πToday's post I'm sharing (3) random, but important things you should know pertaining to MLM.
1) Facts about "TEAM" leaders:
Innovation is a big key in building a Network Marketing business, and "LEADERS" have the ability, and talents to teach their "TEAM" how to be more efficient by working smarter, and not harder. Leverage is a must if you want to build it big.
When you start a "NEW" business opportunity, unless you're experienced, you should follow the system, until you possess the necessary skills to build it bigger and faster your way.
Every "LEADER" in this industry has a different outlook, and builds their business differently, even if you work in the company, and that's OK.
Don't be mad if not everyone is willing to follow your lead. Some of your best "LEADERS" will it their way, and they may be your next success story.
The only thing that matters is that your "TEAM" duplicates the results, and not the process.
2) Never make fun of people's jobs:
Thousands of people in our industry have a job, while building an MLM business, and they shouldn't be ridiculed, but applauded, because they are just trying to support their families. MLM isn't for everyone, because if no one had a job, the economy would collapse.
Unfortunately with the current state of our country, there are probably thousands of people who would love to have your job, even if you hate it, so try to be grateful. If anything, the hatred for the job, should motivate you to bust your hump building your business, so you can ultimately "FIRE YOUR BOSS!" How great would that be?
Show "PROSPECTS" that having a side hustle is OK. Explain to them the benefits of having a "HOME BASED BUSINESS."
If you're really good at what you do, many of these "PROSPECTS" will see the value with what you're doing, and will follow you.
Your best "PROSPECTS" are individuals who either already own a business, or have in the past, and have experience. And think like an entrepreneur.
3) You must advertise:
There is "NO" business, whether it be brick and mortar, or Network Marketing where you don't have to advertise. I always tell my "NEW" members, that initially they can focus on FREE advertising, and I even give around 2,000 FREE sites for them utilize at first. But over time, you will want to create a monthly advertising budget. start out small, maybe a couple hundred a month, and then move up from there as you start making more.
Only you can decide what methods work for you, so record your results, because most of your advertising $$$ will just go to waste, but you have to do it anyway.
We all only have so many hours a day, and we can't spend every waking moment advertising, so that why spending a little cash on your business is not only smart, but will also FREE up some of your time (since you may work a full time job).
When paying for advertising, you are getting your offers out there to the masses of people, and that will still allow you some extra time, to be prospecting (1 on 1).
You're "LEVERAGING" yourself, and you will be able generate leads 24/7. and By doing this, you're giving yourself a greater chance at success.
Experiment with your methods until you find what works, and then go all in. You owe it to yourself!
If you don't have the necessary funds for your advertising budget, retail some of your products, and then put some of that money back into your business.
One of my favorite paid methods is (www.herculist.com). I'm a gold member and have been for over a decade. I'm grandfathered in and never have to pay again. I post random "ADS" for my "TEAM", and am allowed to post once every 24 hours. To join you're going to pay around $50 a year, unless they are having a sale, which sometimes they do, and then you may only pay around $25. There are over 92,000 + members, and growing by the day. Anyone who joins me @ DigiSoft Payline, can expect me to post random "ADS" in their behalf using their affiliate links!
✋https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/8 (New Sign Up Link)
π https://rbrier2323.blogspot.
{Admin Update}:
Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=
Hi Rick,
Welcome NEW Payliners!
I would like to welcome all the NEW Payliners who joined us over the weekend! You have picked a really great time to join us because September to the holidays in December is one of the best times to make mon-ey online!
It is important to start promoting right away! We have lots of Advertising Tools in your Payliner Room, including Text Ads, Banners, Facebook Ad, and much more!!
YouTube Challenge:
The more ads you have out the, the more ``Back Links`` to your web site You have out there the more success you have.
I would challenge all Payliner to get some kind of Video on Your Tube to Promote DigiSoft.
It could be you personally doing a video, or you can do a slide show with a voice over, kind of like what we have on our NEW 230K Splash Page.
If you do not know how to make a slide show for YouTube, simply go to Google and YouTube, and do a search for
how to make a slideshow on youtube:
Your video does not have to be a major production. Something simple to to drive traffic to your DigiSoft website.
About Me Story:
We have a lot of tools at DigiSoft that you will not see anywhere else! One of those tools is the ability to create your own page with your picture and or upload your YouTube video.
It is in Payliners Room – About Me Set Up
On that same page you can compose 3 paragraphs talking about your self or DigiSoft. When composing your 3 paragraphs ALWAYS try to use words or phrases that people will search for on Google.
For example, people would search Google for: how to make mo-ney online
You could create the following sentence for your About Me Story.
If you have ever wondered how to make mon-ey online, you found it right here at DigiSoft Payline
(*NOTE* -You would not have the dash – in mon-ey).
Give some thought to this, to come up with your own words and phrases. This way your About Me Page will be different from everyone else`s!
After your About Me Page is completed you can use the Search Engine Submitter in the Quick Start Bonus Page to submit it to Google.
So when someone does a Google Search for key words or phrases that are on your About Me Page, then you stand a lot better chance of your DigiSoft About Me Page coming in their search!
**NEW** 230K Splash Page!
Have you seen the newest version of our 230K Splash Page? It`s pulling in a lot of Tour Takers! If you have not seen it, click the link below.
DigiSoft User ID: ???
TeamWork Works!
Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline
Tenzin Gyatso was formally recognized as the 14th Dalai Lama in November 1950, at the age of 15.