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Thursday, December 25, 2014

***Craigslist vs. Backpage*** {156}

πŸ’₯Craigslist VS. Backpage for Marketing Your Services:

Two places to market your services for free (or inexpensively) are Craigslist and Backpage. These classified ad sites are worth considering if you are just starting out and on a budget, but can still be effective for established businesses. Here is a quick comparison of the two services and the pros and cons.


Craigslist is the most popular classified ad site on the internet and whether people use it or not, most people who have been online for awhile know what it is. In most cities, you can post your ad for free, but some cities require a small fee to post.

Craigslist has a much wider user base than any other online classified ad site. So you will be able to potentially reach more people this way. Craigslist has a good amount of international traffic as well as US traffic.

Backpage - Government shut down!

Backpage is a smaller site in terms of traffic, but some people say they get more business from it. It gets about 3 million users a day versus craigslist’s 64 million users per day.

Backpage has a nicer design and cleaner interface. Backpage has partnered with several newspapers. There are options to have your ad appear on newspaper websites, which can lead to higher quality traffic. You will likely get less spam and scam replies on Backpage. Most of the user base is in the USA (4 out of 5 people currently), so Backpage may not be as effective in other countries.

Both Sites:

Here are some nice advantages of both sites.

-Both sites are easy to sign up with and use.
-Both sites are free or cheap to post ads.

In summary, try both sites out and see if each site is worth the time and effort.

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6  (New Sign Up Link)


πŸ‘‰http://www.backpage.com  (Shut Down)



"them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.” - John Steinbeck


*** What is Split Testing? *** {155}

πŸ’’Split testing provides a means of comparing two or more unique strategies for opt-in forms or broadcast messages, side by side, in a controlled experiment.

By testing and then analyzing results, we can get a better understanding of what our website visitors and subscribers respond best to, allowing for optimization of our email marketing campaigns

Examples of Common Split Tests:

Opt-In Forms

Through split testing opt-in forms, we can adjust aspects of a form and its appearance to track which tend to provide more or less responsive subscribers.

Useful tests include:

Comparing different incentives in the form's headline

Adding or omitting fields (e.g. phone number, address)

Using varying text to label the submit button (e.g. "Sign Me Up!", "Get Your Free Newsletter") 

Broadcast Messages:

By split testing broadcast messages, we can adjust messages followed by a review of each version's performance by a message opens and the number of clicks of links.

Useful tests include:

Comparing different subject lines

Scheduling messages with the same content for different times and/or days

Trying different calls to action or buttons within a message's content

These Are Just a Few Examples ...

Part of the beauty of email marketing is the availability of results specific to particular messages and forms, along with an ability to test different ideas.

If you find yourself split on two ideas or would like to try a strategy before going with it consistently, don't take a shot in the dark - split test and see how subscribers respond.

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5  πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - Once you go to my website and type your email address into the box so you can watch the 3 minute video, I will send you an email with more information, and how to start for FREE...

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323  (GONE)

{Pre-written AD}:

Check this out...

if you do nothing else this year you need to check this out! 

This is growing at an incredible rate and you do not want to be left behind! 

If you could create a time machine or if someone offered you the opportunity to be at a start up  of something like Coca Cola, Microsoft, Apple or Bitcoin what would you do? 

Then what if they told you look I will give you the inside business structure and training so you can be one of the first people to show this to the world and start your way down the path to success? 

Would that be something you would consider doing? 

Well you now stand at the crossroads of that exact thing you can join me or you can delete this email and this path to a brighter future. 

If you join me I am going to help you every step of the way: 

I will train you, and give you access to my blog 
I will give you my best advertising resources 
I will help place "ADS" in your behalf 
I will be sending tips, tutorials and FREEBIES 
I will help you find people to increase your team 
I will show you which path to take for your brighter future 
I will do everything I can to make you successful 

What will you do ????? 

Will you stay or will you go? 


Join Me today for the journey of a lifetime if you are prepared to attain that brighter future.

πŸ‘https://listinfinity.net/rick2323 πŸ‘ˆ(A call to action) - Make sure you take 20-30 minutes per day for personal development because your business can only grow as much you grow...


{Update from Ron Walsh}  (IGNORE πŸ‘‡)

Hi Rick,

What an exciting couple of days it has been at DigiSoft!

Monday afternoon I attended an online webinar with over 100 Networking Leaders from Russia and surrounding countries. Just 30 minutes after that webinar ended they started registering for the DigiSoft Tour, and upgrading to a Payliner within a few minutes! No kidding!

In that past we have seen South Africa on fire, then the United States, but I have to say; ``Nothing compares to what I am seeing coming out of Russia and surrounding countries! These guys and gals know how to network!``

What`s their secret?

I do not think you will believe me, but I will tell you anyway. It`s something that I have said in the past.

Here it is! On the advice and referral from a friend they are registering for the Tour, and upgrading to a Payliner right away and making their purchase! Within an hour or two these people are Qualified and making MONEY! WOW!

That`s how simple this can be! We are not talking about hundreds of dollars to get started here, because anyone can get started at Package #1 for as little as $22, or go all in at both Packages for $57!

DigiSoft is THE BIG M0NEY PROGRAM with a little money start up cost!

I have not shared this story with Tour Takers yet, but you are welcome to copy the above email and send it so your Tour Takers right now.

DigiSoft Tour & Member Login:

πŸ‘‰http://DigiSoftPayline.com/login.php (GONE)

Your Login User ID: 

Rick Brier


“Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your expectations.” - Ryunosuke Satoro

Image result for mlm split testing logos

*** Pre-Written E-mails for Your Leads *** {154}

πŸ˜‡FINALLY Succeed Online! - Try these with your marketing efforts, or change to fit your narrative! You can try posting on... πŸ‘‡

πŸ’šhttp://www.qwikad.com πŸ‘ˆ(You can post up 20 FREE ADS per day)

Quit failing online in Crappy Programs, No Selling,

Explaining, or Any Convincing!

Simply Copycat Me to a T..!!! Quit Failing Online, YES, the Top People On The Web Truly Do Receive Serious Cash.


There is NO Hype, NO Boss, NO MLM!

For details go to: YourDomainName.com

Then Call Me!

Your Name Here
Your Phone Number here


Quit Failing Online - Check out my Power System!


Check the system that crushes all other systems to the ground.

go to YourDomainName.com

Then Call Me!

Your Name Here
Your Phone Number here


Have you seen the Power System yet?

Quit Failing Trying to Sell Crap. Change Your Life
today not a month from now.

No Selling, No Explaining, No Convincing

It's changed my Life, and it's the Easiest thing you
could ever do.

Go to this website, I have some video proof for you!

Your Name Here
Your Phone Number here


Start Making Money.


More time? Less stress? More money? Better future retirement?
Living debt free?


Chances are........Nothing. You are NOT alone! Most of us
have been in this position.

************ There is GOOD News for YOU!!! ***********

*You have stumbled across THE VERY SITE that can make a
true difference in your life

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/4 πŸ‘ˆ(Go here now) - When starting your your new journey, I recommend posting a few FREE classified ADS (simple copy & paste), while you're learning the industry...

πŸ‘‰www.instagram.com/rbrier2323 (My personal website) πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ‘‰http://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2014/12/top-24-responsive-free-job-posting.html  (Popular Craigslist Cities Listing)


“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear" - Ambrose Redmoon