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Thursday, November 13, 2014

*** A Plethora Of Marketing Information (MLM Watchdog.com) *** {108}

πŸ’˜http://www.mlmwatchdog.com (This is an old post, so I don't know if the site still exists or not, but It did/does have a lot of very valuable information pertaining to marketing. My apologies if the site is gone, and If so I will find something else to replace it with...

πŸ‘‰http://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2014/11/how-to-start-business-with-no-money-103.html  (Go watch the 11 minute video on how you can start an online business with no out of pocket expense...)

πŸ˜€https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - All it takes is 1-2 hours per day over an extended period of time in order to change your financial situation..

πŸ™12 Things To Remember:

1) The past cannot be changed!

2) Opinions don't define your reality!

3) Everyone's journey is different!

4) Things only get better with time!

5) Judgement's are a confession of character!

6) Overthinking will lead to sadness!

7) Happiness is found within!

8) Positive thoughts creates positive things!

9) Smiles are contagious!

10) Kindness is Free!

11) You only fail if you quit!

12) What goes around comes around!

{Pre-written AD}:

Would you spend $100 (one-time) if it meant...

1. You would NEVER have to struggle financially again?
2. If you could earn unlimited INSTANT 100% commissions?
3. If you had complete training to help with your advertising efforts?

Discover how you can make a full-time income from the comfort of your home... AND never worry about money again...

Check it out now: πŸ‘‡

😝https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - Approximately 82% of the traffic to List Infinity comes from the United States...


{Admin Update}:  (IGNORE πŸ‘‡)

Post 10 "ADS" a day!

Dec 12, 2017

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator

Hi Rick,

Post 10 Ads A Day!

Are you posting your 10 Ads a day?

This is even more important for those of you who have not Qualified yet!

M0NEY is a great motivator, and once you are Qualified at BOTH Package Levels, it is such a nice feeling to start receiving those instant $50 commissions!

I want to see all of you making M0NEY, a LOT of M0NEY! After all this is why you are here, right!

But you have to realize, it is a numbers game so to speak. The more ads you have out there, the more success you will have. It is that simple!

If you want to out earn your sponsor, then all you have to do
is out post your sponsor!

Let`s Go Make Some M0NEY!

DigiSoft User ID: 

πŸ’₯http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


“Most businesses think that product is the most important thing, but without great leadership, mission and a team that deliver results at a high level, even the best product won’t make a company successful.” -  Robert Kiyosaki

*** Do you OWN a website, or are you just BORROWING one? *** {107}

πŸ’£Hey, did you know you can get your own domain name through Blinkweb?

If you don't have your own domain yet, you really need to stop what you're doing and complete this VERY first step.

Studies have shown that getting your own website increases business owners' chances of success by a factor of an incredible 30 times!

And that's why we're going to make it as easy on you as we possibly can. We're actually going to buy your domain name for you, once you choose it!

Let me explain...

I would say that the #1 reason people don't buy their own domain name is because they don't want to spend the money to buy one. Sad, but true.

We realize this, and don't want this to be a stopping point for you, which is why you can get your own FREE domain name from BlinkWeb.

Here are the exact steps to get your very own domain through BlinkWeb, Free!

STEP 1: Login to your Blinkweb account by going to this link: http://www.blinkweb.com/free-domain.htm πŸ‘ˆ

After you've logged in, click on the edit button for the website you want to purchase a domain for. Then, simply Click the button located on the top of the website editor labeled "Save and view website"

STEP 2: Select the button labeled "get your own domain name for your website".

STEP 3: Fill in the information requested... That's all. It can't get any easier than that.

You will receive the domain name completely Free. I guarantee that you won't find a better offer than this anywhere on the internet.

Having your own domain name establishes credibility in the eyes of the visitor. Think of all of the websites on the internet that you've ever bought something from. Do they have their own domain name? I'll answer that for you with a resounding, "Yes".

Don't make that mistake and put yourself at an immediate disadvantage from square one. Get your own website domain name for Free through Blinkweb.

Login to your Blinkweb account πŸ‘‡ now and follow the steps above.

 http://www.blinkweb.com/get-free-domains.htm πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ˜‰https;//listinfinity.net/rick2323/6  (A call to action) - This is very simple. Step #1: Setup your system (30 minutes)/ Step #2 Grab one of our 18 High-Converting Lead Capture Pages and Promote your link/ Step #3 Follow up with your subscribers/prospects/ Step #4 Collect your money, and repeat!

{Pre-written AD}:

Are you still broke? You don't have to be!

You’re Broke, So What?

So, you’re broke… sounds tough, but then again, most people are. If you’re done making excuses, and are ready to open your mind to a great opportunity, then click here and check this out...

πŸ˜‡https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6 πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - I want you to be successful, so I challenge you to contact me for the no nonsense details about List Infinity, or you can go to the website and watch the 3 minute video, and see for yourself...


{Important Update from Ron Walsh} (IGNORE πŸ‘‡)

June 24, 2016

Hi Rick,

Inactive Payliners Lose Commissions!

This happens every week, but so far this week we have had 3 Members who let their account slip into ``Inactive Payliner`` status, and within less than 24 - 48 hours afterwards they lost out on a $50 commission from a Personal or Infinity Team Sale when someone upgraded and purchased both Product Packages. I hate it when I see this happening, because I cannot reverse it!

I see it happening a lot with members who pay their monthly Payliner Fee through Payza because they do not leave enough funds in their Payza account or they do not top up their account balance in time to cover their DigiSoft Subscription when comes due.

I also see it happening with members who pay their monthly Payliner Fee through Solid Trust Pay, but with less frequency. At SolidTrust Pay we see subscriptions failing because of credit card failure.

It is everyone`s responsibility to know when their subscription is due, and to insure the funds are there prior to that date. On the Status Page in your Member Center (upper left corner) you will see the date for your Last Sub. Renewal Date, simply add 30 days to that date to know exactly when your subscription is up for renewal. Each time your subscription runs, that date will be updated.

When members lose a sale because of this there are not just losing the $50they are losing the Payline and future Infinity Team Sales from that Payline! That`s a lot of M0NEY to lose because your $7 Payliner Fee was not paid on time!

DSP Team Mailer

I see more and more people using the DSP Team Mailer on a regular basis and that is great to see! Tour Takers need to hear from their Sponsor, and the people using the Team Mailer are making more sales! The DSP Team Mailer is the most powerful toll in the Payliners Room!

Tour Taker Email

Here`s An Email You Can Send To Your Tour Takers. If you want to edit or add anything to it you can.

I cannot believe you are still sitting on the fence deciding if you will join! DigiSoft is one of the best run programs online, and we have ``The Best Pay Plan`` out there! DigiSoft is a BIG M0NEY Program, at a little mon-ey price!

How many programs do you see these days where the owner will stand out front in a video like Ron Walsh does? Most owners will not do that because they know their program has ``NO Long Term Viability``, and in many cases they do not want people to know who they are when they shut down the site and run off with everyone`s mon-ey! Yes, we have all seen this happen in the past!

Ron Walsh not only stands behind DigiSoft, he also stands out front for the world to see because he is proud of the business opportunity he has put together for us all, and he is not here to run off with everyone`s mon-ey! In fact it is impossible to do that because Ron setup DigiSoft to pay instantly member-to-member!

People are tired of getting ripped off by ``Crooked Admin`s``, and this is why I like member-to-member programs like DigiSoft.

Please take another look at the How It Works Movie, then check out the Accelerated 230K Business Plan on the Status Page in your Member Center, and just below that you will see a link to our 230K Splash Page! The 230K Splash Page makes it so easy to get signups for this program!

If you join my Team at both Package Levels I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help your get off to a fast start!

End Tour Taker Email

Weekend Advertising!

It`s the weekend! Let`s make something happen! Your next Tour Taker could be your next sale!

Get your advertising out there; try to post at least 10 ads a day. For the new Payliners; in your Payliners Room click on the tab called Advertising Tools, then look for the yellow sub tab called: Ad-Copy Emails

Scroll to the bottom of the Ad-Copy Emails and you will see some emails and subject lines there for our 230K Splash Page.

Those of you who a new Payliners or are not fully Qualified yet it is so important for you to get your ads out there every day! The faster you get Qualified at both Package Levels, the faster you will start receiving those instant $50 commissions!

DigiSoft User ID: 

πŸ’₯http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder

 http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


If you feel like giving up, just look back on how far you are already.

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