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Saturday, October 25, 2014

*** Why Do You Need A Domain Name? *** {25}

😎Below are several reasons why it's a good idea to create your own Domain Name for your small business...

💥Increases your name recognition

💥Makes it easy for your customers to remember your address

💥Indicates you are a serious Internet player 

💥Helps brand your image 

💥Adds a level of trust and integrity to your site

💥Many search engines refuse to list pages from free sites 

💥Some search engines will only index the first page of a domain site 

💥Domain names containing 'keywords' aid in higher search engine ranking

💥Allows you to use your domain address (www.yourname.com) and virtual email addresses (yourname@yourname.com) on your business cards and letterhea

💥Once a domain name has been registered, it is no longer available... The most popular and easily-remembered domain names are being reserved daily,

💥At the rate of one domain name every 5 seconds

💥At that rate, in the near future, only obscure domain names will be available to the general public.

💥Avoids somebody else from registering the name you want. 

💥Lets you change your current email provider and still keep the same email address

💥Protects your Internet advertising investment from failure of your Internet Service Provider

👉How To Select A Domain Name:

💥Make it as short as possible

💥Make it memorable

💥Make it easy to spell 

💥Make it pronounceable 

💥Make it a name you can brand 

💥Make it non-confusable with another domain name

💥Make it not conflict with an existing trademark

💥Make it easy to say 

💥Make it trust-worthy, not off-beat (i.e. a .com instead of a .to or .ws) 

💥Make it directly related to either your business name or

💥Make it directly related to keywords from your industry or

👉Consider multiple domain names:

💥obtain similar names to avoid competitors confusing your customers

💥obtain misspellings of your domain name to keep competitors from taking advantage of misspellings

💥obtain names for future offerings (services or products) 

💥link to your main site from additional domains to aid in your search engine ranking (major search engines use link popularity in their ranking algorithms. 

👉One of the best places to get a Domain Name is  GoDaddy.com  (They always have deals going on)

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3  (New Sign Up Link)

{Pre-written AD}

It’s your lucky day!

You have just received one of the most coveted links in the world!

The link at the bottom of this email was only sent to my loyal subscribers, and you are one of them!

If you don’t click on it soon, it might be deactivated.

This kind of opportunity rarely presents itself, so I’m happy it found its way to you.

Please consider what you’ll miss out on if you don’t take this chance to click on the link.

You will understand what I mean once you do!

I hope you’ll do the right thing - take care and talk soon!

😍https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/16 👈(A call to action)

“People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy.”– Tony Robbins

*** More FREE Ad Sites For Advertising Your BIZ OPPS (Massive List) *** {24}

💜Here is another small list of "AD" sites for you to use in order to get more exposure about your products and services. They are all FREE to use, so post away! (10 sites/265 more with an "AD" to try)

🙏https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17 👈(A call to action)

*Join today and you will receive FREE Ebooks helping you to build your business, and much, much, more...You can't fail unless you QUIT! It takes 1-2 hours per day for an extended period of time...


👉 Free free to try this "AD" for your advertising effort. Change this any way you like to fit your narrative!

{Prewritten AD}

If you do nothing else this year, you need to check this out...

This is growing at an incredible rate and you do not want to be left behind!

If you could create a time machine, or if someone offered you the opportunity to be @ a start up of something like Coca Cola, Microsoft, Apple, or Bitcoin, What would you do?

Then what if they told you...Look, I will give you the inside business structure and training so you can be one of the first people to show this to the world and start your way down the path to success?

Would that be something you would consider doing?

Well you now stand @ the crossroads of that exact thing. you can join me, or you can delete this email and this path to a brighter future.

If you join me, I'm going to help you every step of the way;

👉I will train you, and give you full access to my blog!
👉I will give you my best advertising resources!
👉I will help place "ADS" in your behalf!
👉I will be sending you daily tips, tutorials, videos, and freebies!
👉I will help you find prospects to increase your team!
👉I will show you which path to take for a brighter future!
👉I will do everything in my power to help with your success!
👉I will give you 120 million leads!

What will you do???

Will you stay, or will you go?

Your future is in your hands, and only you can take the next step!

Join me TODAY for the journey of a lifetime if you are prepared to attain a brighter future...


"Network Marketing is based purely on relationship selling, which is the state of the art in selling today. Small and large companies throughout the country and the world are realizing that individuals selling to their friends and associates is the future of sales, because the critical element in buying is trust." - Brian Tracy

Related image

*** The All Important Opt-In List *** {23}

💜The money is in the list...

Getting customers to your site should always be ranked as high as the importance of the quality and the excellence of the product and the service that you provide...They should go hand in hand in providing your customers the satisfaction they get in exchange for the money they have paid for them...Your service should as well be fantastic so that the customers are provided with the same satisfaction...

One of the ways you can combine marketing and customer service is through opt-in-marketing...With an opt-in list you get the opportunity to introduce your site and products on a good time basis...Opt-in marketing strategy is a marketing strategy that is virtually low cost and not time consuming...Here, you get the consent of your website visitors to subscribe to your newsletter and other promotional materials, such as catalogs and free promotions...

Opt-in marketing uses your list of subscribers to send E-mails to...These E-mails will contain the E-mails you will send to your subscribers...It is Essential that you present your promotional items in a manner that will catch the interest, and the eye of your subscriber...To keep them wanting more...The best way to do this is to provide fun, entertaining, and informational articles...

Well written articles full of content and useful information will help in building your list as more subscribers will be enticed to your list...When they read samples of your contents within your sites, they will be intrigued as to what will come next...

Subscribing to your newsletter will offer them a glimpse of what you have to offer next...Many sites and companies have captured the importance of articles, and this also aids in search engine optimization...As more people are heading toward the internet for their informational needs, serving the right information to them via articles within your site will increase the flow of your website traffic. With more traffic, the % of your sales will grow. More sales, means more profits...

There has been the rise for more importance or well written information enriched and keyword packed articles for the content of their sites well as of newsletters...These articles provide the information many are seeking on the internet...If your site has them, more people will be going to your site for information and research...Well written articles would also boost your site reputation...If they are filled with a lot of information you will be regarded as well informed, and an expert on the subjects that you tackle...

Your articles must be well researched so that people will trust you. When you gain your trust, they will always come to you for their needs on that subject. In connection you must write articles or commission them to tackle subjects that are closely connected within your type of business...If you have a site for medicine...Tackling a certain disease, your article must be about diseases...Or if you sell materials for home improvements, provide articles with those themes...Most articles searched for are tips. guidelines, methods, manuals, and such...

If you provide these articles to your customers, and they have your trust. They will always go to your site for help and advice as well as your products...With the loyalty of these customers, they will subscribe to your opt-in list to receive all the information you have...If you provide them with the answers for that need, they will be happy to be receiving your newsletters as well as other promotional materials to keep them well informed...Others may be even forward your newsletters to other people when they find certain articles interesting.

💪https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10 👈 (Go here now)

😎7 day FREE Trial Period. Get started today, and I will send you 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up! You will also receive my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months!

{E-mail for your tour takers}:

Getting paid 100% commissions is as easy as 1,2,3!

I have something you really should take a look at! It's such a simple concept that it will take you only a few minutes to realize just how easily you can make money with it.

And the beauty of this is, you really don't need any experience.

You've already got a computer, you're already connected to the Internet, you can follow simple instructions and you know how to copy and paste - that's literally all it takes to make very good money with this opportunity.

Everything you need is already done for you; From the automated website, the pre-written "ADS", the marketing guides and directories to the FREE digital product downloads which are designed to help you succeed in making more sales from your Paypal account.

So, how does it stack up?

Well, most opportunities today, as good as they seem, use complex scripts, have over-complicated compensation plans, follow a very destructive PONZI model or require huge risky investments in order for you to succeed. Several very popular high return and revenue share opportunities have recently been responsible for massive financial losses - Something the average Internet Marketer or Newbie cannot afford!

DigiSoft Payline has none of those issues to contend with. There are no greedy administrators, and no unreliable payment processors - essentially there are no risks. It's affordable to everyone and pays instantly, and directly into your account, which gives it massive appeal. (Member to Member)

DigiSoft Payline makes it easy for you to write your own success story. The question is, how big do you want your story to be?

"The power to change your life lies in the simplest of steps."

You are one click away from taking the first...

👉https://listinfinity/net/rick2323/1 (New Sign Up Link)


"Your work is discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it." - Buddha

Image result for opt in list logos

*** Give Until it Hurts *** {22}

😃If you want to keep getting Email Addresses, start giving stuff away... Since you can't send a toaster through the Mail, give them something far more valuable-- and far more affordable to you- Information/Service or expert advice...

It has been said that you can get rich with an E-mail list of just 1,000 people!... So get going on new ways to capture and keep E-mail addresses, and always make sure that they know your sign-up link! 

***Drip, Drip, Drip... You'll want to have a series of newsletters already set-up so they can be "Dripped" on your prospects on a regular basis... send a message daily, every other day, or on whatever schedule suits you best. BUT MAKE CONTACT AT LEAST EVERY 7 DAYS!... 

***Contact the right person... A message left on voice mail is almost always a waste of time, and therefore a waste of money... Harnessing the power of E-mail marketing given the internet problems with traditional marketing techniques... It's important to master the basic strategies for integrating E-mails into your overall campaign... As I've just shown you , sending out an E-mail can be much cheaper than other marketing methods... proceed with caution, however, E-mail can also cost you a fortune-- in lost opportunities, and cold hard cash--

If you don't know the basics... First always keep in mind that your "primary objective" the mastery that unlocks your "success vault". In internet marketing is to build your mailing list- your E-mail mailing list...

(of 10 referred to as your "in-house list")... The addresses you collect are going to mean the difference between the middle-of-the-road results that average Joe and Jane are achieving, and the through-the-roof-,over-the-top, to-the-moon- and back mega-success that top online sellers achieve... (The difference really is that dramatic) So don't miss the boat: the time is now to start building your list of E-mail addresses (prospects)! 

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite ($7/$25/$100/$300) Packages

{Pre-written AD}

Don't wait another minute...

List Infinity Is Like No Other You have Seen!

Don't make a mistake and think this is like all the other programs, you have seen in the past. (It's Not)

Imagine a real system generating Real Income to every single member no matter what!

Take the FREE TOUR today 👇 FREE for 7 days...

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/14 👈 (A call to action)

FREE "Starter Course" Training Provided!


{Admin Update}:

Welcome to all NEW Payliners

Dec 18, 2017

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator

Hi Rick,

Welcome To DigiSoft!

I would like to welcome all the NEW Payliners who joined over this past week, and there were a lot of you! It is so great to have you all onboard as we get ready for 2018!

It is time now to roll up your sleeves and start posting your 10+ ads every day! Posting a minimum 10 ads a day does not make that much time, but if you plan on making 2018 your best year ever online, then you should not be stopping after you have posted 10 ads!

No doubt you have seen The 230K Game Plan in your Member Center. the income potential here is HUGE! Unlimited in fact!

How many ads are you willing to post to make 230K in 2018?

Now that is something to shoot for; ``230K in 2018``!

September to the December Holidays is a great time to make mon-ey online, BUT January to June is an even GREATER time to be making mon-ey online because people spend more time online during the winter months, and until the kids are out of school in June!

Tour Takers It Is Time To Get Started!

We are less than 2 weeks away from 2018! It is time to get your ducks in a row! Upgrading to a Payliner now will give you some time to get yourself familiarized with our Payliners Room, and even get some ads posted before the New Year!

If you upgrade to a Payliner now, you will have lots of time you get yourself Qualified at BOTH package Levels before the New Year!

If you want to make 2018 your best year ever online, you need to get everything set up now!

You can get started at Package #1 for just $22 ($7 Payliner Fee + $15 Package #1). At Package #1 you start receiving INSTANT $15 Commissions with your second sale!

Or you can go all in at both Package Levels like most people do so you can start receiving those $35 payments infinity deep at Package Level #2.

DigiSoft User ID: 


TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


Quote of the Week:

"Exposure is everything. The fortune is in the follow-up. Work with the willing." - Brian Carruthers

Image result for logos that say give

*** 7 Steps On How To Turn Leads Into Sales *** {21}

😀Don't go into meetings with an agenda...Listen to what prospects say, and modify your products and services to fit their wants and needs.

💥As a small business owner, a major part of your day-to-day activities should focus around generating leads and converting those leads to clients...Here are 7 steps to improve your lead conversion ratio to grow your business...Build a lead database...How do you currently keep track of your leads?...

💥If you are just starting out, you can use Microsoft Excel or access to manage your leads...If you have been in business longer, consider buying software like Act!...Or another customer relationship management (CRM) system...In your database, keep track of every contact you have with your lead and schedule a follow up date or next action to take so each day you can print out a to-do list of all contacts you need to follow up with...

💥Your contact database should be your primary resource for storing obvious information like contact details as well as what you discussed in meetings, potential work opportunities, and next steps. Quality leads. For each contact in your database, think about how likely they are to hire you...Consider: What are their main concerns, problems, and frustrations?...Do you have the right products and services to help them?...

💥How can you get to know them better?...(for instance, visiting their website, monitoring their blog, talking with key individuals in the company?) Is this company you want to do business with? Is this a one-time job or are there long-term project opportunities? Is this contact the decision maker?...If not, who is?...

💥Build credibility and trust...How can you position your business so prospects see you as a good choice for their project work?...Can you provide case studies, articles, and white papers?...Do you have a solid reputation within the industry?...Have you worked with similar companies?...Has the press covered your business?...Be persistent...You don't want to annoy prospects, but you do need to follow up regularly if you want to win their business...Ask them if they want to join your newsletter or invite them to speaking engagements or events you will be participating in...Keep track of any press release and company announcements they put out and send them a quick "congratulations" message...

💥It can take upwards of 7-10 contacts, and several months before they are ready to hire you, so don't give up...Follow up...Get the meeting...Whether you conduct your meeting face-to-face or by phone, eventually you will have to talk to your prospect one-on-one...Be prepared...The best sales technique you can use is to listen 90% of the time and ask clarification questions...Let prospects tell you what they want...

💥Your meeting should be more like a "consulting session" than a "sales pitch."... Create your working agreement...Hopefully during the meeting, you got a verbal agreement to work together...If so, send a copy of your working agreement over within one follow up...If your meeting didn't lead to a working agreement, don't stop...Keep following up with helpful articles and information based on ideas you generated from your meeting...The key to turning leads into clients is to have open conversations with prospects. Figure out what they want most, and offer a way to give them what they want...

👍https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9 👈 (Go here now) 

*I will send you 200 FREE Leads, and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up!

*You will receive my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months!

*You will have complete access to my entire Training blog to use as you wish!

*I will post random ADS on your behalf and send you a copy of everything I post!

*And much, much, more...!

{Prewritten AD}:

Build Your List And Income Fast... ????

Congratulations!..... 'LIST INFINITY' THE Viral List Building System that pays You 100% commissions. As a free member, you now have access to: * The Viral List Building System. 15 Lead Capture Pages and 30 DFY emails to help you build your email list and generate commissions fast! * Simple And Easy To Set Up. List Infinity is a user-friendly platform that automates the marketing process, saving you time and effort. Sign up Right Now and Set Up Your Account.. It's FREE! If you want to earn 100% commissions on ALL of your referrals, you can upgrade at any time from your dashboard. ALL level upgrades are ONE-TIME Payments 💥Basic level pays you $7 instantly! 💥Starter level pays $7 and $25 instantly! 💥Pro level pays $7, $25 and $100 instantly! 💥Elite level pays $7, $25, 100, and $300 instantly


Payments are sent directly to you! 100% commissions! You can accept payments via PayPal, Stripe, Square, Wave, Venmo, Cash App, Bitcoin, and Wise. Your partner in success!



"Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance, Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; Unrewarded genius is almost legendary. Education will not; The world is full of educated derelicts. Perseverance and determination alone are omnipotent."- Calvin Coolidge