πI've received a lot of requests about how to lose weight, and I feel like it's very important because as of 2023, studies have shown that there are approximately 3.12 BILLION people (39%) worldwide that are fighting obesity, and there is no excuse in that. Without our health, we have nothing!
I've been a fitness minded person basically my whole life. I turn 60 years old late next year, and have been into fitness for over 50 years, and have been a certified person trainer for over 30 years. I can't understand what's wrong with people because I've shattered a disc in my back, tore the long head of my left bicep that will never heal, put my body through hell, and fought COVID! (In the hospital 10 times in 2021, and almost died!) I still workout regularly, 5 days per week.
About 18 months ago I had a body compesition done on a $14,000 machine, and it said that my body fat was 7.4%, and I'm natural. Never taken PED'S in my life, and never will. Since then I've packed on about 20-25 pounds of muscle, and I'm sure my body fat is probably closer to 10% which is fine, since I've tried to gain some of my weight back. Anyway, this post is going to be about eating in a calorie deficit, because this is the only way you can lose weight...
The human body needs around 15 calories per pound of body weight, just to maintain. I'm sure you're asking yourself, what does that mean? So let's say a 200 pound man wants to stay at his current weight and wants to know how many calories to eat just to maintain.
The formula is 200 pounds X 15 calories = 3,500 total calories per day just to maintain that weight.
Now if the man wants to lose weight safely, then drop about 250 calories from the original 3,500, which would be 3,250. It's ok if you have to keep a journal, or something to write down and track your calories because you're creating good habits, and that carries over into every day life.
Go 4-6 weeks and if you're able to lose 1-2 pounds per week over that time, then you are doing exactly what you're supposed to, and you need to continue eating at those calories until you reach your target GOAL! If you're not happy, then drop another 250 calories for another 4-6 weeks and see if this satisfies you. (3,000 calories).
It pretty simple logic. You must be burning more calories than you take in, or you cannot lose weight. It's not possible!
This won't make you happy to hear if you don't already know it, but 1 pound of fat = 3,500 calories. That means to lose 1 pound of fat, you must burn 3,500 calories, plus what you continue to take in. This is why you must keep yourself in a deficit for a very long time, so your body can lose that excess weight.
If you are pleasnatly plump, you will lose Viseral fat around your organs first, and then you will begin to lose soke of the water weight. This will come off very quickly as long as you're in a deficit. At some point you will plateau, and it's your body trying to fight back because it doesn't know what you're trying to do to it, so don't get discouraged because it will happen. Stay the course, and your body will respond.
I'm not going to tell anyone how they should be eating, but obviously the healthier you eat, the better your health will be. You don't have to be perfect because you can eat complete garbage and lose weight, as long as you're in a deficit.
If you're not good at eating healthy, try to at least limit yourself to maybe a cheat meal daily. It's ok to do that, and you aren't being so strict, because this is why diets don't work, and why I don't even use the word. People get aggravated because they hate eating healthy, and ultimately will say F*** it, and go back to the unhealthy habits.
If you can just eat moderately healthy, while weight training, or if you're not a gym person, just get outside and walk. Find a friend, or someone to walk with in order to make it fun. Even if you're OBESE, you can focus on eating in a deficit, while getting some type of physical activity, and you will be surprised over the next 6 months to a year, what you can accomplish, and you will feel much better also.
For added motivation, I've told my clients to take a before picture, and put it somewhere that you can see it daily, and every month, or few months, take a nother picture, and watch how the pounds melt away. This will help keep you motivated if you struggle in that area.
I have a couple of home hacks that you can also try in order to help with the burning process. The first one is if you're a coffe drinker, make sure to drink no more than 4 cups per day, and add Cinnamon to each cup. I'm nita coffee drinker, but have heard others say that it works.
The second hack you can either try at night before bed, or in the morning when you wake up, or both, it really doesn't matter. Take a glass of warm water, and add, Lemon/Juice, Cinnamon, and Apple Cider Vinegar, and see if that helps.
The human body has between 25-35 million fat cells and as we age, we are less active, which means our metabolism bottoms out, and we gain weight. With these hacks, they are supposed to help schrink those cells. They will never go away, but you can make them smaller.
I have a nutri bullet, and like to make smoothies. If you go online and google, I'm sure you will find somethings that appeals to you, and these are great for the body, and detoxifies it.
In closing, I'm going to tell you a few things that you need to focus on.
1) Make sure you eat 4-6 SMALL meals daily in a deficit!
2) Make sure to get 20-50 grams of protein per meal! (.06/1 gram per pound of body weight is recommended!)
3) Make sure to get between 60-150 grams of carbs daily! (Do not go without, because it's not healthy for the body)
4) Make sure about 20% of your nutrition is healthy fats!
5) Make sure to get around 30 grams of fiber daily!
πNOTE: It's ok if you have to use supplements in order to reach your numbers, just make sure that the bulk of your nutrients comes from whole foods!
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