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Saturday, April 28, 2018

*** FREE Online Directories for Website Submissions *** {253)

💥Information About Website Submission?

At a minimum, submitting to a search engine involves adding the URL of the site or page that will be under consideration. Search engines sometimes ask for additional contact information, including name and/or email address.
Policies for adding URLs vary among various search engines. Some search engines only ask for the main URL of a site, claiming that the rest of the site will be spidered; others require the submission of individual pages. Variation also exists with regard to how often URLs may be added, as some engines have tried to discourage bulk submissions in an attempt to minimize spamming.
Submitting sites/pages can be done manually or in an automated manner. Manual submission involves going to each of the “Add URL” pages and filling out the form fields individually. Automatic submission involves filling out information only one time; the necessary information is then used by a software program to submit to many search engines.
Confusing search engine submission with search engine optimization is a common mistake. The mere act of submitting does nothing to optimize the pages in question and achieve higher rankings. In fact, submitting poorly-optimized pages can do more harm than good.
Here are 30 online directories you should visit and put up your website.
1.)      All Free Things  (Page Rank 4)
2.) Free PR Web Directory (Page Rank 6)
3.) Travel Tourism Directory Info (Page Rank 6)
4.)  So Much (Page Rank 6)
5.) High Rank Directory (Page Rank 6)
6.) Britain Business Directory (Page Rank 6)
7.) Marketing Internet Directory (Page Rank 6)
8.) Hot Vs Not (Page Rank 6)
9.)  Submission Web Directory (Page Rank 6)
10.) Diolead (Page Rank 6)
11.) Uk Internet Directory (Page Rank 6)
12.) Jet Jaws (Page Rank 6)
15.) Feed Up Info (Page Rank 8)
16.) Finance Buster (Page Rank 6)
17.) Synergy-Directory (Page Rank 4)
18.) Nexus Directory (Page Rank 4)
19.) Directory Fire (Page Rank 4)
20.) Master Moz (Page Rank 4) 
21.) Direct My Link (Page Rank 4)
22.) Pro Link Directory (Page Rank 4)
23.) Info-Listings (Page Rank 4)
24.) Submissions 4U (Page Rank 4)
25.)  Piseries (Page Rank 4)
26.) Gain Web Org (Page Rank 4)
27.) Best Free Websites Net (Page Rank 3)
28.) PR 3 Plus (Page Rank 3)
29.) Web Directory Co (Page Rank 3)
30.) 10 Directory (Page Rank 3)
“Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.” ― Salvador Dali

*** What Your Business Goals Should Look Like *** {252}

💛Your business goal comes from your mission statement. Your mission statement is nothing more than what you plan to accomplish. Your goals are how you plan to accomplish them.

Your business goals need to be challenging. You need to set goals that will require some effort to reach. Don’t make them so challenging that they are not obtainable, because that will lead to failure. You need to challenge everyone that is involved and responsible for its achievement.

Your business goal needs to say what is going to be done. It needs to be Task-oriented. A business goal must state what is to be accomplished as clearly as possible. Effective goals use action-oriented words like how.

- How we will implement this plan

- How will we establish our advertising is working,

- How will we make sure that the product is the right product for our market, etc.

Your business goals need to be short term. Today business moves so much faster with the use of the internet. Things are changing at “Internet Speed” So now we need to have goals that have shorter time frames. Most of them should be a year or less now.

Never just make up one set of goals and then forget about them. You need to be constantly re-evaluating our goals. Take a look at what goals you have accomplished and then set new goals for you to strive to meet.

Your goal needs to be very specific. You must state exactly what is required from each one that is involved. If the goal you set will lead you to a 6 figure business in one year then you need to clearly say that if we follow this goal we will be a six figure business in one year.

If we clearly define our goals it will be much easier for everyone or even just yourself if you are the only one involved, to understand, and achieve. You will also be able to measure the amount of success you had. It will help you to always see if you are still on track with where you are heading.

Examples Of Goals To Set:

- Create an online Internet Marketing Business that will deliver high-quality products to my customers. Find the products that my customers want to buy.

- Create a website for my product that my customers can easily find. Make it a pleasurable experience once they land on my site.

- Create a good relationship with my list of subscribers that have chosen to opt-in, so they become responsive buying customers.

- Put in place a management structure and work with Joint Venture Partners to accomplish my goals more efficiently and profitably.

What is missing? Now that you know what a business goal is, you need to write out your business goal, or type it and print it out and stick in on your wall above your computer. This will help keep you on track EVERY day!

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Rick Brier


“In Network Marketing, the NETWORKING always comes before the MARKETING” - Silke Stahl