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Monday, October 13, 2014

*** Places to Advertise *** {10}

 πŸ’₯I have a massive list of FREE/PAID advertising sites listed below. I haven't updated anything, so if you go to a site and it's no longer accessable, then move on to the site, and I apologize because I posted this about a decade ago...

For best results, you should be posting a minimum of 25-50 "ADS" daily. If you have a partner, you can take turns posting. You must be consistent in order to see some results...

πŸ‘Starting NOW...  πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€  ($7)/($25)/($100)/($300) - Pick your package, and let's get you making money today! FREE for 7 days! (https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5) πŸ‘ˆ 

πŸ‘‰Facebook Marketplace (http://www.facebook.com.rbrier2323)

πŸ˜€Learn Social Media Marketing

πŸ’£Anyone posting in Classified Giants MUST post in the auctions section or they will be breaching their Terms of Service.

πŸ’₯http://www.stumblehere.com/ Free, account required, max number of active ads 5, 15 day ad lifespan, and 1 photo per ad. 

πŸ’₯http://www.businesslist.com/ Free classifieds, account required with email verification 

πŸ’₯http://www.bestwayclassifieds.com/ Free classifieds, account required, and clean looking site

πŸ’₯http://www.freeclassifieds.com/ Free classifieds, no account required, and mobile posting via android app 

πŸ’₯http://www.zikbay.com/ Free classifieds, account required 

πŸ’₯http://www.adpost.com/ Free classifieds, account required 

πŸ’₯http://classified4u.biz/ Free classifieds, account required

πŸ’₯http://www.purchase.com/listings/ Text ads, free and paid 

πŸ’₯http://www.snnap.com/ Free classifieds, account required 

πŸ’₯http://www.cashconnection.com/adland.htm Free classifieds, post to 7,000 websites 

πŸ’₯http://www.buckeyeads.com/ Free classifieds, account required 

πŸ’₯http://www.the-classified-connection.com/ Free classifieds, account required

πŸ’₯http://www.adleaf.com/ Free classifieds, account required 

πŸ’₯http://www.freeadsplanet.com/ Free classifieds, account required 

πŸ’₯http://www.freeadscity.com/ Free classifieds, no account required 

πŸ’₯http://www.buysellcommunity.com/ Free classifieds, account required 

πŸ’₯http://www.webclassifieds.us/ Free classifieds, account required

πŸ’₯http://www.epage.com Free classifieds, no account required 

πŸ’₯http://www.glasyads.com/ Free classifieds, account required 

πŸ’₯http://www.beatyourprice.com/ Free classifieds, no account required 

πŸ’₯http://www.postaclassified.com/ Free classifieds, account required

πŸ’₯http://wantedwants.com/ Free classifieds, no account required

πŸ’₯http://www.adlandpro.com/ Free classifieds, account req

πŸ’₯http://www.50statesclassifieds.com/ Free classifieds, ads are served by state, and account required 

πŸ’₯http://www.olx.com/ Fee classifieds, account required

πŸ’₯http://www.ileeg.com/ Free classifieds, account required Free/Cheap Online Classified Advertising Venues (locations) - mixed

πŸ’₯http://www.citynews.com Must purchase a premium ad for Business Opportunities 30 days for $3.98 

πŸ’₯http://www.theadnet.com Must purchase a premium ad for Business Opportunities 90 days $4.99 

πŸ’₯http://www.isell.com Free classifieds with images, and ad upgrades. Account required 

πŸ‘Όhttp://www.giveawayoftheday.com Daily free software downloads, plus adspace to boot!

πŸ’http://www.totallyfreebies.com/addfreebie.cfm Easy freebie site, with form, requires approval 

πŸ’Ÿhttp://www.heyitsfree.net/contact/ Must submit freebie to admin

http://www.domesticsale.com Free classified text ads only 

πŸ“http://www.freeadscity.com Free classifieds with images and video 

πŸ”€http://www.adoos.com Free classifieds with images 

🎈http://classified-ads-4-free.net Free classifieds with Twitter and Facebook integration 

πŸ™Œhttp://www.1second.com/ Account required, $10 deposit, pay per click campaigns.

πŸ’ͺhttp://www.Ad4Free.net Account required, and premium ad required for business opportunities. $5.00 for 30 days. 

πŸ’—http://www.beatyourprice.com Free classifieds with images. No account required, ads have a 7 day life span 

πŸ’£http://www.recycler.com Free classifieds with one image, and video. Paid classifieds options as well

 πŸ’–http://www.freestuff101.com/contact.html Must submit freebie to admin 

πŸ’•http://www.olx.com Free classifieds with images, and videos.

😍http://www.salespider.com Paid Classifieds starting at $5.00 a day

😎http://www.zamzata.com Free classifieds with images 

πŸ’šhttp://www.youtube.com Paid sponsored video ads, min budget $10.00 a day 

πŸ’œhttp://www.ebayclassifieds.com Free classifieds with images, ads are served by city 

πŸ’›http://www.ablewise.com Free classifieds with images, and premium upgrades. Account required 

πŸ’™http://www.myspace.com Paid text and Image ads, min budget $5.00 a day 

πŸ’“πŸ’™ http://www.facebook.com 

 Paid text/image ads, min budget $10.00 a day There are many different forms of advertising - all of which have their own strengths and depending on your budget, may suit your needs. Here are some other paid advertising resources and mediums that may be of interest to you... This is purely a resource center for affiliates who are seeking stronger reach, more targeted niches and have some money to spend on advertising their business...

 If you see any price differences than what we have listed - please shoot a message to affiliate services so we can reflect the change on the site... Ezines Solo ezines are a strong, effective and inexpensive way to advertise...

A solo ezine is an ad sent out to the entire subscriber base of an ezine... In making your decision in which ezines to advertise in - it's all about "reach" and "budget.".. Meaning - how many people do you want to "reach"? And...more importantly - "what is your budget?"... 

Reach and budget go hand in hand... Always remember that you get what you pay for... Higher prices mean higher circulation... We have created a list of companies with their eZine prices below (some are free). We are aware that these companies may also offer other services but we have only listed them by general price-range for their ezine ads...

Ezine Link Reach/Type Price Range Ezine Link Reach/Type Price Ezine 3 400K Subscribers $15.00 Ezine 4 1.9 million Subscribers $29.95 Ezine 5 34K Subscribers Free Training Ezine 6 100K Subscribers $149.00 Ezine 9 Classified, Sponsored, Stand alone $44.00-$157.00 Ezine 10 Classified, Sponsored, Spotlight ads $20.00-$60.00 Ezine 11 One on One help $15.00-$199.99 Ezine 13 Classifieds and Sponsored $16.00-$50.00 Ezine 14 Sponsored & Solo Ad $67.00-$127.00 Ezine 16 Variety of Ads $65.00-$711.00 Other Ezine Directories

=> http://www.e-zinez.com/ 

SCAN Networks This is an alphabetized list by state of the SCAN (Statewide Classified Ad Networks) and other organizations to purchase offline and print advertising... Instead of having to choose a single location, you can have your ad run statewide in many places... The SCAN network is a fast and easy way to get your ad out there with no monthly obligation... Alabama Have your ad run in print across the state of Alabama... $210 - 25 words or less... $7.50 for each additional word... 850,000 Circulation...

Arizona Have your ad run in print across the state of Arizona... $330 - 25 words or less in 90 newspapers totaling 2 Million readers... Arkansas Have your ad run in print across the state of Arkansas $400 - 25 words or less in 29 publications for 5 days California Regional rates: Reach over 3 million Californians in Northern or Southern California! Place a 25-word classified ad in 100 newspapers for $550... Florida Have your ad run in print across the state of Florida... 5 Million Readers - $475 for 1 ad...

Georgia Have your ad run in print across the state of Georgia... 130 different papers $350 and $8 for each additional word Idaho Have your ad run in print across the state of Idaho... $150 - for 52 papers...(down) Illinois Run your ad in 380 newspapers to an estimated 4.5 million readers. Contact staff for a quote Iowa Run your ad in 248 newspapers to an estimated 1.2 million readers... Contact staff for a quote Kansas Have your 25 word ad run in 140 Kansas papers to an estimated 1 Million readers... $300 For Your 25 Word Ad Kentucky Have your ad run in 70 papers to an estimate 800,000 readers... $250 For Your 25 Word Ad Louisiana Have your ad run in 112 newspapers to an estimated 1.2 Million readers... $265.00 For Your 25 Word Ad Maryland Have your ad run in 126 papers with an estimated 4.9 million circulation... $500.00 For Your 25 Word Ad Michigan Have your ad run in print across the state of Michigan to 130 different newspapers... 2.2 million circulation with an estimated 4 million readers... $299.00 For Your 25 Word Ad Minnesota Have your ad run across the state of Minnesota to different 240 newspapers and nearly 2 million households... $199 For Your 25 Word Ad Missouri Have your ad run to 199 different papers reaching an estimated 2.25 million readers... $300.00 For Your 25 Word Ad Montana Have your ad run in 66 different Montana newspapers to an estimated 193,000 homes... $139.00 For Your 25 Word Ad Nebraska Have your ad run in print across the state of Nebraska...

$210 for 830,000 readers... Nevada Have your ad run in print across the state of Nevada... $149 for state wide advertising... New England Have your ad run in 284 community newspapers to an estimated 2.2 million readers... $395.00 For Your 25 Word Ad New Jersey Have your ad run in 135 papers with an estimated circulation of about 2 Million... $520.00 For Your 25 Word Ad New Mexico Have your ad run in 29 papers with an estimated circulation of about 240,000. $154.00 For Your 25 Word Ad New York Have your ad run in print across the state of New York... $425 - reach over 3 million people North Carolina Statewide... $300

- reach 1.6 million households... North Dakota 89 different papers with total circulation around 400,000... $139.00 For Your 25 Word Ad Ohio 155 different newspapers with estimated 1.5 million circulation... $295.00 For Your 25 Word Advertisement (can't find link on google) Oklahoma 193 different papers reaching an estimated 1.2 million readers... $285.00 For Your 25 Word Ad Oregon 80 different newspapers to an estimated 500,000 readers across Oregon... $250 For Your 25 Word Ad or $100 per Region...

 Pennsylvania 158 different newspapers with an estimated circulation of a 1.69 Million... $475 For Your 25 Word Ad... South Carolina 107 different newspapers to an estimated 2.9 million readers...

$375 For Your 25 Word Ad South Dakota 128 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 700,000 people... $150.00 For Your 25 Word Ad Texas 307 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 1,018,298 people. $500 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words: $14.00 ea. Virginia 76 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 1,100,000 people... $275 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words:... $10.00 ea... West Virginia 125 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 2,700,000 people... $200 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words:... $7.00 ea... Washington 103 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 808,319 people... $255 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words:... $10.00 ea... Wisconsin 178 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 2,284,082 people... $300 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words:... $10.00 ea... Wyoming(1) 38 different newspapers with an estimated readership of 277,874 people... $235 For Your 25 Word Ad, Extra words:... $10.00 ea. Most State Press Associations accept major credit cards as payment for classified advertising... Banner Advertising Venues(locations)

=> Banners4Bucks Forums Please Refrain from Posting Multiple Times in the Same Day on these Forums, You Can Get Banned from the forum for that Behavior

=> http://fatwallet.com

Start Sampling Forums Slick Deal Forums YDF Freebies Forum Your Daily Freebies... Free Stuff Times Forums... Free Stuff Forum...

=> Spoofee Freebies and Giveaways Forum.

=> BigBigForums Big Deals Board.

=> CheapStingyBargains Hot Deals Freebies Forum.

=> RetailMeNot Freebies Forum

=> YesAll4Free Forums


Submit Your Ads Here Also, Best Free Classified Sites

Thank you!

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 (New Sign Up Link)


Ronald Reagan was 69 when he became President of the US
Image result for advertising site  logos

*** HOW TO MARKET Your Online Business? *** {9}

πŸ‘ŠI created a complete breakdown on how to market even if you're a beginner, or just someone who hasn't had a lot of success. Follow the 12 steps below, and this should help you with your results...

πŸ’ͺhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2 πŸ‘ˆ (A call to action)

Join me todayπŸ‘† and I will give you 200 FREE Leads, and an Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...

{How To Market} ???

1) I'm a newbie, please treat me like one. What do I do?... The most important thing you can do right now is make sure that everything is set-up correctly... Secondly, plan on reading & studying everything in your back office... Yes, I know you want to make money... But you won't make any until you've mastered the basics & most importantly, learning about the company/services/opportunity we offer... Third, start small... You can waste a lot of money online so whatever plan of action you take, be sure to keep your costs low until you've proven that particular method... There are a lot of good ideas presented here, so use them... Fourth, plan on being here 90 days from now... You'll be amazed @ how much credibility you'll gather by sticking with a company rather than hopping  from one company/deal/business opportunity to the next... Remember, your image/reputation is GOLD... Don't tarnish it by joining gimmicky programs every two months...

2) I've been involved with multiple programs in the past but have never been able to make money... What can I do differently here to help make sure I am a success?... The two major and fundamental reasons people fail to get what they want is... (A) A BROKEN focus...&... (B) they fail to invest enough TIME locating where they are supposed to be, and in learning the needed skills (marketing), mindset, attitude, etc... required for success... With that being said, your FOCUS should be on lead generation (marketing) from day one... Nothing else matters. And secondly, spend enough TIME mastering the basics... Such as product/services/autoresponders/lead capture pages/domain names/blogs/social marketing, etc...

3) How do I get leads?... There are only two ways to get leads... Buy them, or generate them on your own... First, let's define a "purchased" lead... A "purchased" lead to me is where you contact a lead vendor to order a list of prospects who have responded to an "AD" online about an opportunity... The problem with "purchased" leads is that (A) you have no idea how they were generated, OR where they were generated... (B) You have no idea what they responded to, &... (C) You don't know how many people are getting the same exact lead list that you just spent your hard earned money on... Let's compare "purchased" leads that you generate on your own... A lead that you create for yourself will be much more receptive to your marketing message because they've specifically expressed interest in YOUR offer...

For example...I can run an "AD" in the USA Today, Friday Edition... Cost is roughly $260... I would control the wording of the "AD" (who I'm attracting)... I control the process as to how they respond (website, 1-800 number, email)... I control the follow up process (Instantly getting feedback from ME). With those three things under my control, my SUCCESS rate soars... Plus it saves me a lot of time from sifting, and sorting through the rubble ("generic opportunity seeker" leads) to find a few interested parties... As a final thought... Use our sites in your marketing to capture & follow up with all of your leads... You'll find the leads that come through your sites are much better than "generic opportunity seeker" leads...

4) I need step by step plan of action... Tell me what to do next?... Go back up and read the answer to Question 1... Then focus on getting 1-3 "ADS" out there in the next 24 hours... Even if they are FREE "ADS," It doesn't matter... Just do something right now... Inactivity will lead to procrastination, which will lead to frustration... Whereas activity will lead to more activity, which will lead to MASSIVE ACTION... And that's when things start to get really exciting... Here's another perspective... (A) Run an "AD"... (B) Gather sign ups from that "AD"... (C) Take a % of money received & re-invest it back in for "ADS"... (D) Repeat the process...

5) Holy Moses... Someone replied to my "AD"... What do I do now?... Give yourself a pat on the back... You've just generated a lead... Your objective now is to follow up with that person... Now it's time for you to initiate contact with that person via the phone (If they replied to you via email)... Yes, I know, I used to have the same fears & hesitations... The 900 hundred pound gorilla (ie... the phone) that sits on your desk is the same one that used to sit on mine... But if you want to maximize your results with this system, you'll want to contact that person via phone possibly within the next 5-10 minutes...

6) Can I use offline methods such as magazines & postcards?... Absolutely!... There's an untapped market for those who want to aggressively use postcards & display "ADS" in magazines...

7) What's the secret to creating 10k a month or more in personal income in Network Marketing, Direct Sales type programs?... Two words... Focus & Consistency... Go back up & read the answer to Question 2... I believe that sums it up right there...

8) Where can I find some great "ADS" to use?... I can supply you with as many "ADS" as you need... You are welcome to change  them any way you like to fit your narrative... Even if you run out of ideas, (which you shouldn't), you can always scan other peoples "ADS" online that you like... Just "tweak" it to fit your narrative... Make sure not to make any false claims, or come off "Scammy".

9) Make deals with people, not computers. Does that mean I can make someone an offer to enroll?... What I mean when I say "make deals with people, not computers" is that it's the people who are making the buying decision, not the computers. It's the person you're wanting to create a relationship with, not their computer. So by making a personal contact (via the phone is best) you can begin to create a mutually beneficial relationship...

10) How many people should I be getting in touch with everyday?... Talk to a Minimum of 10-50 +++ Fresh new prospects each & everyday!... THIS IS A MUST FOR SUCCESS!... IT'S A NUMBERS GAME!!... THE MORE PEOPLE THAT SEES YOUR SYSTEM, THE MORE REFERRALS YOU WILL GET!... Doesn't matter how they come in contact with you... What does matter is that you maintain a steady pool of fresh prospects coming through your Marketing Pipeline...

11) I'm on a limited budget... Where can I go to place some low cost "ADS" or FREE "ADS?"... One of the most popular sites online for placing FREE classified "ADS" is Craigslist... The actual site is... (http://www.craigslist.org)... There are many individuals who rely 100% on Craigslist for their Marketing & they're currently full time in their respective programs... That's enough to know that Craigslist does work for those who are willing to work it...

12) In the past week, I've had 15 calls/prospects come through but only 8 of them enrolled... What can I do to increase my conversions?... For starters, you will always have more unsigned members than completed... People will fill out the registration form on your website/call you without any real interest @ all... They just want to see what's behind the "curtain"... Of course, human nature kicks in too... Curiosity, procrastination, forgetfulness, lack of focus, computer froze up, etc... Any number of issues can stop a prospect dead in their tracks... You can increase your number of completed members by staying in touch with all of your PROSPECTS via email follow up, and by phone... Follow up was & always will be the cornerstone to a long lasting, & successful business... But don't get caught up in the TRAP of working with "too few a number"... This means if "Sally Sue" registers with you today, but doesn't pay, don't get too consumed with trying to convert her to a paid member... Shift your focus to attracting even MORE interested & motivated prospects!... It's simple... Market, Market, Market!!

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 (Go here now) πŸ‘ˆ


"Never limit yourself because of others' limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination." - Mae Jemison