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Sunday, June 24, 2018

*** Are You Willing To Invest Time And Effort *** {292}

💥If you are already reaching a point of frustration let me tell you right now that one quality one must possess or develop is the willingness to invest time and effort even if direct results do not seem at all apparent.

What if the next promotion I do doesn’t do any better? I guess it must be time to quit then, right? No, although several months may pass without good news; it is important for one, who wants success to hold on and continue to move forward.

You must have this quality for success. It is this quality which will save you from giving up after investing a lot of yourself in the business. I have to be willing to invest the same quality time into the next promotion or project that I did the one that didn’t do well for me.

If something didn’t work like you thought it should then invest some time trying to figuring it out. And before you say, “I can’t” let me say yes you can. You have a whole internet full of information at your disposal right now. If you have not been given the information you need yet what is keeping you from going to that search bar and typing in your problem and looking for self-help videos on places YouTube or eHow.

Whatever it takes is what needs to be done to get the answers you need.

Don’t dwell on the failures to long. Yes it is good if we can figure out why something failed so that we can correct things. But you may not ever really know what it was. You might even do the exact same thing again and it will work.

I think that at this point before we go any farther it is a good time to check your mindset and make sure we have no problems as we continue.

Now you may be saying to me right now that your mindset is perfectly fine. Your excited, motivated, energized, and ready to get going - in which case good for you!

If something is not positioned in the mind at a proper time it will make no sense and it will be of no value to you.

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Most people get frustrated because they are not seeing results, so they give up.

First of all, you need to be in a program that will attract prospects.

DigiSoft Payline fits the bill and is more powerful than you can imagine.

As to where to advertise, I will send a complete list of advertising resources once you upgrade to a Payliner...

Any questions, drop me a line or give me a call.

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Rick Brier


“Our prayers are answered not when we are given what we ask, but when we are challenged to be what we can be.” - Morris Adler

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*** A Positive Mindset *** {291}

💕Let me start by asking you a very serious question. “Do you expect to win or lose?”

Pretty simple question one would think isn’t it? Stop and think about it for just a second and come up with your answer.

I find that the language many of my students really are speaking suggests that when faced with an opportunity of any description, they don't expect to win. Therefore, by default, they are setting themselves up to lose.

Here is an example of what I hear when I start one of my first coaching calls with students that just bought one of my products, or a competitor’s product I may have recommended: “Well, we will see how this product does for me. The last thing I did didn’t get me any results at all, so I am hoping that I am not getting myself in the same situation.”

Does this sound like someone that really is ready to do whatever it takes to make this new product really work? Or does it suggest they really do not expect any different result than what they experienced with the last product?

The language you speak is simply a manifestation of the way that your mind thinks and the belief system that it has.

The words coming out have to be thought – either consciously or subconsciously.

What is your language? Is it positive or is it negative?

Does every direction you look seem to point towards failure?

Let’s do the Mirror test.

First I have another question to ask you, “What Do You See in Your Mirror?”

Do you see every imperfection, worry, or failure, or do you truly see the greatness you were created to walk in?

What do you hear yourself say? Do you berate yourself with comments like “I’m overweight,” and “I’m getting old”? Or do you stand tall and say “I look great!”

I really believe that a mirror reflects much more than what your eyes see at a quick glance. If you really listen to the thoughts going on inside your mind as you look into that mirror. I think you will find that a mirror really reflects your inner thoughts and your beliefs. It is a reflection into the soul.

I challenge you to next time you’re in front of a mirror to listen to the voice inside and what it is saying…. I think you may be surprised.

When I look at this picture I see someone totally different than I used to see when I looked in the mirror before.

I am working on things but I can tell you I really have come a long way and I know in time you will too!

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Rick Brier


“The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try and the faith to believe it possible.” - Rich DeVos