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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

*** 10 Inexpensive Ways To Advertise Your Small Business *** {411}

πŸ’–Creating success in this industry doesn't have to break the bank. Use your imagination and expand on these ideas, and come up with better ways on your own. These are in no particular order.

1) Hang Signs: Place a magnetic sign on the side of your car promoting your website, or business. Just driving around gets the word out about what you are promoting.

2) Upgrade phone manners: No matter who answers your phone, you would like that to be cheerful, and sending out good vibes, because this is how people view you as a first impression. "Hello. This is John speaking, how may I help you?

3) Stuff Mailings: For only pennies, make sure to send a flyer, or some type of info about what you're doing, or any info about your product in every letter, pay a bill, or ship another product. You never know who might be looking to supplement their income, or even replace it.

4) Business Cards: Make sure to use both sides of your business card. It should contain your name, contact details, and title. On the back you can also include some brief description about product or service, a mission statement, or any other valuable info that you can think of about your business.

5) Greeting Cards: Anyone you come in contact with such as, prospects, customers, or even your MLM team, send them some type of card. Birthday, Wedding, Holiday, or any special occasion. Everyone likes to feel appreciated. (E-cards will work also)

6) Teach Classes, or Make Speeches: Anytime you can get in front of groups and tell your story, it establishes you as an expert in your field. Your local newspaper should have dates and times with upcoming events. Civic groups are always looking for speakers.

7) Free or Inexpensive Help: Local colleges or business schools can probably help you with some cheap advertising, such as designing you a website, or promotional materials for your small business, or products. This will be very inexpensive, or even give someone some class credits. 

8) Networking For Success: Another inexpensive way to promote your MLM business is to get out of the office or house, and try to find like-minded individuals that may be interested in what you're doing. Take flyers, brochures, and business cards to pass out to the public. Make sure when coming in contact with people, that you make a short, positive introduction about you, and your business, or product. Try to get a phone number, or an E-mail address so you can be able to contact them at a later date. 

9) Apply Stickers: Be creative with your stickers that will get the message out that you want to share. I've heard of another MLM'er that plastered a sticker that said "We (heart) referrals" on everything that left her office, and her MLM business took off.

10) Utilize Voice-Mail Messages: When you create your voice message make sure somewhere within your message to entice the caller to visit your website, blog post, or something about an upcoming promotion or event.

=> These are just a few things off the top of my head. I know you can expand on these. You might give some of these a try, and let me know what worked best for you!

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"Fall seven times and stand up eight." -- Japanese Proverb