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Monday, October 28, 2024

*** What Is Holding You Back?/Why Are Goals So Important? *** {595}

😎What is holding you back from the success you want and deserve?If you're struggling with everyday life, and not where you want to be, it could be one of the reasons I listed below...

No Game Plan - Most people spend more time on money spending activities with family, then they do building their lifelong finances, and that's the wrong mindset to have. I'm not at all saying that you can't have fun time with family, but you have tuo be smart about it, and I'm sorry to say, that JOB isn't going to do it. I've worked my share of JOBS over the last 40+ years, and I found out that we have all been brainwashed into thinking that we NEED that JOB. We don't need a JOB, because you can make a life changing income online and most people don't know that, and it's not your fault. if you just devote a little time and effort learning how, You might be surprised at what you can accomplish over a 5 year span working partime online, and I can show you the way to financial freedom...

Confusion - This is absolutely normal for anyone looking to join an online opportunity, and that's ok. When you get involved in an online opportunity, a good sponsor will take you by the hand, and walk you slowly through the process until you get better acclimated to what you're doing and then you can earn while you learn. As long as your sponsor doesn't overload you with information, anyone has the ability to be successful, if they have the right mindset. Just don't reinvent the wheel. Follow your sponsors lead, and keep it simple stupid (KISS)...

Lacking a burning desire to succeed - This is key with anything you do in life and If it was that easy, then we would all be succesful. It all boils down to how bad do you want it? If you don't have that burning desire in your gut, then success will never happen. Anyone who joins me @ List Infinty has a better than even chance of acheiving success because I'm always here to help guide you. You do have a 7 day FREE trial period so you can see if we're a good fit for you...

Absolute Fear - People have fear for a few reasons, and those are fear of failure which is probably the most common, then there is the fear of success, and yes, that is a real thing. There is also fear of rejection or being accepted. When I first got involved with marketing in 2006, I scared to death because I had no knowledge about what I was doing, and it was way outside of my comfort zone. Looking back, I'm so glad I got involved, because If I didn't, I would still be working my dead end JOB just trying to survive, so I'm very greatful, and willing to spread my knowledge to others because I enjoy helping others solve problems...

Being outside of your comfort zone - Most people get comfortable with everyday life as long as they have a roof over their head, and food on the table. They don't see the vision, and don't really care about bettering themselves. As long as they have all of the basic necessities in life, they are just fine even if that means working paycheck to paycheck, which around 95% of the total population are doing just that. You won't get most of these individuals to come outside their comfort zone for anything, Because they have spent their entire lives just getting by, so why change now...

πŸ˜›I would encourage you to evaluate yourself in each one of these categories, so you can see what's holding you back. Talk to your significant other, upline, or sponsor if necessary, and come up with game plan that works for you in order to build your online business...

😭It has been said that within the next 5-7 years, 300-400 million people worldwide will lose there JOB, due to Artificial Intellegence, so please don't let that be YOU! Have a plan "B"...

πŸ™I hope this post will help you figure things out because I want YOU to be successful even if you never join me...

πŸ‘https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - List Infinity is about 3 1/2 years old as of now, and I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon...


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πŸ˜€https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/3 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - You will have access to hundreds of Pre-written ADS, along with as many FREE Classified sites to post them on...


Why are GOALS so important?

 - Must read On the best sunny day, the most powerful magnifying glass will not light paper if you keep moving the glass. But if you focus and hold it, the paper will light up. That is the power of concentration. 

A man was traveling and stopped at an intersection. He asked an elderly man, "Where does this road take me?" The elderly person asked, "Where do you want to go?" The man replied, "I don't know." 

The elderly person said, "Then take any road. What difference does it make?" How true. When we don't know where we are going, any road will take us there. Suppose you have all eleven football players on the offensive side of the ball, enthusiastically ready to play the game, all charged up, and then someone took the goal post away. What would happen to the game? There is nothing left. How do you keep score? How do you know you have arrived? 

Enthusiasm without direction is like wildfire and leads to frustration. Goals give a sense of direction. Would you sit in a train or a plane without knowing where it was going? The obvious answer is no. Then why do people go through life without having any goals? 

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now) - You have to give yourself time to succeed. This all about working 1-2 hours per day over an extended period of time...

https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’ͺhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


In the dusty streets of Tombstone, a fierce standoff blazed into legend, as a battle between lawmen and outlaws would echo through history and forever define the Wild West's gritty, untamed spirit. Continue Reading ...


"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary" — Vidal Sassoon.