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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

*** DigiSoft Payline Paid Members Only. Learning Your Back Office *** {400}

💙If you are looking at this post. then you are probably a paid member of DigiSoft Payline. I wanted to create this for our members... This will help you with the learning curve, so you can get a better understanding of your back office area. I tell any new member that joins us is that they only need to get their daily "ADS" out there, and learn the business/back office area, and let us do the rest. I will be breaking things down by sections, giving you some knowledge of how to navigate through your back office are. Once logged into your home page, just click any tab at the top of the page to expand... (IGNORE 👇) The only thing of relevance on this page is a list of 2000 FREE Classified Websites at the bottom of this page, and a link to a blog post about how to market...

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8 👈 (A call to action) - I will give you everything you need to succeed...


Status Page: When you login, you will be taken here...It's your main page. It shows the date you signed up, or when you sent in your monthly $7 Admin fee to the left. On the right you will see (3) links, and those are to your capture pages. You're allowed to promote any one of them at any time you like. Next you will see (3) yellow tabs, and they read as follows:

1) Watch the how it works movie - This will allow you to watch Ron Walsh (CEO/ADMIN), explain our compensation plan, and how you you are paid. (You should've already seen it before, but you can access anytime)

2) Check out the (2) product packages - 296 Downloadable Software Products, and most of them will help you build any small business. By clicking the tab, you can navigate through the (2) packages, to see what they are all about. Use them as you like. (Free tour takers can also check them out before deciding whether to join or not.)

3) Upgrade to a Payliner. - If you're deciding to join us, you can click here and follow the steps to upgrade to a Payliner. A $7 admin fee must be paid first, and then you can make your package purchase to your sponsor. (Package #1 - $15) (Package #2 - $35) Both 1 time FEES!

💖Payment Processors: PayPal, Western Union, Money Gram, Any Major Debit/Credit Card. You can also send your $7 Admin Fee via Cashiers Check or Cash through the mail...

Next big box below, toy will see a picture of a woman. Welcome (name) and welcome to the  DigiSoft how it works movie! This will allow you access to watch the 6:45 movie. This is what does the selling/telling/& explaining for you!

Just under that you will be able to listen to the 11 minute, 230k game plan. It's also in text form just under that, along with the compensation chart. This shows you the potential earning for all package 2 purchases, and how much you can earn from the efforts of others.

👉Your 230k Splash Page Banner is @ the bottom of this page!


Contact Us: Before you click any tab to expand, you will see a Blue Contact Support Tab. This is to be used if you have any questions or problems. You can fill out a support ticket anytime and send to (CEO/ADMIN) Ron Walsh. He generally responds within 24 hours, or you're welcome to contact me, and one of us will respond very quickly...

=> Rick Brier - (powerprofitcenter@gmail.com)


- Payliners Lobby: You can click any tab to expand, and you will see a red tab that says Payliners Lobby. Scroll down and you will see a red box that says attention. This only pertains to anyone that hasn't purchased package #2. (Ignore this). You will see Ron Walsh talking about the "Accelerator Wealth System"

Sponsor's Welcome Email For New Tour Takers: This can be used to send to your Tour Takers with the Intelliprotrac Software which I will explain a bit later in my post.


- Home Page: You will be able to access the 42 second intro from Ron, and people can sign up for the FREE tour takers account. You can promote this page as well. 

* My Site:  http://DigiSoftPayline.com/?rick2323 
(Your site will look the same except with your username instead of mine.)


- Advertising Tools: This is the blue tab on the upper left side of the page, and you will spend a lot of time there because a lot of your training tools are here, such as:

* AD Copy, Banners, Business Cards, AD Tracker, Desktop Day Timer, Phone Scripts, Traffic Exchanges, Create a QR Code, Safelist Training, Postcards, Facebook ADS. You can sift through and learn how each section works. This is simple copy and paste advertising, and if you're unsure how that works, we have a short video that explains exactly how to do it.


- DSP MAILBOX: This is the blue tab in the center of the page, and you will find 24 PRE WRITTEN ADS for you to use anywhere you like. If you use any of these on Classified Websites, you may need to change to fit your narrative. We use these with the Team Mailer (Intelliprotrac Software). As stated above, you will find more in the AD Copy section.


This Is How You Get Paid At DigiSoft!

If you are like me you are tired of getting scammed, and having Admin’s run off with your m*on*ey!

This is one of the biggest reasons why I decided to join DigiSoft! The Admin here can never run off with your m*on*ey because they never touch your m*on*ey! Ron Walsh engineered this Pay Plan to pay instantly member to member. I really like that!

After you upgrade to a Payliner and enter the Payliner Room for the first time you will be asked to submit your payment details for Pay Pal, Western Union, or Money Gram.

When someone has to pay you for a Product Package they will see your payment options. For example if someone wanted to pay you by Pay Pal, they would copy your Pay Pal email address and login into their Pay Pal account and send the payment directly to you! So the company never touches YOUR m*on*ey!

Another reason I joined DigiSoft was because of the Pay Plan! One of the best I have ever seen! We get to keep 100% of the m*on*ey from all Personal and Infinity Team Sales!

We earn real commissions here, up to $50 per sale! Unlike those Matrix programs that pay you a lousy dollar per sale. Check this out! If you are getting paid a lousy dollar per sale you need 500 people in your Matrix to make $500, and you have to wait for the end of the month for Admin to pay you! That sucks!

At DigiSoft 10 people who purchase both Product Packages can make you $500, and you are paid instantly! We both know it’s easier to find 10 people than it is to find 500 people!

Bottom line is, we have a better Pay Plan, and a far better Payment System!

Please go watch the How It Works Movie again, then upgrade to a Payliner, and let’s start making some real m*on*ey   


- Payment Options: This section is important, and needs to be completed as soon as you upgrade to a Payliner.  You will need to fill in the boxes at the bottom of the page. We no longer use (Payza, and Solid Trust Pay). You will need to take a few minutes to create a (www.paypal.com) account, and that's all you need to do to set up your business. Click the submit button at the bottom of the page once you fill in the boxes, and the system keeps track of everything because it's automated. Blue tab, middle left side of the page under Advertising tools. *New* Just added all major credit/debit card payment options for you to make your ADMIN/Package fees.


😍How to create a PayPal Account:

There are 2 types of accounts: (Personal & Business)

Follow these steps:

1) Go to (www.paypal.com), and click signup at the top of the page.

2) Select the type of a account you would like to open, "personal" or "business" and click next.

3) Provide your (email, then create a password, then click next)

4) Fill your personal information and click Agree, and create account.

5) You can start to use your account right away

(Create a personal account)


- Accelerator Dashboard: Bottom left corner, blue tab. Completely Ignore this section, and all tabs associated with this section. You will never use it, and no need to learn it. Unfortunately it's no longer useful!


- Prepaid Payliner Credits: Also Ignore this section. Not necessary. This is just another part of the Accelerator Dashboard.


- Marketing Tips: Blue Tab, next to the Advertising Tools Tab. This section just gives you random tips on Advertising your business, including instructions on how to upload videos to your back office area from (www.youtube.com).

👉https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2014/10/video-marketing-using-youtube.html  (YouTube Tutorial)


- Commission Report: This is the Blue Tab under the Marketing Tips Tab. This tracks your Package #1 and #2 Personal and Infinity Team Sales so you never have to.


- Down Load Center: Blue Tab just under the DSP Mailbox Tab. All of your Downloadable Software Products are for you to do as you choose. Most of them will help you build your DigiSoft or any other small business. (296 SoftWare Products)

👉https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2019/07/296-downloadable-software-products-22or.html  (SoftWare Products)


- View Your Referrals: Blue Tab, top center. You will see 3 tabs. 

* Tour Takers - This tracks all of your tour takers as they create a FREE account. (Name/Phone/E-mail)

* Active Payliners - This shows you everyone that upgraded under you, and your team.

* Inactive Payliners - These are the individuals that are no longer affiliated with DigiSoft Payline. If you're in this long enough, you will have people jump in and out a lot. All they have to do to opt back in, is to make their $7 ADMIN fee to Ron, and their account is active again. This is a monthly fee. No other fees EVER! (Western Union)


- View Your Paylines: Blue Tab next to view your referrals tab.  You will see all the info for your sponsor. The person who brought you into the business, just in case you need to contact that person. In this case it will be me, because I do all of the training. You will also see your first qualifying sale at the package #1 level.

* If you scroll down, you will see you and your teams payline. Doesn't matter how many you have, the system tracks everything. It also shows you how many tour takers your Downline members have. and last on the page, there are colored Icons explaining what everything means.


- DSP Team Mailer: Blue Tab, right side of the page just under the View Your Paylines Tab.  This is what I was talking about earlier. The Intelliprotrac Software. Once you start getting tour takers, you can use any of the PRE Written ADS in your back office, and you will also have many more from me. around (1,000).  To use this, copy an message you want, and you will paste it in the box that you see. It's like sending an E-mail. You click appropriate box as to who you want the mailing to go to, and click send. Your message will then go out to everyone of your tour takers, and it doesn't matter how many you have. I have a tutorial on exactly how to use, and you will have access once your a paid member. Also it should be noted, that when your Downline members opt out, or are no longer a member, all of their tour takers will be passed up to you, and will receive the messages you send. If they ever opt back in, they are given back all of their tour takers. I use mine several times per day, and only takes seconds to use. the reason for this is to entice your tour takers to upgrade to a paylner. Once you send your mailing, the system will send you an automated E-mail with the message you just sent. 

👉 This is strictly up to you, but If you would also like for me to send out mailing in your behalf, I will need your username, and password in order to login to your account in order to send. That's up to you. I actually have several of my Team members that I do that for.


{How to use the Team Mailer} - With Message below (Intelliprotrac Software)

Just follow these steps, and make sure  to use it at least a couple times a week, until you get more "TOUR TAKERS", and then you can start using it more...I use mine several times a day...This will entice people to upgrade to a "PAYLINER".. When someone comes to your site, you will get an automated E-mail letting you know that someone is interested in your business...All you will need to do, is  "COPY & PASTE" 1 of the 4 E-mails that are within the automated E-mail. The 6 1/2 minute video does all the selling, telling, & explaining!

>> Follow these steps:

1) Login to your (DSP) account
2) Click any box to expand 
3) Click on "DSP TEAM MAILER"
5) WELCOME TO "DSP TEAM MAILER" (Scroll down and Click appropriate box/s
         (TOUR TAKERS HAVE WATCHED THE HOW IT WORKS) Paste your "AD" in the box.
6) Scroll down to "MOVING RED ARROW" and type in subject
7) Paste "AD" in box
8) (SEND MAIL) That's it!

 Make sure NOT to put in a URL or your name, Ron has already taken care of that. Also after you send your mailing, it will go out to all of your "TOUR TAKERS" and you will be sent  a "COPY" of what you just sent.. You can keep the "AD"  and use it elsewhere. Below is an "AD" you can use to try it out...

If you click on the "DSP MAILBOX TAB," You will find about 2 dozen Prewritten "ADS" at your disposal...



{Title}  Let's be friends.

What would it take for you and I to start working together as a successful team?

We've got some really GREAT things happening in our business right now. people on our team have put some big bucks in their pockets as quickly as their first few weeks.

Our system has been designed so that anyone willing to follow our simple and proven system for success can succeed. With our system. many of our members  are making money for the first time...It's easy to make money when you have a system to plug into!

If you're really committed to changing your financial situation, Let's talk! Call me when you've got 5 minutes and I'll give you the "NO-HYPE" Details! I'll look forward to speaking with you!

If you can "COPY AND PASTE" and let the "UNLIMITED" $50 payments roll in, Then you can do this...

Please contact me if you have any questions. I am here to help you be successful.

👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/santa50.php rick2323  (Checkout our Santa splash page)


- Submit Testimonial: Blue Tab under Team Mailer, right side of the page. There are 6 scripts that you use, or create your own. When you start getting people to upgrade, you can submit a testimonial about your success. this is really good to show so we can get more people on board. We have a Number you call to place your testimonial.

DigiSoft Testimonial Hotline 1 641-715-3900 Extension: 889383#


- Confirm a Payment: Blue Tab top right. When someone upgrades under you, they pay you directly, 100% commissions. Admin touches none of your money! This only works for PayPal at the moment because as stated earlier, we lost Payza, and Solid Trust Pay. When you are paid via Paypal, the system will send you an automated E-mail letting you know that you've been paid. You will typically need to wait anywhere from 15-30 minutes, and then you will want to check your account to make sure your money is there, and then you will click this tab, and click Package #1/#2, and either confirm payment, or deny. You click the smiley face, if you received your payment, and the red "X" if you didn't. The system will then send an automated E-mail to the individual letting them know if payment was made or not, and if not it will try to get them to try again. 


- About Me Set Up: Blue Tab under confirm a payment on the right. This is optional. You can set up a page about you. Everything is already there for you. Just copy and paste what you see into the boxes. There is also an area for your Youtube Videos, and at the bottom of the page, you can upload a photo of your self. Complete tutorial on the page, that will walk you through everything.


- Automated Follow Up: Blue Tab, far right, under About me set up. This is really cool. When you have a tour taker come and sign up for the free tour, the system will automatically send them an E-mail already PRE Written, 15 minutes after sign up, and then another one about 8 hours later. This again is to try to entice them to sign up. Plus you also receive an automated E-mail when you have a tour taker, with 4 E-mails, and you will just pick one of the messages, and send it via E-mail. (copy and paste), it's that simple. Every time someone comes to your site, for whatever reason, you are sent an E-mail letting you know exactly who the person was. Again all automated!


- Cancel: Ignore this. It just cancels your account with DigiSoft Payline, and I know you don't want to do that because you hate your J.O.B. - Just Over Broke!


- FAQ'S Page: Blue Tab, right side of the page, under product packages, once you shrink the TABS. You will find 56 Questions and Answers for your prospects. They have access as a free tour taker. most of their questions should be answered here, so you don't have to.

👉 https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2020/04/digisoft-payline-q-376.html  (My Q&A Page)


- Edit Your Profile: Blue Tab, left bottom.  You can edit any of your personal info on this page, and click update your DigiSoft profile tab at the bottom of the page.


- Upgrade To A Payliner: Blue Tab, right side of the page, next to the Purchase Package. You will hear about 10 seconds of Ron Walsh, basically saying to contact him if you have any questions about making your payment. At the bottom of the page, you will see 2 icons. Western Union, and Certified Cashiers Check though the mail. As of now, these are your 2 methods of payment for your ADMIN fee. If you choose to make your ADMIN fee payment via Certified Cashiers Check, click the Icon and follow the instructions. You will see Ron's Mailing address at the bottom of the page. The way I make my ADMIN payment, is to send cash in the mail. I've been doing this for years, and haven't had any problems yet. I just wrap my cash in a piece of paper in my envelop. It typically takes about 9-12 days to get to him. I live in the United States, and He lives in Canada.


- 230k Focus Group: This section I created a tutorial at the bottom of this section on how to use it.. Once you get your (3) qualifying sales, you will need (1) qualifying sale for package #1, and (2) qualifying sales for package #2. This is really good because we are built around leverage. By using this very unique reverse 1 and 2 up infinity payplan, everyone has to pass up their first (3) sales, which makes the earning potential far greater. From package #1 sales, you start receiving commissions after your second sale, to infinity, and your package #2 sales you will start receiving commissions after your third sale to infinity.

👉👉Complete training provided by me. Daily emails, access to my training blog, and I will post random "ADS" in your behalf, and send you copies of everything I post. I use paid advertising sites, so you don't have to.


{How to use the 230k Focus Group Page?}

This can only be used once you have your (3) qualifying sales, and then you can use it everyday!

This only takes a minute to use, so follow the steps below. You can use this tool to send everyday, but each member can only be sent the special offer every (30) days. Ron already has the E-mail messages loaded, so you don't have to do anything but click a few tabs, and send. Tutorial below:

1) Login to your account
2) Click any tab to expand
3) Click the 230k Focus Group Tab
4) Scroll down to the bottom and click (send offer)
5) Scroll down to the bottom and click the #1
6) Besides the name to the left where it says action, Click on the icon in the box
7) Click the box that says YES (Check Mark)
8) Click send mail
9) A box will appear @ the top of the page, Click OK to send the message
10) Repeat the process when you send another message to another tour taker

What this does, is entices your tour takers to upgrade , by giving them 48 Hours to accept your special discount offer of 27%, which will save you $15. Ron has automated messages going out after 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, and of course 48 hours!

Anyone who accepts the offer within the 48 hours, will get package #1 for FREE, and only required to pay a 1 time fee for package #2 which is $35!

If the tour taker doesn't accept the offer within the time limit, you will receive an automated email from the system letting you know that the individual decided to pass on the offer, and that's OK. You can always send another message the next month to that same individual. (you can delete the expired email)

How to know when to send again? Look to the right of the persons name, and you will see a date of when the message expired... (Example: 1/6/2018). You can resend to that same individual again on (2/6/2018)m or later. your choice when you mail! Hope I didn't confuse you, If I did contact me, and I can help! 

If you have (10) tour takers to send to on a particular day, you have to send (1) at a time. Ron already has the messages loaded and you don't have to do anything more than what I said here. You can even click on the messages to see exactly what they say.


- How It Works: When you first login to your account, you will see to the right of the page, a blue tab that says how it works. All this is, is the text version and commission chart of what you hear from Ron in the How it works movie. Also several of the tabs that you click, will turn colors. (Red, Yellow, Green, or Blue)

👉 http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323  (How It Works Movie) (GONE)

👉 https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2014/10/how-to-market.html  (How To Market)


{Approximately 2,000 Classified Advertising Sites}:


“Don't set your goals by what other people deem important.”― Jaachynma N.E. Agu, The Prince and the Pauper