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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

*** 3 "Strategies" To Be More Successful With Your Business *** {309}

πŸ’™For along time I looked for shortcuts to becoming more successful.
I truly believed that it existed.
I would see people who had meteoric rises to success and I thought FOR SURE that they had found some secret way to make it all happen overnight.
REALITY CHECK — it doesn’t exist (at least not like I was thinking).
What I think it really boils down to…. is people are trying to avoid the work.
They want to avoid the time.
They want it to happen fast.
They want to become successful with the least amount of pain and sacrifice as possible.
I am here to tell you… if that is what you are looking for, you will waste years of your life searching for it just like I did.
But I have great news...
While a shortcut in the traditional sense does not exist, there are things that will increase your odds of finding success faster…

Here are 3 things that helped me immensely

1.) Get around successful people — …or at least people who WANT to be more successful. Nothing will derail your plans of doing something great faster than a naysayer or hater. There are too many of them out there and they are POISON that will kill your chances of success. PAY FOR ACCESS!
2.) Invest in yourself — no matter your whereabouts, the industry, your upbringing, or the economy, your investments in yourself will always provide you with a return. For too long I tried to do it on my own and it cost me big time. It wasn’t until I started investing in myself that I saw a change for the better.
3.) Pick a small handful of mentors — remember, the goal is not to get a mentor, it's to get the right mentor Taking advice from the wrong people can lead you down the wrong path… don’t waste time or energy on the wrong people
Look… it is hard enough to actually get to a place where you realize that you need help, and once you get there, it is even harder to find the right people to connect to that you can trust.
I have a couple of people myself that I enjoy reading and Listening to what they say, that gives me another way of looking at things. You can go to Youtube and learn from some of the best in our industry, and apply what you learn into your own business. I try to learn something new everyday....And I do!!!
πŸ’™https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12  (New Sign Up Link)
“You cannot beat the person who NEVER gives up.” - Babe Ruth

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