π₯Prospecting Tips:
The fortune is in the follow-up. You've probably heard that before. That being said, most people in our industry are horrible at the follow-up. Here are a few tips to help you improve your skills.
1.) Every prospect is a prospect for life. (Until they Buy or Die)
2.) Follow up with every prospect at least once every 30-days until they buy, die or tell you not to contact them again.
3.) Most prospects will need a minimum of Seven to Twenty follow-ups before they buy or join.
4.) Use a combination of ways to follow up to include text, direct mail, email, phone, Facebook, video and face to face. (I like to use Facebook Messenger)
5.) One of the best ways to follow up is with a postcard or handwritten note.
6.) Always schedule your next follow up with your prospect before you get off the phone with them; that way you don't play phone tag.
7.) Keep a list of everyone you have ever talked to about your business and keep the names in a database in one location. (You want easy access)
8.) Automate the follow up process by using an Autoresponder. (They are relatively cheap)
9.) Every time you follow up, ask the person to take out their credit card and buy or join.
10.) Never use pressure or hype. (Always make yourself readily available)
11.Treat everyone you talk to as well as you would treat your own mother.
12.) Realize your best people might tell you NO 20 or 30 times before they eventually join your team. (I've had people tell me NO for years before joining)
13.) When you follow up, ask questions and listen. (You are building a rapport)
π₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 (New Sign Up Link)
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“If you don’t value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents. Value what you know and start charging for it.”– Kim Garst