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Thursday, October 9, 2014

***3 Tips to get more Face Book Traffic to your site!*** {6}

๐Ÿ˜Utilizing Facebook can only enhance your business considering there are over 2.60 billion as of 2020. Below are (3) random tips for you to try.

{Tip #1}

=> Go to your Facebook page, and once logged in, start searching for "GROUP" pages in the search bar.


๐Ÿ’“Make money from home
๐Ÿ’›Biz Opps
๐Ÿ’–Internet Opportunities
๐Ÿ’ŸInternet Marketing for newbies

๐Ÿ‘‰There are tons of group pages that you can use. Here are just a few to get you going. Most "GROUPS" have a join button @ the top of the page. Once you're accepted you will then be allowed to post. 

What I like to do is click on "ASK QUESTION" and add a "POLL QUESTION." When they respond to your question, you can start to build a rapport. You can make your question about anything you like, and your end GOAL is to be able to send them the link to your website or video. 

{Tip #2}


Once again you're searching for "GROUP" pages, and join if have to, and then click on "CREATE DOCUMENT." Make sure you always ask a question?

=> {Example Question}:

Suffering from tiny check syndrome? 

You can use this, or create your own, but make it short, and then add your affiliate link. It will show up on your Facebook wall for everyone to see.

{Tip #3}:

=> Go to "CELEBRITY PAGES" and make sure to find Celebs that have a large amount of followers, and again, join if you have to.

Sift through and read the posts and make comments. You're engaging in conversation. You can even add your link under your post for everyone to see. There are no limits to the amount of "GROUPS" you're allowed to do daily. That's strictly up to you.

{Example Groups}:

1) Actors/Actresses
2) Singers/Musicians
3) Athletes

=> By doing this, you're maximizing your efforts to get your info in front of thousands, if not millions of people.


{Prewritten AD}:

Congratulations!..... 'LIST INFINITY'

THE Viral List Building System that pays You

100% commissions.

As a free member, you now have access to:

  * The Viral List Building System.

  15 Lead Capture Pages and 30 DFY emails to help you build your email list and generate commissions fast!

  * Simple And Easy To Set Up.

  List Infinity is a user-friendly platform that automates the marketing process, saving you time and effort.

Sign up Right Now and Set Up Your Account.. It's FREE!

If you want to earn 100% commissions on ALL of your referrals, you can upgrade at any time from your dashboard.

ALL level upgrades are ONE-TIME Payments

   Basic level pays you $7 instantly!
   Starter level pays $7 and $25 instantly!
   Pro level pays $7, $25 and $100 instantly!
   Elite level pays $7, $25, 100, and $300 instantly

Payments are sent directly to you!

You can accept payments via PayPal, Stripe, Square, Wave, Venmo, Cash App, Bitcoin, and Wise.


Your partner in success!


"Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down."- Charles F. Kettering

Image result for facebook traffic images


๐Ÿ‘‡Below you have a dozen Pre-written ADS that you can use for your marketing efforts on FREE classified websites, and several subject lines that you can mix and match at the bottom of this page...

๐Ÿ’˜ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4  ๐Ÿ‘ˆ (A call to action)

๐Ÿ’™ Now that a person opened your ad you must create interest. Each paragraph is one ad... These ads are a foundation to follow you may change them at anytime to fit your narrative.

1-) What you would be doing is very simple; posting ads for our marketing company and scheduling for our virtual presentation...

2-) We are offering a great career in a booming industry. Tough times in the economy mean great times for us!... You would be posting ads for our marketing company scheduling for our virtual presentation...

3-) We have a unique product at an unbeatable price ($0)making this a very soft position... You would be posting ads for our marketing company...

4-) We are looking for solid Associates to take inbound calls/emails...Even though this is very easy, you must have phone communication skills and strong sales abilities. You would be taking incoming calls for our marketing company and scheduling prospects into our virtual presentation...

5-) We are focused on growth and are looking for people who are driven, competitive and self-disciplined, and who have a desire to win... You will enjoy the advantage of a nationwide system, which will allow you to effectively answer incoming calls from your location... You would be directing interested prospects to our virtual presentation...

6-) If you have energy, are organized, focused, goal-driven, and know for sure you want to be in sales, you will appreciate this very is easy with all inbound calls... The training is short and is very effective...

7-) If you are looking to forward your career or even jump into a new career with growth potential, this position may be for you! We are looking for highly motivated, professional individuals that are perceptive, confident and enthusiastic... You will handle incoming calls only, offering our FREE service...

8-) Hands down the easiest JOB you will ever do! Dynamic, fast growing marketing firm seeks Reps to handle an ongoing stream of incoming calls... Everything you need to make $1-$3k/week will be provided to you during training...

9-) Hands down the easiest JOB you will ever do!.. There is absolutely no cold calling or outbound calling... You will enjoy the advantage of a nationwide system that allows you to answer incoming calls and schedule prospects into our virtual presentation...

10-) This is a wonderful opportunity for persistent sales pros looking for a career change or a second job. We have an ongoing stream of incoming calls to keep you happy with great daily paychecks... Everything you need to make $1k+/week will be provided to you during training...

11-) This is a fun, pressure-free, work at your own pace, full-time or part-time position... We are a marketing company looking for disciplined, motivated individuals to build a team of solid and dedicated reps...

12-) We are looking for highly motivated, professional individuals who are perceptive, confident and enthusiastic... There is absolutely no cold calling or outbound calling...

Work remotely after training getting incoming calls and directing them to our virtual presentation... -What NOT to do:.. NEVER use the words HOME /WORK FROM HOME etc in your TITLE or in the BODY of your ad… THIS APPLIES MAINLY ON CRAIGSLIST... Instead of the words WORK FROM HOME, use words like.. Virtual, Remote, Telecommute...

________ Now that they are reading your ad show them the benefits of your offer... Create a desire to want to know more... (Reasons to call now – Show Them The Money!)...

-Daily paychecks of $500-$1500 to start (pt/ft)...

-This would be a great full or part-time job... Excellent pay!...

$500-$3,000 weekly. PAID DAILY!...

-Start Immediately!... 10 to 40 hours a week!...

$500 to $3000+ paid daily!... Weekends optional!

... PAID DAILY!...

-No commute, working on your own schedule...


-Your paycheck each week can range anywhere from $500 to $2000+, depending on your effort and time worked...

Keep in mind this is paid daily...

-Our reps are making $10,000 per month within 90 days. PAID DAILY!

-Make your own hours 10 to 40+ hours per week making $500 to $2000... PAID DAILY!...

-5k to 10k within 90 days... PAID DAILY!...

-5k to 10 monthly ft/pt. DAILY PAY!...

-$500 to $2000+ to start.... DAILY PAY!...

-Make your own schedule making $500 to $1500 weekly to start! PAID DAILY!

๐Ÿ‘‰ http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323

๐Ÿ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/1 (New Sign Up Link Capture Page)


“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball


***A Plethora Of Success Tips For Your Small Business.*** {4}

๐Ÿ˜€Today's post is about more ways to generate leads into your online business in no particular order, and more tips...

1) Church Bulletin Boards: Just about every church that I know of has a public bulletin board for members to post about activities, so you can post something about your products or services...

2) Postcards: Another great way to get yourself out there, but can be a bit pricey. You can start out with 100 - 500 depending on your budget, and can pay between .05 - .07 cents per postcard is about the going rate right now, and then you would obviously need to purchase stamps which cost .73 cents a piece, and then you would have to find a leads vendor that you can trust. If you don't have the necessary funds, you can wait until you make some money from your products/services and then put some back into your business. @ 100, you will spend around $80 with stamps, and your leads...

3) Local Newspaper: Many people use the newspaper although it has taken a hit due to the internet, but you can still create an AD and post it in your local newspaper. Prices will obviously vary depending on where you live. Just try to be aware of the wording because the more words in the AD, the more you will pay, so cut corners if you can in order to cheapen your advertising budget...

4) Radio: This can range from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars depending on many factors such as time of day, length of AD, Market size, location, and more...

5) Magazines: Many years ago I was involved in a co-op where the more you pay, the more spots you get within the co-op. Depending on how many shares you purchase will depend on how many spot in the rotator your URL will be displayed. I'm sure there are still opportunities out there that offers a magazine co-op as part of their advertising packages, you will have to google that to find out for yourself. You can purchase 1 share and pay a minimal amount of money for your URL to be displayed in the magazine for a month...

๐Ÿ™{Part Timers/Daily Routine}: 1-2 hours daily!

๐Ÿ’ฅMake a minimum of 5-10 exposures daily!

๐Ÿ’ฅFollow up with one prospect, one team member, and one customer daily!

๐Ÿ’ฅSend 2 hand written notes daily!

๐Ÿ’ฅPersonal development. Read or watch training videos for 20-30 minutes daily!

๐Ÿ’ฅSpend about 10 minutes daily on product education!

๐Ÿ‘‰{How to be more productive in your online business?}

๐Ÿ˜ Spend at least 80% of your business hours on money producing activities daily!

๐Ÿ˜Every sunday evening before you go to bed, plan out your upcoming week!

๐Ÿ˜Plan out your day every morning witha prioritized "to-do" list!

๐Ÿ˜Set your business hours for your Network Marketing Business!

๐Ÿ˜Find a quiet work space where you can work uninterupted!

๐Ÿ˜Try to get in a set routine where you're working about the same time everyday. You are creating positive habits by doing so!

๐Ÿ˜Do your money producing tasks first!

๐Ÿ˜Keep a journal and document your daily activities!

๐Ÿ˜Set written business goals each month, and yearly!

๐Ÿ˜Team up with a "running partner" and work together!

๐Ÿ˜Celebrate your successes, buyt don't let the defeats get you down because that will happen!

๐Ÿ’ค Get plenty of rest each night!

๐Ÿ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/9 ๐Ÿ‘ˆ(Go here now)


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

Watch out for Liars, Fakes, & Scammers

There will always be fakers, liars, and scammers online, and the worst part is, it's very hard sometimes to tell who is BS'ing you, and who is telling the truth.

My advice is, if there is anyone who seems a little suspicious and what they say sounds 'too good to be true,' watch them very carefully over a period (weeks or months) before you make any decision to invest with them.

You can always tell them by their fruit. If they are walking the walk, and not just talking the talk, then you can assume they're legit. Do your due diligence and research them first!

๐Ÿ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 (New Sign Up Link)


Quote of the day - People hop from deal to deal, then blame their failures on our industry. The key to long term success is very simple, find a great company, a great upline, and a product you love, then go to work full-time & make a two-year commitment - unknown

***Daily Tips For Generating More Leads For Your Business (Active Marketing)*** {3}

๐Ÿ’œToday I have (10) quick tips for you in order to generate more "LEADS" to your network marketing business. 

๐Ÿ˜‡Work your business as if it were brick and mortar. (Monday-Friday) with weekends off!

๐Ÿ˜‡Set aside 2 hours per day to contact prospects. How you contact them is strictly up to you. (Phone, Text, E-mail, Messenger, etc...)

๐Ÿ˜‡Try to contact (30) prospects per day during those (2) hours, (5) days per week, which equals (600) contacts monthly, which is (7,200) yearly. If you're only able to contact (20) per day, that's (400) monthly, and (4,800) yearly. Do whatever you have time for, and work the numbers.

๐Ÿ˜‡Assume that (95%) will tell you "NO," so you sponsor (1) in (20) prospects you talk to. 

๐Ÿ˜‡With this ratio you would be able to sponsor (30) people per month, which equates to (360) people yearly.

๐Ÿ˜‡By the numbers, you can assume that (25), - (29) of your new members will do nothing or quit. 

๐Ÿ˜‡Repeat the process above each month for a year, and you would recruit (12) Super Star front line reps. 

๐Ÿ˜‡Assume @ least half of your (12) Super Stars either quit, or leave to go to another company.

๐Ÿ˜‡If that happens, that leaves you with (6) Super Star front line reps.

๐Ÿ˜‡According to statistics, that would give you a six figure income in just about any network marketing company.

๐Ÿ‘‰The only real question is "will you set aside (2) hours per day to make the (30) contacts per day, (5) days per week?"

๐Ÿ˜https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/10  ๐Ÿ‘ˆ (Go here now)


{E-mail for your tour takers}:

Baby boomers & wealth seekers

Take back control of the selling process by tossing out everything you've learned about sales, and let's start over with an innovative approach.

What I'm about to show you... is proven.

Over the last several years in Home Businesses, people have lead with attraction marketing.

If you were joining a business, you were taught to get a personal bio page of your own and all these complicated ways of promoting it. Well, the rules are changing.

The mold has been broken!! This system that I am about to show you is the same exact one you will be using. Everything you need for your success is under one roof and it's all automated.

This concept levels the playing field so everyone wins.

And everyone is winning!

๐Ÿ‘‰ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 (Upgrade Today)


"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." - Og Mandino

Image result for leads  logos

***20 Ways To Get More Leads To Your Internet Business*** {2}

๐Ÿ™Today's post is about getting more leads into your marketing opportunities at a minimal cost to you, and are in no particular order...

1) Drop Cards: There are some variables with these but they are more expensive the bigger you go. (www.vistaprint.com

2) Do a daily Facebook live: Obviously you can do these at your convenience, and as many as you like, but I recommend not going to long because you will lose your audience. Make a part 2 if necessary, and discuss anything you like...

3) Set up at local events: I'm sure you're aware about the going on within your community, so show up at a few yearly events and plug your business. Meet the public, and get the word out about who you are and what you do. Pass out a few business cards, or brochures...

4) Join local Networking groups: Everyone will have an agenda, so let the people in the groups know how you can help them...

5) Use Instagram: I really like engaging with people on social media, and at the moment Instagram has over 2 billion active users, so you should have no problems finding prospects for your products or services... (www.instagram.com)

6) Banner Ads: There are FREE sites all over the internet for you to post your business banners, and even if you have to pay on a few websites, they are very inexpensive... (https://www.taboola.com) This one is a bit more pricey but if you can afford it, you might give it a try...

7) Talk to more people: Set in your mind how many people per day you will talk to and get out and do it. I recommend 25-50 daily if you can do it. Word of mouth is the number 1 method of advertising there is, and it's FREE. The more people you talk to, the quicker and better chance you have at getting a few sign ups. Create a 30-45 second elevator speech so you can just give the highlights about your opportunity... (https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2025/01/what-is-elevator-pitch-and.html) ๐Ÿ‘ˆ What is an elevator speech?

8) Cold Call: Not one of my favorite methods, and I rarely do it, but if you know enough people, then have at it. Always keep it short and simple, and maybe set up another time if interested so you can discuss further...

9) Hand out Business Cards: I do this anytime I'm out in the public. Go into a restaurant or store and give a business card with a quick dialog on who I am, and how I can help. I also post a few on Bulletin/Cork Boards in and around my community.... (www.vistaprint.com) I can order around 250 for around $50, and sometimes they have sales, so you can check them ☝ out by going to the website that I provided above... 

10) Make YouTube Videos: These are fun and FREE to do, and YouTube is the 3rd most trafficked website on the entire internet, with over 2.5 billion users at the moment. Create short 4-5 minute videos at your convenience, but try to be consistent with them whether it's daily, weekly, or monthly, your choice, and people will watch even bad videos... (www.youtube.com)

11) Solo ADS: This strategy you might want to wait until you have a little money saved up, because this can be a little pricey. There are vendors all over the internet, and you want to shoot for around .33 cents per lead because that's about as cheap as you will find them. The best selling site on the entire net is Udimi. They have many vendors. All you have to do is go there and see what they offer, and contact them about purchasing from them. I would do a background check first to see if the vendor has a good reputation with their leads or not. Just google and see what you find. (www.udimi.com). Solo ADS work great, and can give you a lot of fresh new leads. Just make sure to always follow up...

12) Join 3-4 Safelists: These are FREE to do, but can be time consuming so if you have the time, join a few and see what you can accomplish. All you do is join by creating your FREE account, and then click for credits and by accumulating those credits, you can post your opportunities to that many individuals as well. (http://www.herculist.com) I use this one, and am Grandfathered in to where I never have to pay again, and as of this post they have over 380,000+ worldwide members. You can get total access for around $50 per year, and sometimes they have sales, so you can watch for them...

13) Form a joint venture with a local business: Talk to business owners around town and see what you can do in order to help each other. For example, I use Verizon in my town with my cell phones, and in exchange, they allow me to leave flyers on the counter for others to just take...

14) Pay Per Click: This is one that I don't recommend unless you're a seasoned vet, because you can lose a lot of money if you don't know what you're doing. You are paying for clicks to your website. You will look around to find what you want, and then every time someone clicks on your website, you are charges pennies on the dollar per click, so be careful...

15) Public Speaking Events @ Different Civic Organizations: I don't imagine many of you will try this since you're probably not comfortable with public speaking, but if you are, great, and if not, maybe you know someone who is speaking at an event that is willing to give you and your opportunity a plug...

16) Car Magnets Or Stickers: These are great to put on the doors of your vehicle/s, and if taken care of can last a lifetime. Stickers are a bit cheaper, but magnets at vista print are going to cost less than $100 and everyone will see them anytime you're out for a drive... (www.vistprint.com)

17) Flyers: I use these all the time, and I can get a simple black and white copy for .4 cents a piece at my local print shop, and if you do color they are bit more pricey, and again I would pay .75 cents per copy. Black and White copies are just fine, and I will also hand them out, or post them on cork/bulletin boards. You can even slide one in a letter that you mail, or even a bill. I've done that as well...

18) Paid Advertising: Sooner or later, you will need to purchase some advertising, and I do have a few places I use for mine such as the "CLICK ENGINE" with Jeff Aman, and I pay $50 per year, and he will guarantee at least 150 clicks to your website every month, which I do get. All you do is go to his website and make your purchase quick and easy, and then email him with your URL you want used in the rotator and also send him your receipt so he knows you are a paid member, and within 2 days he will have it setup with your link in the rotator and access to check out your daily traffic. The only downside is that he will send you multiple emails daily. Just ask, and I can get you the link. I recommend about 3-4 paid methods for best results...

19) Create a FREE capture page: If you enjoy being creative, then you can create a simple capture page for your business opportunity. This will set you apart from everyone else while creating your own personal brand. The website I'm listing is 100% FREE to use, and you can create as many capture pages as you like... (http://wix.com)

20) Prospect On Linkedin: There are over 1 billion users on Linkedin and it's a great place to prospect for business partners. Just by wishing some one a happy birthday, or congrats on a new job, can spark a conversation and perhaps a nice business relationship... (https://www.linkedin.com/in/rick2323)

๐Ÿ‘‰These are just a few methods. Keep in mind that there are literally hundreds of methods. You have to think outside the box.

๐Ÿ’ฅhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13  (New Sign Up Link)


{E-mail for your tour takers}:


Easy Simple Biz...Leaders Needed!

This is simple and easy!

You will be able to help a lot of people and get paid for doing it!

No business experience needed! Newbies are welcome! Season Online Business Leaders are Needed!

Earn an extra $500 plus monthly in the beginning with a payment of $22-$27 depending on what Autoresponder you choose

P.S. Upgrade today, and i will send you a complete list of ADVERTISING RESOURCES, plus access to my TRAINING BLOG, and i will even help you ADVERTISE your affiliate link!

{Bonus}: I will also send you 200 FREE Leads with an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...

๐Ÿ’œhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323 ๐Ÿ‘ˆ (Go here now)


I just had another great 24 hours, I received $115 from new Payliners, and $50 of that was PASSIVE from qualifying sales brought in by one of my Payliners! Actually, ADMIN helps close our sales, Ron Walsh closed 100s of sales for my team and other teams in DSP!

If you do nothing else today, at least log in thru the link below and scroll down the Status Page when you login and seriously look at the $230K Business Plan down to the 19th week!

Kathleen V.
Michigan, United States


Congratulations Kathleen! I know there will be many more days like this to come for you and all Payliners as DigiSoft continues to explode around the world!

Tour Takers!

To all the Tour Takers reading this, we are just weeks away from the start of the ``Christmas Run`` (Sept - Dec)! This when networkers go online is mass looking for a great biz opp to make some FAST C-A-S-H before the Christmas Holidays!

The time to join DigiSoft is now, so you can get your advertising out there as soon as possible! You can get started for as little as $22 or go all in at both Packages like most people do for $57.

If you cannot afford to get started today, do everything you can to get the funds together as soon as possible because DigiSoft is going to EXPLODE! come September when all the kids are back in school!


To all the Payliners reading this, Kathleen is a prime example of what can happen when you stick with the program, and post your 10 Ads a day!

As you start making M0NEY and have success with DigiSoft it becomes easier and easier to have even more success when you are able to share story with your Tour Takers who did not upgrade right away!

Inactive Payliners!

To all the Inactive Payliners reading this, it only costs $7 to reactivate your account, and pick up where you left off! You WILL NOT have to re-purchase any Package that you all ready paid for!

Your DigiSoft User ID: 

๐Ÿ’– http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php

Let’s Do This!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder


"Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds." - Orison Swett Marden

***Are you Using Facebook Group Pages?*** (1)

๐Ÿ’˜Are you still wondering if you have to advertise your business on Facebook groups? Do you have a clear understanding that advertising your business on Facebook is a one best opportunities to drive massive traffic to your business website? For those who have used Facebook to advertising their businesses, they have noticed the significant results in the long run. With this excellent marketing platform utilized for your gain, you will surely get more customers and sales.

Being the most proficient and most reliable method to concentrate on, Facebook Groups advertising has existed for a long time now. In fact, numerous advertisers have used it in getting the best leads and deals for their businesses. There are simply a lot of things you should be mindful of from the start of the business down to the publication on Facebook.

By means of publicizing your business on Facebook, you will be expecting of high returns from your business. But then, it is a must to have a significant investment at first. You must also experience some important set-ups in being fully prepared to go. Once you have set it up, you will need to outline a viral and intuitive commercial and present it on a lot of Facebook aggregates.

Here Are Some Of The Essential Pointers In Advertising Your Business On Facebook Groups:

The good news is that there are lots of Facebook groups which permit you of posting your advertising just for free. Thus, you need to take this into consideration because it may mean as a cost-cutting technique for your business. However, you are first required of joining a specific or particular group. It will take a few days before your request is approved by the admins. However, admins can still approve your request in an instant.

Reading on the advertising policy is as well an essential thing for you to consider. By doing this, you will never get banned from making use of the platform. Learn to commit to the rule and play by it. Also, be more attentive of the advertising policies as much as possible.

Afterwards, start posting all your ads by first being aware of the low response rate from the viewers. It is less likely for your AD to get noticed by a lot of people. One of the important things to keep in mind is to completely advertise your business.

On the other hand, making use of videos and images that stand out is another effective strategy to incorporate. Just imagine visiting a place wherein everybody is putting their sale. What will make your advertising a stand out? It is possibly the environment that you are heading to but it is still worth it trying an advertising platform for free.

FB Group Adverting Will Not Be Effective Unless…

To be very honest, advertising your business on Facebook groups will not be very effective to grow your business unless you get into the right group or built one for yourself. It is wise to try it for a while and see if things work out. There is always huge traffic on Facebook and other similar social media sites, but siphoning that traffic for our gain is a skill you have to master through time, trial and error.

Go to Facebook, and in the search bar, you can start off by joining as many groups as possible...trust me, there are hundreds that you can join...below is just a few examples that you can try, and then you will better understand how it works...

๐Ÿ’ฅ MLM
๐Ÿ’ฅ OPPORTUNITY SEEKERS               

You get the idea...Me personally, I like to lead with value over just promoting my link.. Since I advertise for my "TEAM" I lead with that...find some value, or info that you can lead with, so you will stand out a bit from the rest...Once you start signing up, you will see what I mean...I wouldn't spend a lot of time on these, but it will get you out there...Some groups have over 50,000 members, so by getting your info on 5-10 pages at least a couple days a week, Hundreds/thousands are seeing what you're offering, and remember, these are all FREE prospects...Hope this helps!


{Prewritten AD}

I Want to Help You…

I'm tired of seeing good people Struggle
financially, So I want to help you!

I believe,  if I help enough people get what
they want... I'll get what I want.

In order to provide you with the best possible
service, I am currently looking for only 5 people
that are willing to be trained using my proven
marketing strategies.

I will spend my time showing you how to make
more than you could ever imagine.

No hype, just fact.

You must be willing to be trained and stop
using methods that just eat away at your income.

If you have had enough of the insanity and really
want to succeed, then contact me for more info...



“The successful man is the one who finds out what is the matter with his business before his competitors do.” – Roy L. Smith

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