There are many ways to build your Network Marketing business, So do what's comfortable for you. Earlier I said that you should never pressure your prospect, but I will say that toward the end of the conversation, you should ask for the sale. If they aren't ready to commit, and If you have a company video, or blog, or something for them to be able to checkout more info about your company, product, or comp. plan, then give them that info, and make sure to ask them how long it will take them to view, and setup a definite time to talk with them again by phone. Could be a day, two, or even a week, but make it no longer than that because they will most likely blow it off.
If you contact just 5 people a day, Talking for 10 minutes with each person, that's less than an hour a day. Do that for 5 days, and that's 25 people a week, talking for almost 5 hours during that week. If you want to cut down on your phone bill, you can even follow up on Facebook Messenger because it's FREE, and you can see the person you're talking to. Do this month after month, and I can promise you that you are going to get some sign ups or upgrades. This is a numbers game, and most of them will tell you NO in the end, but you will learn to better your techniques, and increase your conversion rates.
You can talk to as many people as you want, that was just an example. However, the more you talk to, the more that will join you on your climb to the top. If you like my content subscribe to my mailing list at the bottom of my blog, and I will send you daily info on how to increase your conversion rate, and getting more prospects to look at your business/services.
"Hello _____, this is (your name) and I am calling you from (your state). Recently you
(requested more information or visited our website) and this is strictly a "courtesy call".
(Prospect name), the purpose of this call is to let you know we are here to assist you with any
questions you might have concerning our (products, system, compensation or business). OK?
(Prospect name), if you don't mind could I ask you a couple of questions? And then ask: "how
long have you been looking for a home based business? Do you have any experience in
"network marketing"? These are the first two questions I always ask. You can add as many
questions to this as you would like.
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{Pre-written AD}
Seeking Full-Time position in a great career!
Most people work 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week to earn a full time income. They continue to do this for approximately 40 years and then retire on 40% of what wasn't’ enough to live on to begin with. They retire broke and dependent on the government or their family, or they never truly retire at all and work way into their so called “golden years”. Not a very pretty picture!
With your own home-based business you can earn a better than average income regardless of your educational background or experience level. You can also be more prepared for retirement if you love your JOB and want to create additional income to invest.
With your own home-based business you can earn a better than average income regardless of your educational background or experience level. You can also be more prepared for retirement if you love your JOB and want to create additional income to invest.
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