๐By giving these tips a try, you will be able to generate more Leads/Sales into your Network Marketing Business...
๐ซJoin me @ List Infinity and I will be sending you daily Emails to my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months, and you can get stared today for FREE for 7 days before any out of pocket expense to you. ($22-$27)...
๐Always ask for the sale at the end of every conversation!
๐Use your upline mentor to close your prospects, via 3 way call!
๐Use the phrase "What questions do you need me to answer before we get you started today?"
๐Use the two choice option "Would you like to order the skin care products with your first purchase, or the weight loss shake?"
๐Ask "Would you rather pay wholesale, or retail for the products?"
๐Use the phrase "It sounds like this would be a good fit for you. How about we take a couple of minutes to create your account?"
๐Get your prospect to an event, such as a conference call, webinar, or live event!
๐Expect objections, & be prepared for them. know the most common 5-10 objections, & make sure to have answers for them all!
๐Always assume the sale. Assume they will buy. This is the law of attraction @ work!
๐Tell the person what they are getting if they buy, or join your team. When you join our team today you will receive 200 FREE leads, access to the teams monthly CO-OP, access to our secret Facebook group, unlimited one-on-one coaching, access to our team training website, access to our weekly webinar & conference calls, & much more!
{Pre-written AD}
"Your wealth is hiding under ____." Joe Vitale
Joe Vitale said ...
"Your wealth is hiding under the very thing you are afraid to do. It's time to face your fears and take action. Expect Miracles."
To learn how to make your fears fear you, login here ..
๐https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9 (New Sign Up Link)
๐All members will receive 200 FREE Leads, and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...
{Admin Update}:
Time for a weekend challenge!
Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=
Hi Rick,
Weekend Challenge!
It`s time for another Weekend Challenge! Sign up at least one NEW Payliner this weekend. That NEW Payliner can be form an existing Tour Taker, or a NEW Tour Take that you sign up this Weekend!
Are You Up For The Challenge?
If you are, I would encourage you to use your DSP Team Mailer to contact ``ALL`` Unqualified Payliners below you to let them know you have accepted my Weekend Challenge, and encourage them to do the same!
The DSP Team Mailer in not just for emailing Tour Takes, you can and should be using it to ``support and motivate`` your Unqualified Payliners. REMEMBER, when they make a Qualifying Sale, YOU are the one getting paid! Be their cheerleader!
Tour Taker Email!
For some time now I have been providing pre-written emails in the DSP Team Mailer for you to send to your Tour Takers. Today I will ask everyone to compose and send their own email.
It is so important for Tour Takers to hear from their sponsor! If they are not receiving emails from you about DigiSoft, I can guarantee you that they are receiving emails from someone else about some other program! KEEP DigiSoft in their inbox, and in their minds!
**NEW** 230K Splash Page!
Have you seen the newest version of our 230K Splash Page? It`s pulling in a lot of Tour Takers! If you have not seen it, click the link below.
TeamWork Works!
Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline
"You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn be creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. - Clay P. Bedford