💝I started in Network Marketing back in 2006 with a company called Quixtar. It's a sister company of Amway. I had no intention of ever starting a homebased business because it was outside my comfort zone, but a very close friend was with Amway back in the mid 90's, and doing quite well for him and his family, And was always begging me to get involved but I was perfectly happy at my long time factory job punching the time clock.
Things all changed because that long time job that I had decided to shut their doors and move, putting thousands of us out on the street, making me rethink my future.
That's when I decided to get involved with a company called Quixtar. I met some people in my hometown of Indiana that were already involved, and they invited me to sit in at one of the seminars at the local Holiday Inn, and then back to one of the houses to discuss further.
After listening to the speel, and how everyone loved the business and the products, I made up my mind to join. I went to the meetings, and did my due diligence by studying very hard.
I then started to work the business, and after a few months got very discouraged because I wasn't making any sales, and ultimately failed miserably, and ended up quitting!
But it doesn't end there. "OH NO"... We are just getting started! You see, I don't accept failure, and continued on to my next venture, which was with Herbalife. I jumped in with both feet, and spent over $3,000 just to get started.
My sponsor was giving me poor advise by telling me that I had to purchase all the products which I did, and that's because by me doing so, she got a percentage of my package purchase. I was new to the business, and had no ideal, until after I made my purchase, my sponsor was never heard from again. Imagine that!
If you know anything about the industry you already know that, that's a common theme. Your sponsor rolls out the red carpet until you make a payment, and then they go into the witness protection program and you never hear from them again!
Because of that, I told myself that I would NEVER be like that with anyone, and I haven't been. I have a very good track record, and have earned the respect of my peers!
If you haven't already figured it out by now, yes I failed once again, and quit Herbalife. On to my next venture.
I probably spent about a year between the two companies with absolutely no luck. It wasn't because of the companies because they are both still around, and very good companies. I failed for 2 reasons. First, I was a newbie, and second, I had no sponsor, at least in Herbalife. I had good people with Quixtar, I just never gave it a chance for me to be successful and wanted to make that clear incase someone wants to join either company. Just make sure to find a good upline even if you have to call several levels up!
Again failure just didn't set well with me, and after doing more research I got involved with (GDI) - Global Domains International. Another very good company, that has been around for over 20 years now, and still running.
This is where I finally made a few sales. Even though I was still considered a newbie and still learning, I always reached out to my downline as if I were a marketing guru always trying to help. That's just who I am!
I continued to work the program for a few months but only received a few sales, and that prompted me to quit once again!
The frustration was mounting, but I refused to quit. I kept pushing on. I started one program right after another, and I continued to fail, and didn't stick around long with any of them. I went through probably dozens of inexpensive programs, and they were all complete scams!
Now keep in mind that all these programs had no sponsoring, and I'm still trying to learn the ins and out's on the fly.
Now here is where I finally found a program that I liked, and found success. The company I joined was the Daily Income Network.
We ended up with over 48,000 members from the US, UK, & Canada. I started making YouTube videos, and sending out Postcards, and because of the inexpensive price tag, I was making sales effortlessly.
I moved up to the number 7 recruiter within the company, and was really enjoying my new found success, and was able to sponsor a lot of people, and help them as well.
And then the inevitable happened. We had server problems, and they said it was going to cost too much money to fix, and decided to shut it down. I was pissed, because I really enjoyed the business, and was finally successful after many years of tried and failed opportunities.
I have to admit, that was pretty deflating for me, but I continued on my journey for success, and went back to the drawing board, and started looking for something else to try!
And guess what? Yep, you guessed it. I found yet another program to try, and that program was DigiSoft Payline!
This is where I'm at now and have been for over 5 years. We are a 6 year old worldwide Network Marketing company! (NOT MLM!), and with any luck this will be where I will stay for as long as possible because I'm very successful and have helped many people solve some of their problems!
→The moral of my story is that I payed a price for success, but I never completely quit. I had to fail before I was to succeed. Anyone who joins me won't have to worry about me going into the witness protection program, and also I can shorten the learning curve because I had to basically learn this industry by myself, and I won't let that happen to my TEAM!
Where would I be if I decided to quit after my first failed attempt? Not where I am now, that's for sure!
Thank you to my followers who read my content. I really appreciate it, it means a lot!
💥https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/11 👈 (Go here now) - 1-2 hours per day over an extended period of time is what it takes in order to be successful...
{My Sites}
👉http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)
👉https://www.pinterest.com/rick2323/_created/ (GONE)
👉{E-mail} - powerprofitcenter@gmail.com
{A Thank You E-mail For Your Tour Takers}
This is Rick Brier and I wanted to thank you for recently visiting my website. You may not remember because you may be researching things online. I just wanted to introduce myself and encourage you to pay attention to the E-mails you will receive from me.
This always has been and always will be a numbers game. Everything in life is a numbers game. In most cases, you don't marry the first person you date. You don't stay at your first job forever. You don't live in the same house forever.
Most people who join our industry will do nothing and quit. You already know that. You are looking for the few key people who are serious and are willing to do whatever it takes. This is a VERY small percentage of the people who join your team, less than 3 percent.
You can spend all your time trying to turn a donkey into a stallion, or you can work the numbers until you find your key people.
One last point. This business is also a business of skill and strategy. As you improve in those two areas you can go through fewer people and get better results.
What are the numbers? Well, in most cases you will have to personally sponsor 100 to 500 people personally to find your 2-5 winners who generate 90% or more of your income. That is the trend I have seen in the industry.
You could sponsor 260 people in five years, by sponsoring just one person a week. To sponsor one person per week, all you need to do is approach 5 new prospects per day, every day, Monday through Friday.
Anyone can do that, although most people will not do it. Now you know.