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Thursday, October 10, 2024

*** 4 Marketing Tips That You Should Know/Marketing Terms *** {588}

πŸ™Today's post is about more things you should know pertaining to marketing in no particular order. I would advise you to read this before joining an online opportunity because this might make you change your mind...

1) New reps are the lifeblood of your business:

You always want to be recruiting. Never stop. The objective once you've been acclimated to the system is to focus on getting 2-3 new reps per month...

You can't make anyone successful, and it's not your responsibility to manage anyone on your team. Wanting success for someone else will never work and isn't a good idea...

Your business will go belly up if you ever stop recruiting, and I can't emphasize that enough. Also make sure that you're helping the willing participants in your group to generate their first sale or two. 

When working with your team spend a little extra time working with the newest people at the deepest levels of your downline...

By always recruiting new reps, that will solve a lot of problems that you're having...

Even your brick and mortar businesses are constantly recruiting as well, because there will always ne attrition in every business. Approximately 70%-80% of your team will quit for various reasons, and it's not your fault. That's just how it works, and why you must always be recruiting...

For a slightly better conversion rate, you should look for prospects in your niche. For example if you're an affiliate marketer like I am, you can go to Facebook, and search affiliate marketing group pages...

2) This is a numbers game no matter what anyone tells you:

It doesn't matter what type of business you're doing, It's always about the numbers, PERIOD!

In most cases the top earners have sponsored 100-500 people, and you will need to do the same. It takes years of consistency to achieve any kind of success. 80%-90% of your income will come from 2-3 of those individuals. These are the go-getters, and the team members that have caught the vision, the same as you did...

You will talk to a lot of people over time, and most of them won't be interested in your offer, and approximately 80% of those who do end up joining you will do nothing to grow their business and will quit yearly as well. That is your attrition rate...

It's definitely not easy to recruit people into your business opportunities because you could offer some people FREE money, and they wouldn't take it because they are to skeptical, and I can't blame them for that, because there are a lot of underhanded individuals in this world, and it makes it really hard to trust strangers, which is why I post a lot of content on social media, minus my affiliate link, so others can get to know and trust me better before they join me...

You will talk to thousands of people, just to sponsor hundreds of distributors, just to find your 1-6 key players/team leaders, which again, will be 80%-90% of your income...

As you develop a better skill set, and gained more knowledge over time, your numbers might be a bit smaller than what I mentioned. These are just rough numbers from my experience in the industry...

Think of it like this. Pretend that you're looking for gold. You should know that you will need to sort through a lot of dirt, and turn over a lot of rocks, just to find your gold. It's the same concept with Marketing. Just don't get discouraged, because you will turn over enough rocks in order to find your gold...

3) Your five year plan:

Everyone wants independence right now, but unfortunately it doesn't work like that. If was did, and was that easy, everyone would be financially free of debt. 

If you're trying to build a wealthy online business, it will NOT happen overnight, and I don't care who you are. 

Assuming you're working your business 10-15 hours at the very least per week, you're looking at a possible 5 year plan, and in a lot of cases even longer... I've heard of top earners going 15-20 years, but it's sure worth the time and effort because it changed their lives, and don't think that they are any more intelligent than you, because they aren't. 

They just had the right mind set, and grinded it out until they reached the mountain top, so don't sell yourself short, because you're just as capable as they were of creating life changing wealth, and I can help you do just that. All you have to do is join me @ List Infinity, and I post links all over my posts...

I already know what you're thinking. You're thinking that 5 years is a long time, and it's really not. If you would just devote 1-2 hours per day online, everyday to this, I think you would be pleasantly surprised at what you can accomplish. 

And if you have a significant other, you can each take turns working an hour or so a piece each day, because I understand that life gets in the way sometimes, but the time will go by very quickly, plus I know you hate your J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) 

Think of it as tomorrow money, and not today money. Almost every successful online business has been built over a 5-10 year period. I'm telling you this because I'm trying to be as honest and as transparent with you as possible...

Your success will depend on how fast you can master your skill set, and how long it takes to find the right quality of people to work with, and you will need to pick a company and stay with that company for at least 5 years. Jumping from program to program will only make it impossible for you to succeed...

I personally think that finding an online opportunity is the way to go. I've been involved with Marketing since 2006, and feel like I have a lot to offer someone who is looking to change their financial situation...

4) Developing special knowledge:

Regardless of what job you have, you had to learn some basic skills in order to perform the task correctly, and Marketing is no different. 

You will need to learn the most basic skills in Marketing, and those are prospecting, inviting, presenting, follow-up, sales, leadership, communicating, training your team and how to acquire customers.

Obviously this will take some time, but it's not as hard as it seems, and a couple of these you may have already mastered from your JOB...

We have a saying in the industry and it goes earn while you learn. You can post a few FREE classified ADS which is simple copy and paste, and I have all the ADS and places to post them for you, while you're learning your craft. 

20-30 minutes per day using personal development as a tool for knowledge. You can read books, or listen to audios, or my favorite is watching a YouTube video...

This will help you, but learning is by doing, and you will make some mistakes along the way, that's perfectly normal. Just learn from them and move on, and hopefully try not to make the same mistakes again...

Whatever opportunity you decide to join, make sure to find a good mentor. One whos been there done that, and attend company events or webinars if offered, and always continue to grow as a person. Your business will grow faster as well...

Take everything that you learn and apply it. This is what matters most. This is the only way you can master anything. Applied Knowledge...

πŸ’₯https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)


{Marketing Terms That You Should Know}:

1) What is a click? 

A click is when someone actively engages with an ad or link, such as clicking on the headline or phone number of a text ad. Clicks are a key metric for assessing ad effectiveness and user interest.

2) What is a lead?

Leads are potential customers who have shown an interest in what you have to offer.

3) What is a Subscriber?

Subscribers are individuals that join your email list by providing their email address or phone number, typically through a sign up form on a website.

4) What is a referral? 

This is a form of advertising in which a business encourages customers to recommend their product/s or services to other people, such as a friend, or family member.

5) What is a conversion?

This refers to the act of turning a prospect or visitor into a paying customer, subscriber, or a lead.

😍https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/7 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

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πŸ’š https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


{Pre-written AD}:

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πŸ‘‰ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/5 πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

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In a time of rapid change and growing unease, a whistled tune invited viewers down a country road to a small town where simple wisdom and heartfelt laughter became a balm for a nation's soul, forever etching Andy, Opie, and Aunt Bee into the tapestry of American culture. Continue Reading ...


Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the result.’ – Oscar Wilde