π₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3 (New Sign Up Link)
{3 Quick Steps To Follow Up}:
{Step 1}
I send this exact E-mail. just fill in your personal info
{firstname}, I wanted to introduce myself!
Hi (firstname),
I seen that you requested more info on {DSP}. I know we all get a ton of E-mail, So I will keep this short. Just wanted to let you know that I am absolutely committed to changing our financial future together...
I would love to connect: Please add me as a friend on Facebook! My direct Facebook link is
πhttp://www.facebook.com/(Your Page)
My best E-mail is
===> (Your E-mail address)
I really look forward to working with you and helping you grow a great business from home!
Talk Soon!
(Your Name)
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---
{Step 2}:
Next I send this (1 of the 4) messages that we are sent from the automated system. just pick 1 of them. doesn't matter which one, and send via E-mail. (copy & paste)
=> Subject Line {firstname}, I'm on my way to 230k, care to join me?
Joining DigiSoft has been the best business decision I have ever made online! The Products are great, and the 1-2 UP Infinity Pay Plan is even greater! PLUS! Admin helps to close your sales!
Our 230K Splash Page and Business Plan is making it so easy to get signups! You're going to love those unlimited instant daily $50 payments!
To get started, login to your Member Center and upgrade to a Payliner, then purchase `both` Product Packages so you can take advantage of the 230K Business Plan at Package #2.
If you join me at both Package Levels today I will send you a list of my Best Advertising Resources to help you get off to a FAST START!!!
Your User ID: ???
(your name)
------------------------------ ------------------------------ -
{Step 3}
For the last step, I send them a text message. you can use this one or create one of your own if you like, just input your info. The automated system captures this info once they click on the link to my website, and create their FREE "Tour Takers" account. (Takes about a minute to create)
Hey (Their name), (your name), here from DigiSoft Payline,
and I just wanted to thank you for checking out my site,
and to encourage you to watch the 6 minute how it works
movie if you haven't already done so, and then contact me
so we can discuss further to see if this will be a good fit for you.
(The system even shows if they've watched the 6 minute How it works movie, and how many times they watch it)
Have a great day!
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---
Once you've completed these steps, you've put yourself out there for them, and now it's up to them to contact you... Remember, you still have your "TEAM MAILER" in your back area that you can send random messages to them all...I use mine several time a day because most people won't purchase anything on the first mailing...On average it takes 7-20 mailings before individuals will potentially want to join your business...These are just rough numbers, and obviously no guarantees! By using these methods, I've actually signed up many of my "TOUR TAKERS" ... If you should get some "TAKERS" wanting more info, you can either contact me, or if you talk to them yourself, keep it very simple, and let them do most of the talking...The key is to get them to the 6 minute how it works movie! By sending a text the likelihood that it will be seen is far greater than an E-mail. (about 98% chance it will be seen). Calling is always the best option, but not everyone is comfortable doing this, So do what you're comfortable with. We also have a tool in the back office area called an Intelliprotac Software. It automatically follows up with your Tour Takers, no matter how many you have.
Please be patient, because it will take time and effort to build any business! Hope you enjoy my posts continue to check them out. I will posting more of my strategies!
“Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today.” – Will Rogers
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