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Monday, June 1, 2020

*** MLM Success Tips (Must Do's) *** {393}

πŸ’Read this very carefully, and soak up all the info like a sponge. If you want to be successful in your Network Marketing business, you have to do these, or you might as well not get involved in this industry, and save your money, and continue to work that 9-5 Job where you will work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for the next 40 years, making 40% of what wasn't enough to begin with. Basically STAYING BROKE!

==> Before starting any online endeavor, you must make at least a TWO YEAR, if not THREE YEAR commitment to your business. Any less time, and will NEVER achieve the success you want.

==> You haven't even started your business until you've shown a bare minimum of 100 presentations. That could be from a blog post, or a video. (With List Infinity, I send a link to our 3 minute video, and while taking the FREE tour I will send you an Email with more information...) 

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)

==> You can't treat your business like a hobby. That means that you have to work it daily. Could a brick and mortar business be successful if they were only open say 1 day a week? Absolutely not, right! You should at least try to talk to at least 5 new prospects daily, 5 days per week. I'm successful because I talk to many more than that, and I do it everyday...PERIOD! And I do it for everyone on my team. I tell all of my new members that I want them to focus on only 2 things, and those are...Post at least 10 ADS per day, (more is obviously better), and get acclimated to your system/back office area, and I will do the rest. Being a member of List Infinity is literally easy enough that an 8 year old child can do it!!! - Interested? go to the link above when you have about 10 minutes, and create your FREE tour takers account, and then watch the movie...

==> I'm sure you've seen public speakers? you know, the 6-7 figure earners that charge large sums of money, just to watch and listen to them at an event talking on stage, about how they became successful. Honestly, the only difference between them, and you, is the bigger number of exposures that they make putting themselves out there, that's it! You don't have to be someone with an IQ of over 120, or be tech savvy, in order to be successful in our industry. If you're coachable, and can devote at least an hour per day to your niche, than you have the necessary tools needed for success. If someone tells you different, they don't know what they are talking about. Join me, and I will prove it to you. Where else can you go start a business for under $7? (1 time fee!). I'm currently offering you everything you need in order to succeed...

==> There are only 2 ways to generate leads, and those are by prospecting, or advertising. I recommend doing both, because they work. It's just a matter of learning how, and that's where I come in. I teach both methods, and help with the learning curve. As a member of List Infinity, we  make the transition very easy, and stress free!

==> Success requires dedication, and I'm sad to say, that most people just don't have that anymore. Never confuse busy work with productive work. Washing your car, or watching TV, will not grow your business. For me, I like to watch YouTube videos for about 30 minutes per day, trying to always learn something different, such as a new marketing strategy. There are many ways to grow your business. It's just a matter of finding a few key strategies that work for you!

==> Whatever company you decide to join, you will need to find a good mentor, and those are very hard to find. Tell me if this sounds familiar? You have tons of daily E-mail where you are getting marketed to, and you finally decide to join a company, and once you've paid your way in, your sponsor goes into the witness protection program, or at least that's how it feels, because that person wued' you enough to get you join, and then you never hear from them again, making you have to learn everything all on your own. Been there myself many times over the years, but now I don't need a good sponsor because I usually know more than they do, but that's only because I've taken the time to learn the ins and outs of our industry. I am a GREAT sponsor/mentor because I actually care about others. List Infinity is built around leverage, and that's the only way you can be successful with Network Marketing. I need others to be successful, so doesn't it only make sense that I do my best to provide quality training in order for all of us to be successful? Absolutely YES!

==> From a numbers stand point, 98.2% of all Network Marketers are FAILING because most of them either get with the wrong companies and have no leadership, or they choose to do little to nothing to grow there business. I've never quite understood it, but I've had people join me, and do absolutely nothing to help grow there business, but yet, will continue to make the monthly $7 ADMIN fee to continue as a member of List Infinity. The only thing that even makes sense to me, why these individuals like to throw away money, is that they like to feel special and be a part of something, such as a team. If you know why this is, I sure would like to know, because I'm trying to steal people cash. I want to see everyone be successful, and they do the complete opposite. Just CRAZY!

==> As a small business owner, one of the best tools you should invest in is an AutoResponder. This is a tool that follows up with your prospects, and will help you grow your business, completely hands off. Most AutoResponder companies will charge you around $50 monthly just to use there services, and with us, as a paid member you can use Aweber for $19.99 per month...

==> With some of my strategies, I helped my team, and myself get 23 Tour Takers, in just 2 days, and got 59 in a month. I have a very unique strategy that no one else uses but myself to generate leads for my business, and I use Facebook/Messenger. This allows me to talk to a lot of people daily from all over the world! I have actually built some very nice relationships over my years in the industry!

πŸ™https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1 πŸ‘ˆ (A call to action) - Step-by-Step training shows you how to get free traffic from Facebook and profit from solo ADS...


{Bonus Tips:}

* Recognize everyone on your team, even for the smallest things.

* Remember that people want to belong to something bigger than themselves. That's why it's very important to build a strong team bond.

* Never compare yourself to anyone else in the industry, because you don't know their whole story. If you want to compare anything, compare who you are, with who you are capable of becoming.

https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - You will receive a re-brandable E-book of 57 ways to generate more leads to your to your offers, and 88 FREE Classified sites to post your affiliate links...

πŸ‘‰https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2020/04/digisoft-payline-q-376.html (GONE)


“Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get”― W. P. Kinsella