πNo legitimate MLM business becomes successful over night, So you must make a commitment of two to three years before you can decide if it's what you want, and will work for you. You must go all in, and give it time to develop.
Anything under about a hundred presentations and you really haven't even started your business. With DigiSoft Payline, it's so easy that you just have to give your affiliate link, and let CEO/ADMIN Ron Walsh shows your prospects our 6 minute how it works movie, and how you can potentially earn over 230k within the next year with my help! (Takes less than 10 minutes to create your account and watch the movie). Please contact me after reviewing the info so we can discuss further to see if this will be a good fit for you. => 812.264.3754
If you're prospecting, (Which you should be). You should be talking to at least five people per day, and if you can, try to get ten or more. That's at least thirty five per week, at five, and seventy at ten. If you're doing anything less, then you're doing business, you just have a hobby! It may take you several hundred presentations before you're able to generate your first sale.
I'm sure you've seen the gurus on stage, and the only difference between them and you, is the number of exposures they have made, versus the number you've made. Make more exposures, get more sign ups!
Earn while you learn. Take some time to learn different methods on how to generate more leads. Prospecting, and Advertising are your choices, and I recommend doing both. It only two to three methods of your choosing, just get good at those. (Youtube) is one method that you should be trying because it's the most trafficked website on the net.
Make sure you're not confusing busy work, with productive work. about 90% of what you do online should be productive work, which are income producing activities. Maximize your time. The hard work you're putting now, will pay off in the long run. Some of the top earners in this industry have put in over 40 hours per week, along with working a JOB. You don't have to go to those extremes, but you should be working it at least an hour or 2 daily!
98.2% are unsuccessful in this industry for various reasons. When you start an online business, humble yourself enough to find a mentor within your company, and follow their lead. Your results will vary simply because everyone has a different work ethic, but you can ultimately be successful if you will just stick it out, and not QUIT!
If you're not using an Autoresponder for your business, I would definitely get one. This is a tool that automatically follows up with your prospects, with pre written, messages. We have a similar tool with DigiSoft, that will also follow up with your prospects. This is your most valuable asset, and will build your list. (GVO) is a good company, and reasonably priced!
I have a special method that only I use to generate more leads, and I would be happy to teach it to anyone interested!
πhttps://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2 (New Sign Up Link)
π '12 Rules of a Four Percenter' here (Your guide to an extraordinary life)
{E-mail for your tour takers}
Let's get September Rockin'
Let's be the ones that set DigiSoft on Fire!
Everyone get qualified and join in the fun of the Payliner challenge on the weekends.
Challenge is to bring in one new Payliner or more this can be from your tour takers or brand new people that you bring in from your weekend promotion.
I know you can do this and when you are totally qualified then the only thing you can do is bring in those $50 paydays.
The fun starts on Friday and goes through the weekend who is going to shine this weekend?
Start Your Remarkable Earnings Today!
Tenzin Gyatso was formally recognized as the 14th Dalai Lama in November 1950, at the age of 15.