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Monday, March 16, 2020

*** How Long Will It Take To Build A Successful Business? *** {370}

πŸ’₯I am going to assume you mean from the time you join the business until you can live off of it as a means of a full-time income.
In normal cases it will take you between 3 to 5 years of working the business before you can really live off it, similar basically to getting a degree in any profession when you think about it. (I have known people to go as long as 10 years.) The bottom line is that it really doesn't matter, as long as you don't quit!
The majority of people within the industry join for everything other than a new career or even thinking that the industry is a job, why you might ask there are two reasons I can think of the first being they are sold on the dream someone else had created for them. The second is those who are successful within the industry know it is a full time job but it doesn't bother them because they love what they are doing, they have what most people lack time freedom to do what they want when they want.
I say 3 to 5 years because in the first year you will have one set back after another, possibly in the second and third year as well depending on take a guess ... YOU yes you determine how well and how fast you will earn within the industry this is also what makes it so difficult because you have no boss that has you on a time card.
So realistically speaking if you roll up your sleeves, and put your mind into a action mode of positive activity you can easily enjoy a 5 to 6 figure income per month after 3 years of full commitment.
I must warn you however, the industry is addicting, if you are not careful you may find yourself making great friends, enjoying fun travel adventures and creating the mindset of a champion long before you earn 5 to 7 figures within the industry. With time though the money will come your biggest asset is you, you control your future. Treat it like a business and not a hobby and your chances of success are much greater.

Do NOT Ever Quit!

The ONLY way you can ever fail in network marketing is by quitting. This might sound cliche, but it is true. The successful network marketing professional’s of today at one time or another, had thoughts of quitting but didn’t, and that’s why they are where they are now… TOP INCOME EARNERS! Network marketing does take time, but be assured the Results WILL SOON Follow!

Advise from an Amway Legend:
Here is a quote I found from Amway Legend Bill Britt.  This is what he credits to his success. 

"There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people. 900 said 'NO' and only 300 signed up. Of those 300 only 85  did anything at all. Out of those 85, only 35 were serious, and  out of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire." 

This statement validates the power of working the numbers until  you find your key players. This is a numbers game, no matter  what anyone else tells you. 

πŸ’›https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5  (New Sign Up Link)
{Pre-written AD}:

Do you HATE your job?

You hate your job am I right?

In fact you don't even need to answer that, let alone think about your job....

Because I have this for you and you're gonna love it!

Not only will you no longer need a day job, you'll be able to spend time doing the things you enjoy..

Like spending time with your kids or going out to eat at fancy smancy restaurants.

If that's not your kinda thing, heck, just make a ton of cash and kick back with a cold beverage.

Right Here is where it all begins (don't delay)

If you love your job, that's fine with me....

I know a bunch of ballsy action takers that will be chomping at the bit to get on this...

So if you snooze you lose my friend, that's just how it goes.

Talk soon
πŸ‘Šhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3 πŸ‘ˆ (A call to action)
“Entrepreneurs Are Great At Dealing With Uncertainty And Also Very Good At Minimizing Risk. That’s The Classic Entrepreneur.” – Mohnish Pabral