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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

*** By The Numbers/Get Your Websites Indexed Below *** {375}

πŸ’šIf you just reach out to 20 people a day, for 12 months, that’s over 5,760 people.
Let’s say that 10% of those check out your presentation or watch a company video.
50% of those you get phone appointments. And yes, I said phone appointments. (I use Facebook Messenger and face time my prospects.)
5% of those you get signups. This is a VERY low percentage of people that you reached out to that’s joining your business. I want to be conservative here. (On average you will get anywhere between 3% - 7% to sign up for your opportunity per every 1,000 people)
Let’s say after reaching out to 5,760 people, you got 120 signups. (Never work a job again!)
If you talk to most top earners in the industry, the average top earner has recruited between 50 and 150 people. So, you’re well on your way to getting that top earner status.(It doesn't take a lot of people to help build your business) You can actually build a recession proof business with just a few like minded people. If you look at it over a year, it’s pretty amazing what you can accomplish.
{Get your websites Indexed here} 

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