πToday's lesson is about putting your customers first. This will help you generate more leads into your small MLM business.
By not focusing all of your attention on your customer, you're going to fail miserably, and this a big reason why many businesses do in fact fail. The customer is the most important aspect of your whole existence, and why you do what you do.
If you ask any business owner what the most important thing is, they will most likely tell you that making a profit is the main goal. And while that is true, you won't be able to make any money at all if you're ignoring the life's blood of your business...The customer! This is especially true when it pertains to lead generation.
Your customers aren't going to purchase products or services from you if you don't appeal to them, or if you're marketing message can't offer them something that will solve a problem, or enhance their lives in some way.
Your objective is focus on your customers needs, so make sure when creating your marketing content, that you focus on how you can help your target audience, and if you're able to do that, you will be able to make most sales, and in turn keep your customer happy and coming back for more.
-Targeting the consumer:
By definition a target market is a specific group of customers that a business has decided to target it's marketing efforts, and products, or services towards. This is the first step of a marketing strategy.
Before running a marketing campaign you must do your research in order find out where your target market is, and if they are suited for your products and services. By not doing so, you are foolishly spending on advertising that won't reach your target consumer base, and you end up spending more than is necessary. About 90% of your advertising budget is wasted anyway, because for every 100 people that comes in contact with what you're selling, you will only be able to get between 3%-7% to purchase from you. This is just an average!
In a previous post I talked about talking to your existing customers. Ask questions. How did they find your business, and what you're selling? Was it through a friend? Did they see one of your online "ADS?" What made them decide to seek you out? By asking questions, you're able to pin point what's working, and what isn't pertaining to your advertising efforts. Which will make your marketing campaigns much more effective.
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8 habits all financial winners have in common
You're gonna love this...
just finished reading an interesting study.
It was conducted by author Thomas Corley and was named "Rich Habits"
Corley interviewed 233 people who earn 6+ figures and 128 people who make less than $35,000 per year.
He posed 144 different questions to each person.
And he saw distinct patterns emerging. Turns out, you can really make financial independence a habit.
I'm not going to post every finding.
But what I loved was that his study supports a few points I've been trying to make in these emails.
For example, financial winners:
* don't expect the government to help people financially
* are charitable
* avoid wasting time on anti-social media
* believe that good habits create so called "luck"
* enjoy reading books
* don't waste their time watching tv
* avoid toxic people like the plague
* and most importantly, had a mentor who was responsible for their wealth
Listen: I've seen it time and time again.
Hard working people like you, who try to do everything themselves.
Sometimes it might work. (Corley says 5% of financial independent people are in this category)
But the rest of them?
The 95%?
They had a mentor guiding them.
Which is why I honestly believe that…
...if you're interested in escaping the rat race by making a successful transition online…
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323 π(A call to action) - You will receive my 56-day "Starter Course" Training Series...
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*Rick Brier
“One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than 50 preaching it.”