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Saturday, November 1, 2014

*** How Do Solo Ads Work? *** {72}

😎Solo "ADS" are a great way to generate more leads to your business, but I suggest before purchasing from a vendor, you do your due diligence and by checking them out first. You will find tons of good vendors all over the internet, and many will be quite affordable!

It's not uncommon for website owners to search out cost effective ways to send traffic to their websites. One of the most cost effective methods for generating traffic is a solo "AD"...

A solo "AD" seller is someone who has built a large email list. They will rent out their list to website owners by sending a guaranteed minimum number of users to a website. These users are referred to a "clicks." They will sell solo "ADS" in multiple clicks like 100 click solo "AD"...

Every time a solo "AD' seller sends out an email to drive traffic to the buyers website, they will see people unsubscribe from their email list. As a result the solo "AD" seller has to constantly add new subscribers to their list to those that unsubscribe...

This never ending process of adding new subscribers to replace people who unsubscribe is why the solo "AD" business is referred to as "churn and burn"...

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite 👈(A call to action) - New members will recieve my FREE "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months in order to help you build your List Infinity Business...

💥{Here is a cheap site to get you started} 👇


{E-mail for your tour taker}

Hands (An Inspiring Message)...

I thought you may enjoy this. Call me if you would like to speak personally on how to make a full time or part time in'come-from-ho'me. I will show you how. My number is (812.264.3754).

A basketball in my hands is worth about $19. A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 mil'lion. It depends on whose hands it's in.

A baseball in my hands is worth about $6. A baseball in Pete Rose's hands is worth $19 mil'lion. It depends on whose hands it's in.

A tennis racket is useless in my hands. A tennis racket in Venus Williams' hands is a championship win'ning. It depends whose hands it's in.

A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal. A rod in Moses' hands will part the mighty sea. It depends whose hands it's in.

A sling shot in my hands is a kid's toy. A sling shot in David's hand is a mighty weapon. It depends whose hands it's in.

Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my hands is a couple of fish sandwiches. Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in God's hands will feed thousands. It depends whose hands it's in.

Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse. Nails in Jesus Christ's hands will produce salvation for the entire world. It depends whose hands it's in.

As you see now it depends whose hands it's in. So an opp'ortunity is only and opp'ortunity depending on whose hands it's in.

So no'w this message is in your hands, what will "YOU" do with it?

"It depends on WHO'S Hands it's in!!!"

👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/elite 👈(Go here now) - Join me today and I will give you 200 FREE Leads and Ebook of scripts so you can follow up...


"Some people have a lot of time, but no money-It's because they don't work hard enough. Some people have a lot of money, but no time-It's because they don't work smart enough. The most successful people have both." - Bob Sharpe

*** FREE Traffic Tool *** (www.alexa.com) {71}

*F*ree gift... Join me @ List Infinity, and I have a plethora of FREBIES that you will receive from me in order to help build your Affiliate Marketing Business....

💛If you want to check out how much traffic your Websites are getting, just type the website URL into the search bar at the top of the page, and it tells you how popular each site is, and any additional info... 👇

{Example}: Top 3 Trafficked Websites...

{Pre-written AD}:

List Infinity is on the move.

I would like to welcome all the new Payliners who joined us over the last week or so, and there were a lot of you! Now let`s get you making M0NEY!

There is no time to waste here to make some extra c-a-s-h before the Christmas Holiday Season. So you guys and gals need to get your ads out there right away! A minimum of 10 a day, that`s an hour a day!

Fast C-A-S-H!

All the ``smart people`` who want to make some fast c-a-s-h before the holidays know that you cannot do it with one of those Matrix style pay plans because with these types of pay plans you will only have 2 pay days before the holidays!

The reason for this is because Matrix pay plans pay you once a month!

The sales you make in October is not paid until mid November. The sales you make in November is not paid until mid December. The sales you make in December is not paid until mid January.

The only way to get paid fast c-a-s-h before the holidays is through a Member To Member Pay Plan like we use at List Infinity!

👀https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13 👈(Go here now) - All you have to do is set up your system, select a Lead Capture Page, and and promote your link. It's that simple, and I help you with my "Starter Course" Training over the next couple of months...


{Happy Thanksgiving Message}:

Happy Thanksgiving:

I hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving.  Even if you don't celebrate the holiday (if you live in another country) I hope you take the time to cherish and love your friends and family this week.

 Key to Success in Life:

Determine what you want to achieve, map out a game plan, and get to work.  Success is getting what you want in life; happiness is enjoying what you get! That's a quote I recently read and loved it.

 Tips to Be More Productive:

Here are a few things you can do to be more productive in your business from now on.

-Wake up earlier each day!
-Plan out your week each Sunday night!
-Schedule your business activities!
-Only focus on money producing activities, which are retailing and recruiting!
-Batch your activities and do similar tasks at the same time!
-Make your calls during your lunch break!
-Spend as much time building depth as you do personal recruiting!

💖https://listinfinuty.net/rick2323 👈(A call to action) - We have a private Facebook Group page with over 9.1k members worldwide where you can see all of the testimonials of payments received. To date members have made over a quarter of a million dollars with List Infinity, and I don't see it going anywhere, anytime soon...

 👉 http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


{Admin Update}:(IGNORE 👇)

Feb 6, 2019

Google Translator: https://google.com/search?q=translator

Hi Rick,

I would like to welcome all the New Payliners and Tour Takers who joined us since my last Admin Update!

February is off to a great start! To all the Tour Takers reading this, please do not waste any time sitting on the side lines, our Payliners are receiving instant $15 and $35 commissions!

You can get started at Package Level #1 for just $22, or you can go all in at both package Levels like most people do for $57

If you are a Tour Taker and you are no sure how everything works, login Now and watch the How it Works Movie!

Keep up the great work everyone!

DigiSoft User ID: 


TeamWork Works!

Ron Walsh
CEO & Founder
DigiSoft Payline


"A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship." - John D. Rockefeller Jr.

Related image

*** Here Are A Few Places That I use For Advertising *** {70}

😇Here are a few more sites that I use for advertising...Some of these sites no longer exist, so just move on to the next site...Every Blog Post has at least one link to sign up for List Infinity. Did I mention that it's FREE for the first 7 days...

1) www.postyouradvert.com 3 F*ree Post Per 24 Hours... ***I pay $29.99 per month to blast my ad to over 340,000 classified sites... (No longer exists) 

2) www.usfreeads.com 1 F*ree ad Total... ***I pay under $30 per month for unlimited ads...

3) www.listjoe.com/j/rick2323 1 F*ree ad Posting Every 7 Days to 1000's of members... ***There are different ad packages that you can purchase if you want. I pay $7 per month for 25,000 credits...

4) www.herculist.com 1 F*ree Post Weekly to 1,500 Members... ***There are different price packages if you choose

5) www.trafficswarm.com Create an ad, and get credits for surfing other ads... ***Do not spend any money, it's not necessary!

6) www.brusads.com Create as many ads as you want, and get credits for surfing other ads...(Gone)

7) www.classifiedadsforfree.com Post @ will...

8) www.qwikad.com  20 ADS per day

9) www.listvolta.com Post 1 ad Every 24 Hours

10) www.millionleadsforfree.com Post 1 Ad Every 24 Hours

💜https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/15 (A call to action) - You're welcome to add as many affiliate offers in the back office area as you want. (Title/Description/Affiliate Link)

Do not spend any money until you start to make some, it's not necessary!

Make sure to create an account first, and then start posting.. Please don't spend any money for the last 2, it's not necessary. You won't get tons of traffic, but you will get some. Let me know if you need help???

😎Additional free online classified networks:

=> www.craiglist.org (50-60 million page views monthly)
=> www.backpage.com 
=> www.usfreeads.com 
=> www.Inetgiant.com
=> www.WebPageClassifieds.com
=> www.classifiedsforfree.com
=> www.classifieds.yahoo.com
=> www.ep.com
=> www.recycler.com
=> www.inetgiant.com
=> www.1second.com/1america.htm
=> www.citynews.com
=> www.impa.com
=> www.azfamily.com/class
=> www.holton.com
=> www.il-monti.com
=> www.theadnet.com
=> www.freeclassifieds.com
=> www.ad2go.com
=> www.dollarads.com
=> www.epage.com
=> www.a-zfreeclassifieds.com
=> www.liguidmarkets.com
=> www.backpage.com (Gone)
=> www.TheAdNet.com
=> www.04ads.com
=> www.adanad.com
=> www.citinews.com
=> www.adlandpro.com
=> www.classifiedclub.com
=> www.admaxpro.com
=> www.oims.com/1stplace
=> www.messageboardblaster.com
=> www.1second.com/freead.htm
=> www.freebizadsweb.com/placead.asp
=> www.bestmall.com/class/submit.html
=> www.webovation.com/adindex.cfm
=> www.classifiedtoday.com/login_new.htm

*** Using Free Ad Forums To Advertise *** {69}

👉 I'm going to talk a bit about FR*EE forums... Forum advertising is another one, internet marketing method that allows you to build your online-business by promoting your products or/ and services through such forums... Where will it help and why to do this?...

because of numerous reasons.... First of all, in most cases forum advertising is a FREE method of advertising... That's why it was created, To advertise and promote goods for FREE, So you will not have to pay hundreds maybe thousands of dollars for advertising... as it happens in other forms of advertising...

Except money, you will have a ready-made audience from thousands of members that have already joined such forums and looking for information that might you hold on... In this way you will not have to build your audience from a zero base... This is a great advantage to start building you new promotional campaign...

Also you will not have to worry about your content if it approved or not... Of course this does not mean that you have the right to write whatever you want... Forums also have their rules and this must be the first thing to read before registration...

In most cases, registration is FREE and needed little time to do it... After registration, set-up your profile to tell other members who you are,what are you doing, and why are you there? Also create your signature in order to be displayed each time you make a post or open a new thread... After all these, you can access the forum and start advertising your goods at once... But remember, respond not only to those who will reply to your threads but also reply to other threads to something you want. SOCIALIZATION!...

😍here are just a few places that i wrote down for you to try!...

=> www.mylot.com
=> www.morachat.com
=> www.thefreeadforum.com
=> www.freeadzone.com
=> www.freeadsforyou.com
=> www.freeadcentral.com
=> www.freeadspree.com
=> www.freeadvertisingforum.com
=> www.freeadzforum.com
=> www.freeadsforum.com

{Pre-written AD}:

Are you willing to invest time & effort?

If you are already reaching a point of frustration let me tell you right now that one quality one must possess or develop is the willingness to invest time and effort even if direct results do not seem at all apparent.

What if the next promotion I do doesn’t do any better? I guess it must be time to quit then, right? No, although several months may pass without good news; it is important for one, who wants success to hold on and continue to move forward.

You must have this quality for success. It is this quality which will save you from giving up after investing a lot of yourself in the business. I have to be willing to invest the same quality time into the next promotion or project that I did the one that didn’t do well for me.

If something didn’t work like you thought it should then invest some time trying to figuring it out. And before you say, “I can’t” let me say yes you can. You have a whole internet full of information at your disposal right now. If you have not been given the information you need yet what is keeping you from going to that search bar and typing in your problem and looking for self-help videos on places YouTube or eHow.

Whatever it takes is what needs to be done to get the answers you need.

Don’t dwell on the failures to long. Yes it is good if we can figure out why something failed so that we can correct things. But you may not ever really know what it was. You might even do the exact same thing again and it will work.

I think that at this point before we go any farther it is a good time to check your mindset and make sure we have no problems as we continue.

Now you may be saying to me right now that your mindset is perfectly fine. Your excited, motivated, energized, and ready to get going - in which case good for you!

If something is not positioned in the mind at a proper time it will make no sense and it will be of no value to you.

(A call to action) - The system tracks your Referrals, and Payments Confirmed. 100% Automated...


(List Of Forums}👇

💚 http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323 (GONE)


"You are so much more than what you are going through." – John Tew

*** Safelist Tutorial/A List For You To Try *** {68}

💥 Here is a tutorial on how to advertise using safelists. Click for credits. This strategy is a bit more time consuming, so I would recommend using 3-5 Safelists, preferrably with the most members...

=> 1.) What is a Safelist? A Safelist is a "mailing list" of members who opt-in to receive email ads from other members of the same (safelist) mailing list... In exchange for members viewing other members emails(ads), they receive ad "credits" which allows them to post their own offer, program, or opportunity to the list... So basically every member views every member's offers for ad "credits"!...

The safelist does not send emails to anyone outside of the safelist... This is NOT spam because every safelist member has physically opt in and confirmed their email addresses...

=> 2.) How do safelists work?... Safelists are used by its members to advertise their websites, business opportunities and so forth to other members of the safelist. If your website offer is an opportunity or service of interest to other safelist members, they are very likely to sign up, join, or purchase your offer.

***So the bottom line is that Safelists informs its members of the most popular opportunities and offers currently buzzing the internet, for which those same members earn credits which allows them to post their own ads and offers to the list...

***Safelist membership is usually FREE... All you need to have is to join a safelist is two email addresses:... - (One) A "Contact email" which is the one that you are currently using now...

***This email is used to communicate with the safelist's admin in the case of any problems or notices... You may also receive a few safelist Solo Ads in your Contact email which are paid member advertisements that reward huge bonus credits. You shouldn't receive more that 2 or 3 Solo Ads in your Contact email per day... - (Two) A "List email" account where only email ads from the safelist will be sent to...

***You will earn your safelist credits for viewing these email ads. You can also join other popular safelists and have those email ads sent the same "List email" address...

***NOTE: Your "List email" will receive several email ads from Active Safelist members... Regular email accounts get full and begin to "bounce" emails... This will disable your safelist account... We highly recommend Gmail (FREE Google Mail) as your "List email" because it holds huge volumes of emails...

***Click Here to open a FREE Gmail account!...

***(See the "rules" about ads being sent to the safelist email account)...

***ActiveSafelist.com is absolutely the best way to get "REAL" targeted visitors to view your websites and offers...

=> 3.) How does a "Regular Mailer" work?... A "regular mailer" is used to send email ads to the entire list without using any credits... BUT, members also do not receive credits for viewing ads sent by the "regular mail". That is why we do not have a "regular mailer" in our safelist... ***Safelist members rarely read "regular mailer" ads because they do not contain a "credit link" which make them a waste of time...

=>  4.) How does the "Credit Mailer" work?... The "credit mailer" is used to send email ads to as many safelist members you enter credits for (up to the maximum allowed).

***When members receive emails sent by the "credit mailer", they will contain a "credit link" in the message body of the email where members earn credits for viewing other members ads...

=>  5.) What is 1 credit worth?... ***1 credit = 1 member that your email ad will be sent to...

=> 6.) How do I earn credits?... You earn credits by clicking on a special "credit link" found in the message body of all email ads sent to you by other members of the safelist. Once you click the "credit link", the website of that member will open in a new window and a timer will start counting 10 seconds. Once 10 seconds are up, your account will automatically earn credits for viewing that website... To continue, simple close the window to that website, then go to the next email and so on... it's that simple!...

***You can also earn credits by using the "View Members Ads" Message Board feature in the members area. (See #7 below - What is the "View Members Ads" Message Board?)...

***You can also earn credits by referring other members to the safelist, and earn monthly bonus credits by upgrading your safelist membership...

 ***NOTE:... - FREE Members earn 100 credits for each ad view... - Pro Members earn 150 credits for each ad view... - Executive Members earn 250 credits for each ad view...

=> 7.) What is the "View Members Ads" Message Board?... The "View Members Ads" Message Board is an exclusive feature where members can earn credits by viewing other members ads from within the ***ActiveSafelist.com website (not email)...

***To "earn credits" using this Message Board feature, simply click "View Members Ads" in the members area menu, choose a category, then click on the members ads... Once you click on a member's ad, a new window will open displaying the members website... You will earn 50 credits after viewing the members website for 15 seconds...

***To "post your ad" on the "View Members Ads" Message Board, simply choose a category when sending your ad using the "credit mailer" as you normally do... You can choose 1 category per ad post, and it will cost you 100 credits for each category post to the Message Board...

***Your ad will be displayed in the "View Members Ads" Message Board for 30 days...

***The "View Members Ads" Message Board rules, credit amounts, and length of ad display could change at any time!... 

=> 8.) What are Solo Ads?... Solo Ads are "paid" ads that are sent to the entire safelist's "contact email" (not "list email")... The great thing about Solo Ads is that you earn huge bonus credits when you click on the "credit link" in the message body of the Solo Ad email. There will be no more than 4 Solo Ads sent out in one day, so members do not have to worry about ads filling up their contact email... It is a true fact that Active Safelist members absolutely love to view Solo Ads!...

=> 9.) How does the Ad Rotation System (ARS) work?... When you add your banner or text ad to ARS, It will be put in rotation with the ads of other members and will be randomly displayed on the site every time a page is loaded or refreshed...

=> 10.) Who can use the ARS?... All members (FREE and Upgraded)...

=> 11.) What does it cost for my ad to be displayed in the ARS?... It will cost you 2 credits for every banner or text ad impression you get. (Upgraded members only 1 credit per impression)...

=> 12.) What kind of banners or text ads can I display with ARS? You can display any banner or text ad as long as it doesn't violate our safelist rules... ***(IMPORTANT: See are rules section before posting your ads)...

=> 13.) Active Readers Contest:... The Active Readers Contest rewards the Top active members who view the most email ads (using the "earn credits" link)... The contest runs from the beginning to the end of every month, and active members must view a minimum of 100 sites to qualify for prize credits.

***Monthly prize credits amounts may vary from month to month depending on the numbers of sites viewed by the Top most active members.

***NOTE: "Message Board" ad views do NOT count towards the Active Readers Contest!...

=>  14.) Top Referral Contest:... The Top Referrers Contest rewards the Top members who refer the most people to Activesafelist.com. The contest runs from the beginning to the end of every month, and referring members must have a minimum of 1 referral to qualify for prize credits.

***Monthly prize credits amounts may vary from month to month depending on the numbers of referrals from the Top referrers.


👉https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/13 👈(Go here now) -  Leverage The Work Of Your Referrals! When your referrals send people to one of your lead capture pages, they “Pass Up” every 5th lead to you.

So, if 10 of your referrals generate 100 leads each, that’s 200 leads sent directly to your autoresponder account! That's right! You get 20% of all leads generated from the efforts of your referrals! And if any of those leads sign up for a membership, the commission on any product sales go to you!


Join Twe-Safelist for free and receive 1500 signup credits
Be an active member to be eligible to win cash and solo ads and more each and every week
100's of dollars given away in cash and advertising Use promo code "New-Member" for even more free credits

Click Here to join TWE-Safelist

Join Global Safelist and send your ads out to over 15,000 Active Members

Click Here to Advertise to Over 15,000 Active Members

Join Herculist Safelist and send your ads out to over 73,000 members

Click Here to Advertise to over 73,000 Active members

Join Rush Our Traffic Safelist and receive 1,500 Signup Credits and 500 Monthly credits
Use Promo Code "12B0D62FC7" for an extra 500 Credits

Click Here for Your Free Monthly Credits

Join List Return Safelist for 1,000 Signup Credits and 500 Credits every month.

Click Here for Your Free Monthly Credits

Join the Safelist for YOU - Your Safelist. Sign up for free and receive 25,000 Mailing credits.
Plus a whopping 5,000 Credits Each and Every Month.

Click Here to Claim 25,000 Mailing Credits

Join Super safe Mailer and receive 20,000 Mailing Credits for Free
Upon request

Click Here to Claim 20,000 Mailing Credits

Join Twe-Safelist for free and receive 1500 signup credits 
Be an active member to be eligible to win cash and solo 
ads and more each and every week 100's of dollars 
giveaway in cash and advertising Use promo code 
"New-Memberfor even more free credits


SafelistSend ToCTRPrice
Active Safelist15,000+0.34%$2.25
European Safelist17,000+0.69%$1.35
Free Safelist Mailer45,000+0.08%$3.60
Pangea Group69,000+0.09%$4.20
Classic Solo Mailer1,000+3.06%$1.25
World Largest Safelist7,000+0.91%$2.35
Top Tier Mailer3,000+3.53%$2.25
100 Percent Mailer3,400+2.79%$2.35
Downline Maxx800+5.14%$1.10
AdSolution Line13,000+1.38%$3.90
Global Safelist10,000+0.42%$2.00
10x Mailer4,200+2.11%$2.85
Legends Mailer2,377+2.14%$1.95
List Unlocked3,000+1.63%$1.75
Mail This List2,200+1.61%$1.95
Build My Downlines900+5.92%$1.35
Fast List Mailer5,000+1.23%$2.50
List Jumper1,300+5.66%$1.65
Mister Safelist2,900+2.61%$2.15
Viral Nugget800+5.01%$1.05
List Impact3,700+2.31%$2.75
Northern Mailer1,400+2.2%$3.30
Mail Our List5,000+1.09%$3.00
Traffic Leads 2 Income VM3,000+0.81%$3.90
Land Marketing Mailer2,500+0.53%$4.00
Tezzer Mail2,000+4.88%$5.50
Instant Viral Mailer1,000+2.8%$2.20

👉 http://DigiSoftPayline.com/230k.php?rick2323  (GONE)


"Believe you can and you’re halfway there." – Theodore Roosevelt