you think. I would enjoy some feedback good or bad. Just because your prospect tells you "NO" now, doesn't mean they won't join you at a later date, and could be one of your best leaders.
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 (New Sign Up Link)
π₯ https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2020/04/digisoft-payline-q-376.html (DigiSoft Payline Q&A)
"Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It's quite simple, really: Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that's where you will find success." -- Thomas J. Watson