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Sunday, January 5, 2020

*** Sample Phone Script *** {347}

πŸ’₯If you choose to talk 1 on 1 with prospects, you should at least know what to say, because if you show fear or uncertainty that will show through, and your prospect will pick up on that, and will lose the sale. You want to be confident, and basically listen. Ask your questions, and let the prospect do the talking, and never pressure them. Below I have phone script that you can use should you decide to utilize it. You can ask more, but again, you want them to be in charge.

There are many ways to build your Network Marketing business, So do what's comfortable for you. Earlier I said that you should never pressure your prospect, but I will say that toward the end of the conversation, you should ask for the sale. If they aren't ready to commit, and If you have a company video, or blog, or something for them to be able to checkout more info about your company, product, or comp. plan, then give them that info, and make sure to ask them how long it will take them to view, and setup a definite time to talk with them again by phone. Could be a day, two, or even a week, but make it no longer than that because they will most likely blow it off.

If you contact just 5 people a day, Talking for 10 minutes with each person, that's less than an hour a day. Do that for 5 days, and that's 25 people a week, talking for almost 5 hours during that week. If you want to cut down on your phone bill, you can even follow up on Facebook Messenger because it's FREE, and you can see the person you're talking to. Do this month after month, and I can promise you that you are going to get some sign ups or upgrades. This is a numbers game, and most of them will tell you NO in the end, but you will learn to better your techniques, and increase your conversion rates.

You can talk to as many people as you want, that was just an example. However, the more you talk to, the more that will join you on your climb to the top. If you like my content subscribe to my mailing list at the bottom of my blog, and I will send you daily info on how to increase your conversion rate, and getting more prospects to look at your business/services.


"Hello _____, this is (your name) and I am calling you from (your state). Recently you

(requested more information or visited our website) and this is strictly a "courtesy call".

(Prospect name), the purpose of this call is to let you know we are here to assist you with any

questions you might have concerning our (products, system, compensation or business). OK?

(Prospect name), if you don't mind could I ask you a couple of questions? And then ask: "how

long have you been looking for a home based business? Do you have any experience in

"network marketing"? These are the first two questions I always ask. You can add as many

questions to this as you would like.

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5  (New Sign Up Link)




{Pre-written AD}

Seeking Full-Time position in a great career!

Most people work 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week to earn a full time income. They continue to do this for approximately 40 years and then retire on 40% of what wasn't’ enough to live on to begin with. They retire broke and dependent on the government or their family, or they never truly retire at all and work way into their so called “golden years”. Not a very pretty picture!

With your own home-based business you can earn a better than average income regardless of your educational background or experience level. You can also be more prepared for retirement if you love your JOB and want to create additional income to invest.

πŸ˜‡http://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)


"There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed." -- Ray Goforth

*** Marketing Tools Needed To Succeed In Your Small Business *** {346}

πŸ’₯I'd like to take a few minutes and  share some basic tools every network marketer should have in their arsenal.  These business tools are listed in no particular order. They aren't a must, but highly recommended. Most  won't cost anything.

Cell Phone: Just about everyone has one already, but if you don't, consider getting one. I use mine a lot for facebook messenger. (Video Chats)

Mentor: One of your most valuable business tools will be your own personal mentor.  It can be someone in your upline, crossline, or even someone in a different company. For what it's worth. I actually send info to people in other companies, and do this because if they decide to leave their company, and many do, In most cases they will join me because they see the value in what I send.

Day Planner: I love my day planner.  I have one that lets me break down my daily activities, which we have in our back office area, but you can buy one at Walmart for around $10 or so. this will allow you to stay on track. we all have busy lives, and it's very easy to get side tracked. (Highly Recommended)

Business Cards: You should have a PROFESSIONAL looking business card, not something you do yourself.  Have it on heavy card stock, include a picture, and have all your contact information.  Rather than saying the name of your company on it, keep it generic. You can actually create your own for very cheap @ vistaprint.com (Sometimes you can get a deal. 250 cards for around $10)

Capture Page & Auto-Responder: Even if you are building your business face to face, you still want a capture page and auto-responder.  Think of this as your contact manager.  You want a capture page so you can generate leads and you want an auto-responder so you can automate your follow-up process and stay in touch with people until they are ready to buy. Most companies will have multiple capture pages for you to promote. DigiSoft Payline has 5. If you should purchase an Autoresponder, you're going to pay around $50 a month, but it well worth it. About the only way you will pay less, or in this case, get more for less is to join a Network Marketing business that offers strictly tools in which case, you will still pay around $50 monthly, but you will get much more tools on top of the Autoresponder.

Drop Cards: This is a simple, inexpensive way to get more leads.  It's nothing more than a marketing message, with a few bullet points, and a call to action on card stock slightly bigger than a business card and smaller than a postcard. Again you can use vistaprint.com . They are always having SPECIALS.

Online Platform: You need an online platform.  It could be a blog, YouTube channel, podcast channel or Facebook group. This is where you will build your audience and following, so you can stay in touch with them. As you can see, I enjoy blogging, and can teach you some simple steps in doing so.

Customized Stationary: vistaprint.com has some custom stationary made with your name, photo, and contact information.  Use this for all your thank you cards.  It gives you a professional look.  Keep it generic and don't mention the name of your company.

Personal Library: Start building your own library with books and audio programs that teach you new skills.  Make it a point to read every day.  Read books that teach you new skills and uplift you and encourage you. I actually watch some Youtube videos. You can never learn enough. Takes just a few minutes out of your busy to checkout an educational video.

Samples: Depending on what type of product or service your company offers, you want some samples on hand, so when you talk with interested prospects you have something to give them. With my company, we have a plethora of Downloadable Software Products, and most of them will help you build any small business. I have specific samples that I send out to my prospects. Everyone loves FREEBIES,

Elevator Speech: You definitely want your own elevator speech, which is nothing more than two or three concise statements about what you do, or your personal story.  This is what you will share with people when they ask you what you do. As I said, definitely keep it short!


“You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction.”
– George Lorimer