Before you start you need a view things to help with your Internet marketing.
-A website with a blog..
-A Twitter Account..
-A Facebook page..
-An email address..
-Around 7-10 hours spare per week.
You can use Google keyword tools to check which are the best keywords for your website and you can view estimates of monthly traffic for each keyword. Once you have a good list of keywords you need to apply them to your web pages. I would only suggest using 3 keywords per web page, anymore than this will look Spammy and unnatural.
Insert your selected keywords in to your Meta Title and Meta Description (forget the Meta Keyword tag). Your Meta tags need to look natural and sound like an advert with your keywords inserted. This will attract people to click on your result on Google and help the search engines understand what keywords you want to be ranked for. This needs to be done on all web pages throughout your site.
Adding high quality content containing your keywords on all web page will help your Internet Marketing UK no end. It is important that you do not copy content from any other website, it needs to be 100% unique and from your own head. If possible, try and write 300-500 words per web page and mentioning your keywords once or twice at the mots. Forget about keyword density as it will probably damage your Internet marketing.
Adding great blog posts to your website as often as possible, daily would be great, is the biggest factor in your Internet marketing and SEO. Do not write blog posts just for the sake of adding it to your website. You have to think to yourself, would i want to read this post and share it on my social media accounts? If the answer is no, don’t write it. The reason why blogging is so important for your Internet marketing UK is because it can contribute to a high number of inbound links, readers and social shares.
Every time you write a brilliant blog post, you need to get people to see it. There are 1000’s of blog networks you can share your post on to attract readers. Do a simple Google search for submit blog posts (and add your industry). This will help attract readers of your post who will hopefully share it on their social media accounts and link to it through their blog.
Always publish your posts on your own social media account to gain extra readers and social followers. A great Internet marketing tool for sharing blog posts is ViralContentBuzz. Simply create a new account with them and add your post, this will generate multiple social shares, easy and free!
All the above techniques will help your Internet marketing and climb up the search engine rankings for free with only a few hours a week.
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“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson