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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

*** 10 Tips On Closing More Sales & Getting More Customers *** {345)

πŸ’–Today's post is to help you close more sales, and sign up more reps and customers. There are many ways to go about this, and I have a few things you can try. If you want to learn more you can scroll down to the bottom of my page and subscribe to my mailing list. You will receive daily tips, tutorials, videos, and much more... 200 FREE Leads and an Ebook of scripts on how to follow up for anyone who joins me @ List Infinity...

{10 Tips}:

1) Always ask for the sale at the end of every conversation.

2) Use your upline mentor to close your prospects for you, via a three-way call.

3) Use the phrase "what questions do you need me to answer before we get you started today?"

4) Use the 2 choice option: "Would you like to order the skin care products with your first purchase, or the weight loss shake?

5) Ask "Would you rather pay wholesale or retail for the products?"

6) Use the phrase "It sounds like this would be a good fit for you, how about we take a couple of minutes and create your account?"

7) Get your prospect to an event, such as a conference call, webinar, or a live event.

8) Expect objections and be prepared for them. Know the 5-10 most common objections and have the answers for each one.

9) Always assume the sale. Assume the prospect will be a buyer. This is the law of attraction at work.

10) Tell the person what they are getting if/when they buy or join your team. In other words, what's in it for them, or how can you be of help to them. For example, when you join our team today you will receive 100 FREE leads, access to the teams monthly CO-OP, access to our secret Facebook group, unlimited one-on-one coaching, access to our teams training website, access to our weekly webinar and conference calls, and more... Make it impossible for them to say "NO"

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3  (Go here now)

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“For the great doesn’t happen through impulse alone, and is a succession of little things that are brought together.” —Vincent Van Gogh

*** Split Testing Quick Steps (3 Ways) *** {344}

πŸ’₯If you want maximum results with your marketing, the best way to stretch your marketing dollars are with “split testing.”

The main reason people do marketing online is to get more website visitors, because it’s usually the best way to increase your sales.

But email marketing is just like any other sales—it’s a numbers game. And for every 100 visitors you get to your sales page, only about three to seven people will actually buy something…

In other words, roughly about 95% of your marketing dollars are probably being wasted. That’s why you should try split testing, because it gives you a way to test your messages against each other, pick the best, and reap the rewards.

The ultimate goal is to convert more of your visitors into customers. So with that in mind, let me explain the top-three ways to split test with your online marketing…

1.) Test Your Headlines

Your headline is one of the most important parts of every sales page, e-mail, and advertisement — because it’s always the very first thing people see.

You only have about three-seconds before the reader moves on, so it’s very important to regularly test headlines against each other. The difference in results can be HUGE for your bottom line, so keep testing your headlines against other variations, until you finally have a winner.

2.) Test Your Leads

The Lead is the first thing people see after your headline. It’s the opening section of the sales letter.

The goal of the lead is to put the prospect in a good mood, make a promise about your product/service, and then move the reader along towards the offer.

3.) Test Your Offers

Your offer has the biggest impact on making you money. The offer should show the prospect what he/she getting for his/her money, and why you’re the person he/she should buy from.

It’s important to test all the different versions of your sales page until you have the winning formula, then the revenue will follow. You must stay consistent, every single day, tracking your marketing results, and writing great offers that sell, and you’ll start making money soon.

πŸ‘Šhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2  (New Sign Up Link)


“Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.”– Vincent Van Gogh