πToday's post is short and to the point. I'm simply showing you 10 inexpensive ways to promote your business/services... π https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/12 (FREE for 7 days)
1) Stuff mailings: Never mail a letter, send an invoice, pay a bill or ship a product without includinga flyer, business card, or some information about your internet marketing business or product. It's a great way to let everyone that you're in contact with know who you are, and what you're doing, It only costs a few cents to do. (I like to post one of my business flyers on cork/bulletin boards all over my community, and places I go. I will also pass out business cards to other business owners, and employees when I'm out in the public, and you can do the same. Word of mouth is best, and least expensive way to promote anything. Give it a try, but be consistent...
2) Maximize voice-mail messages: If you only include instructions on how to leave a message on your voice-mail, you're wasting valuable time. Instead, use some type of time to prompt callers to visit your business opportunity website, or even tell them about upcoming promotions. (Always keep in contact)
3) Upgrade phone manners: Whoever answers your phone is the "vice-president of first impressions". Just make sure that they are cheerful, helpful, and sending out good vibrations to callers. "G' day. This is John speaking. How may I help you? (When I address people, I always tell them to have a great day, and God Bless!
4) Apply stickers: FYI; stickers are not just for kids. Be creative and create stickers that will get the message out that you want to share. (Some business owners that I know have plastered stickers saying "We (heart) referrals", and their business took off.
5) Send greeting cards: Let your team, customers, and prospects all know that you care, by sending them greeting cards,or ecards on their birthdays, holidays, and special occasions. Everyone loves getting a note of appreciation or a congratulation's pat on the back. It just brightens up your day. (Always try thinking outside the box)
6) Network for csuccess: Getting out of the house or office to meet like-minded individuals is an enjoyable, inexpensive way to promiote your business/products. Always have flyers, business cards, or brochures on hand so you can share with new contacts, or friends. Be sure to develop a short positive introduction about yourself, and your business opportunity. Don't get discouraged when you hear "NO" because this is a numbers game, and you will have to sort and sift through a lot of people before you find a "YES." Thankfully you don't need thousands, or even hundreds of people to build it big. You're looking to find just a few like-minded indivials (2-5)
7) Get the most out of business cards: A business card can contain more than just a name, title, and contact details. Use both sides of the card and include a description of your products and services, a mission statement, or some other valuable information about your business. You can leave them anywhere such as Restaurants, grocery store shelves, coat pockets in clothing stores, etc...
8) Hang signs: Place a magnetic sign promoting your business or website on the side of your car. It's an easy way to publicize your business everytime you leave your home because others will take notice when you're driving, and will peak interest. (You can also place a sign out in your yard, or get permission to post them elsewhwhere.)
9) Make speeches or teach classes: Take advantage of every opportunity you can to get up and stand in front of groups of people and tell your story. It will establish you as an expert in your field. You can find opportunities in your local papers event calender, or at your local public library. Social business and civic groups are always looking for speakers. This will also help you become a better speaker. And the practice will also help you learn what works and what doesn't when communicating with others.
10) Get FREE or inexpensive help: Do you need help designing a website or some other sales promotional material for your business opportunity, or product? See if your local college or business school has a marketing or advertising club that can help in exchange for the experience or maybe even course credit. It's an excellent way to get either FREE or very low-cost help. (For more ideas, contact your upline/sponsor, or you can use Google)
πCreating MLM/Affiliate Marketing success doesn't need to break the bank. Use your imagination to expand on these ideas, and come up with better ones of your own. By using these methods, you can keep your marketing costs to a minimum.
πFor any of your printing needs you can go to www.vistaprint.com. They always have sales, and you can get just about anything through them... πͺhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)
πhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)
{Pre-written AD}:
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πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/17 π (Go here now)
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Herman Cain