πArticle writing is yet another of the many ways to interact with other Network Marketers, and for this post, I'm going to give you a couple reasons on why you should be sharing your content, and also give you a few quick ideas on where to share them. I'm sure you can think of more, just think outside the box.
{Reason #1}:
You want to arm your team with the skills to attract business partners while giving them the opportunity to get free prospects for their primary business as well.
{Reason #2}:
Build relationships with other marketers that may be open to other opportunities. Give back to the industry as a whole and establish yourself as a student of the game. This shows others that you have made the choice to make it as a Network Marketing professional.
{How to share your articles with others to grow your primary business}:
-Share on Facebook Messenger to your key prospects!
-Share on Network Marketing message boards!
-Share on Linkedin Network Marketing Groups you are a member of. If you're not a member of any group, I suggest you join a few!
-Share on google + with specific circles that are within your team, or in groups that are focused on elevating their Network Marketing skills!
-Share on Twitter but only if you have followers that are in Network Marketing. Use the #hashtag that your team is using to promote training events!
-Share in your team Facebook Group (company marketing groups) tip: Use the #hashtag that your team is using or the #hashtag that your company uses to promote distributor trainings. (don't use the main company #hashtag, that is for prospects that are not yet in Network Marketing)
{E-mail for your tour takers}:
Thank you for visiting our site:
Hi {firstname}, thank you for visiting my site to learn about how I am able to be successful from home and actually "live" my life. Before you start reading the rest of this email I want to encourage you to pay attention to every single word because this business CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
I don't know how long you have been looking for a way to stay at home and make money but I have wasted well over $3,000 on different opportunities and got ZERO in return. I got a bunch of empty promises and people who took my money and ran. It sucked while I was going through that but it was all a part my destiny to get me where I am today. I learned a lot along the way and because of that I can say to you that I am committed to helping you be successful with DigiSoft Payline.
If you're like me and have been burned before I understand where you're coming from but if you're like me then you won't give up. I'm glad that I didn't because I would not have found my way.
Mailing Cheap Simple Postcards coupled with DigiSoft Payline enables our team to generate substantial amounts of cash daily, weekly, and monthly. (One of the many methods I teach)
Alright well I've rambled on enough for now. I will be in contact soon, until next time take care and be blessed.
When you want to have another look click the highlighted link below...
✋https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2 (New Sign Up Link)
π http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323
"There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.” – Derek Jeter