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Sunday, September 22, 2024

*** πŸ˜₯The Truth About Your New TEAM Members/Nutritional Information For Diabetics/FREE Forum Advertising.*** {581}

πŸ˜€Although Network/Affiliate Marketing can change ones life, it's not all roses, and does have some pitfalls surrounding it, and I'm going to speak on one of them now...

One of the biggest reasons it takes so long to build your online business is because for everyone you sponsor, and bring into your business, approximately 80%-90% will do absolutely nothing to help build it regardless of the help you give them, and many will even drop out. They will either move on to another opportunity, or they will quit completely complaining about not getting the results they hoped for, and they will blame YOU in some cases!

Depending on the business, many of these people will be done within the first 90 days, but will still purchase some products, monthly, or every couple of months. It just doesn't matter who you are, you're not giving yourself enough time to be successful. You may not want to hear this, but you should join a company and stay with it for 2-5 years minimum just to see what you can do... (You may be surprised)

No matter who quits, always make sure to still be nice to these former team members because as mentioned, some of them with still purchase products from you, and also you never know who may decide to join you again. I've had this happen more than once...

About 10% of your TEAM members will be part timers, and will at least make an effort to actively be recruiting new customers and reps, and will probably be needing your guidance to help them...

Work with these individuals and help get them plugged into the system, and then help get them a sign up or two, while inspiring them with your actions in your own way...

You will have 1%-3% of your TEAM that will see the light at the end of the tunnel, and will build a huge business with or without your help. This is where you will find your LEADERS. Some of these individuals will be leaders from day one, and some will take a little time to develop into good LEADERS. Approximately 90% of your income will come from them because a good business is built around LEVERAGE, or Residual Income...

πŸ’˜List Infinity is built around Leverage because everyone you bring into your business, they all have to pass up every 5th sale to YOU, to Infinity, and this is where you can generate a large daily income!

https://rbrier2323.blogspot.com/2024/09/what-is-paid-ad-rotatorand-what-i-usean.html  (Earning Potential)

My recommendation is to keep the Non-go-getters on the back burner but still be there for them if they ever have any questions or need some help because otherwise you're just wasting your time, and you want to be time efficient with your business...

Most Marketers will work 1-2 hours per day, everyday in order to build their business, and that's ok. The million $$$ earners will work complete days in order to build there business opportunities. Just focus on whatever works for YOU and stick with that. 

Affiliate Marketing is a BILLION $$$ Industry and real people are making real money. This isn't hard, you should always be building your list...

Bill Gates Quote: "I just showed my plan to 1,200 people. 900 said NO, 300 showed some interest. Only 85 actually did anything. 35 of those were serious, and 11 made me a billionaire. πŸš€ πŸš€ πŸš€ 

QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION!!!  (Join/Promote/Earn!) πŸ‘ˆ

πŸ’™ https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/2  πŸ‘ˆ  (Go here now)

πŸ’š https://www.facebook.com/groups/453863985109222 (List Infinity Group Page)

πŸ’› https://www.facebook.com/groups/1905724023176917 (Affiliate Marketers Hub - ADMIN)


πŸ™{Diabetic Nutritional Information}

πŸ‘‰bit.ly/3XzXinF  (A list of foods you should avoid)

πŸ‘‰bit.ly/3XRvufN (A list of foods you should be eating)

πŸ‘‰bit.ly/4dhlHV5   (25+ Superfoods)

πŸ‘‰bit.ly/3XSqfNa  (10 Healthy breakfast ideas)


{Free Advertising Method}

Free Adz Forum (dot) com  STATS: πŸ‘‡


Post such things as info about your products/services, business/income opportunities, and articles, all for FREE. Just sign up by creating an account, and start posting. Free-adz-forum is located in the United States, and has somewhere between 19-25 employees. The site has a net worth of around 5 million $$$... 

Once you create your FREE account, and start posting, you can always login to your account whenever you like, to see how many members have read your content. I just posted an income potential article with List Infinity, and had 87 people that clicked my link within a 24 hour period, and this is quite common results...



{Pre-written AD}:

Do you want to make mon-ey?

Because if you don't, I have to wonder why you registered for the FREE Tour at List Infinity?

If you want to make mon-ey then let`s go make some M0NEY!

If you can Copy-Paste-Post, then you can make mon-ey with List Infinity because I help to close your sales just like I'm doing for me, and my upline!

We have one of the best Pay Plans online today that pays instantly member to member, and it is affordable to the masses!

You can get started at Package #1 for just $22-$27 depending on what Autoresponder you choose, and you will start receiving instant 100% commissions on your first sale...

If you upgrade today, I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!

πŸ‘‰https://listinfinity.net/rick2323/6πŸ‘ˆ (Go here now)

(Your Contact Info)


In 2017, this natural disaster claimed nearly 3,000 lives and caused more than $90 billion in damages. Continue Reading ...


“If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.”  –  Steve Jobs